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NENGUN Performance - Need to Contact.

GZ R33

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I was a bit sceptical when ordering my first time through nengun. Ordered just under $3000 worth of stuff (HKS GT-RS turbo). i got it about 3-4 days late because customs held it up which cost me a measly $60 more, and during that whole time Brent replied to my e-mails etc... With the line of work he is in i would assume he is busy and has hundreds of messages sent to him per week. Patience is essential when dealing with overseas transactions, if you dont like it pay the extra 30% or whatever it is at stores.

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What are you talking about? You never mention that to me. Not one e mail mentioning your complaint. If I think who it is You just sent it back because you said it was faulty. I would never change part for something else. Never!

Weird man! People will say or do anything for their 15 minute Flip

I was replying to someone elses post - I haven't sent anything back cos I never ordered /received anything sorry!

What Flip?


To everyone else I hear what you're saying... "you pay less you get bad service" .. that's cool - I was commenting on others going ape as I have never had bad or good experience a with nengun cos I've never ordered from him however I will be watching these threads closely to see if I will in future.

Regardless of price however people should still return their emails in a reasonable time.

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Now no offence to anybody in this thread about how long it takes to return e-mails BUT

I work in sales, e-mails come at the rate of one every 5 minutes. Sometimes those e-mails take a hour of my time to deal with. Be it quoting machines, checking lead times and a whole host of warranty and back up stuff. Therefore there are 11 other e-mails in that hour that have to be dealt with after the first e-mail is sorted out. Get a busy day and you are snowed under for a week.

Brent is one guy in Japan, presumably dealing with maybe $20k to 100K per week in orders. This is most likely quite difficult logistically to deal with.

You come to a workshop in Australia, you buy a part which has to be imported from Japan, the workshop is probably going to order from Nengun. More work.

So anybody saying that a few days to get back to an e-mail is out-of-line is absolutley kidding themselves. Give a guy a break for godsake.

End Rant.


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had the same problem with them. We wanted to order over $10 000 in parts for our current project and no reply. So we are looking elsewhere.

hi sorry i just heard you were looking for parts

mabye i could help you, we import parts from japan an if u have no problem with waiting for shipping then we could help you out

thanks greg

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Don't get me wrong b-junky - we're all human here. It's easier to be polite and reasonable so giving everyone a fair go is a pretty good attitude so I hear what you're saying and I agree.

I'm trying to be objective and looking at it from the outside, as I'm not associated with nengun, nor am I a customer, all i'm going off is reading this thread.

There might be a helluva lotta emails going in and the work load exceeds the output - which seems to be the case. Fair enough we're all human. By the same token however the customer might not think it's reasonable to wait for a month for an email back, for others they might say it's part n parcel - who knows.

The result, I think, is that someone buying there might think "wait a minute where's my response.. i've been fleeced/my stuff aint coming/this guys shonky" or "where's my response i'm taking my business elsewhere". I'm not saying that's right or wrong but I'm sure you can see how it occurs. Delivery is lower than expectation.

People who order from places like this should be aware of the turn-around time. The people who run these sorts of operations need to be aware of the consequences of what happens when the customers are anxious.

I think it'd be fairly simple to setup a auto reply saying it takes up to X amount of time to reply please be patient till then. << I think that would alleviate some of the buyers anxiety.

Ultimately - if the workload exceeds the output the company needs to raise their output (ie. put someone on to answer emails), reduce their workload (ie knock back work) or continue as is and minimise the consequences (damage minimisation).

Either way a few things remain true-

- e-thugs is a great and funny term - whoever used that term I think it's great.

- people who work doing the best they can need to have more slack given to them

- if you run a business there are fallouts from bad service

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Quote: annodised purple dipstick showed up a day late,AND in a shade close to Aubergine...

Now thats the real question, where can I get one of them?????? I'm wetting myself, I've gotta be the first kid on my block..............

Brent's been good, parts have arrived quickly, and they are the correct parts at a great price [pat's him on the back with praise].

