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No Of Skylines Imported Into Australia?

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For some reason, I've always wondered how many Skylines have been privately imported into Australia, but never really had a clue. Given that one of my workmates actually asked me this question this morning during one of our 'water cooler' meetings, I thought I'd try and find out...

Would anyone have a ballpark figure (possibly by model)???

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For some reason, I've always wondered how many Skylines have been privately imported into Australia, but never really had a clue. Given that one of my workmates actually asked me this question this morning during one of our 'water cooler' meetings, I thought I'd try and find out...

Would anyone have a ballpark figure (possibly by model)???

Just count the number of shops allowed to comply each model on the DOTARS website then multiply by 100 per year.

Last count I think every Skyline ever built had been exported to australia.

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yes i have the information you need...

there are exactly 256,439 cars excluding half cuts or 341,692 including half cuts based on data i made up on 15/5/06

sleep better now?

holey shit thats f**king heaps.

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dont australia have the most skylines in the world apart from japan,

I hope so! That way no yanks can get their greasy french frie mittens on them! Not that they can anyway.

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there are exactly 256,439 cars excluding half cuts or 341,692 including half cuts based on data i made up on 15/5/06

Talk about precision! Thanks! :dry:

Just wanted to ask, is that number for Skylines only? Or private imports in general?

Either way, that's a huge number of cars...I was thinking perhaps 20,000 Skylines, but it seems like I was way off :(

sleep better now?

Yes, much better now :angry:

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yes i have the information you need...

there are exactly 256,439 cars excluding half cuts or 341,692 including half cuts based on data i made up on 15/5/06

sleep better now?

Did everyone else miss that bit? Hahaha :D

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um... only one person realised that i made this up because the question has an answer that can never be given?

Thanks for the insight... :P

There was never any mention of getting an exact figure - just interested in a ballpark estimate.

Call it curiosity :D

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whats wrong with r33's


look at how many rex's you see

we love our ast cars but we dont want to pay out a mortgage owning one

ozy dream bla bla, hot misses, house and fast car

2 down, 1 to go, f**king houses cost a mint.

p.s. honey LUV YOUR FILO AZZZ !!

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