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After going over some of the threads,it seems I'm not alone in the service vs. price thing.It's great to hear from people like Bass Junky,someonestolecc,Blitz,MLCrisis,Knore and lwells.It's easier for me to front to work every day knowing that some people have the right attitude!None of this thread was directed in mean spirits at GZ R33;did you finally get Nengun's number,A.?I hope it's all resolved.Me?I'm just working out what I need to order next!

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Now Now people.

I think its about time I make an apperance.

As for Threateing Brent, I never did that. However, saying that people in my country get killed for shafting people, is very true. Its just a fact. I never ever threatened the guy.

My simple issue is this -> My parts were sent to the wrong address, Never was I told, Instead I had to make all the follow ups. In my line of work, when you promise someone that they'll get something in 10days time, and it stuffs up, you let them know.

Ask brent, I was extremeley nice to him via email, even told him I dont mind if it takes ages, but just let me know. Im not upset cuase I think he shafted me, for gods sake its only $250, who really cares?

But when he's sitting there telling me that Its been sent to my house, and maybe i just wasnt home is garbage.

If most people are like me, then they dont like being lied to, and I told brent this, I advised that i just want to know whats going on.

And what? You're gonna start whinging cuase you get 100 emails a day, tough titties, you opened up that line of work, so learn how to deal with it!!! Dont start whineing cuase you got too many customres.

Oh and another thing, Ive heard so much more negative feedback on Brent than good feedback. I could have went to greenline.jp, however Brent's a sponser, and I thought I'd help out a sponsor...but I know now.

As for my cousin In Japan, hehe, Im not gonna ask him to waste his time getting me a BOV when he deals with much larger things and has alot more to worry about.

Now all this stuff about having taliban Links...heeh lol. Makes me laugh, cause I never ever implied that..hehe...all becuase I have an 'arab' name, you wankers (you know who are) instantly think that when I tell you that 'you dont know who you're screwing over' you instantly think "OMG he's gonna blow us up". Get a life you tossers....Its wankers like you who generalise the whole arab community and take it out on any one whos from the middle east.

We're in australia for f*cks sake, and If my name wasnt so "arab" then instantly, it would have just been a simple statment and not some arab getting angry...

Any way, Im over it, Cant be bothered dealing with Brent any more, I've written off my $250, cut it as a loss, I'll just purchase the BOV frome someone else. But the way he's running his business. I dont expect that he'll be too popular.

FOr all the people who have bought off him before and its gone well, Im happy for you, but in this instance, it hasnt worked out. Im entitled to my opinon, and Im entitled not to spend my money with him.

The post on NS.com was not a bitch session, I was asking about this guys credibility and if anyone else out there had the same issues. It seems alot of people have, (ie.This post)

which im entitled to do.

And another thing, with the net, You really dont know who you are dealing with and what type of people they are, so great caution always needs to be taken, I'd never screw someone over that I didnt know who he was and where he was from, Its just not worth it these days with all the crap goin on.

Any ways, I've said what I have to say. To this date I still havnt recived my stuff from brent. And I cant be bothred wasting my time sendig him emails back and forth...and now that he's reported me to ASIO??: hehe what a laugh.

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What  are you people on about? No one has ever mentioned that to me. Not one e mail with your complaint.  If I think who it is You just sent it back because you said it was faulty and I am using the warranty to get you another one.  I would never change part for something else. Never!  

Nismo do there own testing on the fuel pumps that is why they smell of fuel when you recieve them. Hence people think they are used.  

Weird man! People will say or do anything for their 15 minute Flip

There is more to this story, but this matter is being delt with Brent PRIVATELY!. We are not PERSONALLY accussing anyone of anything just yet.

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Now Now people.  

Now all this stuff about having taliban Links...heeh lol. Makes me laugh, cause I never ever implied that..hehe...all becuase I have an 'arab' name, you wankers (you know who are) instantly think that when I tell you that 'you dont know who you're screwing over' you instantly think "OMG he's gonna blow us up". Get a life you tossers....Its wankers like you who generalise the whole arab community and take it out on any one whos from the middle east.  

We're in australia for f*cks sake, and If my name wasnt so "arab" then instantly, it would have just been a simple statment and not some arab getting angry...

That's all good mate, you've got to have a laugh every now and then. 1 thing though. the only person who mentioned taliban links was your 'friend' instant. No one else (except for you and your mate) ever mentioned anything about you being an arab or anything about your nationality. I don't remember anyone saying "OMG he's going to blow us up" the general feeling was that you were a bit of a joker, no one actually took you seriously at all... No one said anything about "it's just an arab getting angry" you're the one bringing up nationality. I think you may be a bit paranoid champ.


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As for Threateing Brent, I never did that. However, saying that people in my country get killed for shafting people, is very true. Its just a fact. I never ever threatened the guy.

The problem with posts and emails is that often what is written is not read by others as the intended message. What you wrote didn't read like a threat, it read like posturing - and pretty silly at that. Maybe that is not what you intended, but that is why it got the response it did.

If most people are like me, then they dont like being lied to, and I told brent this, I advised that i just want to know whats going on.  

And what? You're gonna start whinging cuase you get 100 emails a day, tough titties, you opened up that line of work, so learn how to deal with it!!! Dont start whineing cuase you got too many customres.

In all of this, Brent has not whinged once about hundreds of emails a day. That was something others have suggested in his defence. But you have a good point - it is his business, so he should deal with it. However, nothing is ever black and white, particularly business. The nature of the business should be taken into account and is by most people, it would appear. Some of the complainers appear to have no comprehension of what is involved in getting hold of their purple anodised dipstick, shipping it to Oz and getting it delivered into their trembling hands. Hence the argument.

you wankers (you know who are) instantly think that when I tell you that 'you dont know who you're screwing over' you instantly think "OMG he's gonna blow us up". Get a life you tossers....
And another thing, with the net, You really dont know who you are dealing with and what type of people they are, so great caution always needs to be taken, I'd never screw someone over that I didnt know who he was and where he was from, Its just not worth it these days with all the crap goin on.  

"You don't know who you are dealing with" reminds me of the tale of the check-in clerk at Sydney airport. It was a Monday morning and there was a massive queue waiting to check in. This bloke marched to the front of the queue and demanded that he be allowed to check in before everyone else, as his plane was due to leave in 30 minutes and he had to get through. She politely declined and asked him to take his place in the queue. He persisted, loudly trying to make her quail. She again politely declined saying that everyone else was in the same position. At this, he lost it, drew himself up, puffed out his chest and said, imperiously "Do you know who I am?".

At this, the check-in clerk climbed up onto the conveyor next to her desk and shouted across the check-in hall "Attention everybody, attention". Silence fell and hundreds of people looked at her. She then pointed at the bloke and said "I wonder if anybody can help this man. He doesn't know who he is. If anyone can help him, please see him when he takes his place in the queue. Thankyou." She then got down, smiled at him and dealt with the next person. The offending bloke quietly slunk off to the back of the queue!

Just thought I would share that with you! :)

The post on NS.com was not a bitch session, I was asking about this guys credibility and if anyone else out there had the same issues. It seems alot of people have, (ie.This post)

which im entitled to do.

Yes, you're entitled to, just as others are entitled to defend someone from whom they have had excellent service and see this as an unreasonable and ill-considered attack, written whilst hiding behind the anonymity of the internet. No doubt you have a genuine grievance. I am sure that, if you go about it in the right way, you will get what is owed you. Act like a prick and don't be surprised if it takes a little longer!

Cheers. :)

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There is more to this story, but this matter is being delt with Brent PRIVATELY!. We are not PERSONALLY accussing anyone of anything just yet.

Yes there is a lot more to this story. If anyone has doughts about my honesty please e mail at [email protected] and I have proof what really happend with that pump.

There is no way I would send a Used part and pass it off as New.

As one reputable performance dealer mentioned it would win a Darwin Award what this crew has done.

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