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Some Shifty Fu**ers Around ..e Bay Full Of Them

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Why do they always choose $10k?

I agree. I would have thought if he had half a brain he'd make the price cheap yet plausible. Maybe $45k or something like that. You wouldn't see a roadworthy R32 GTR for $10k. Does this guy know how to convert currency or what?

I wonder if I could sell him an Australian bull as part payment.

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Isnt there some legal way that you can make this guy give you the GTR for $10,000? Providing that you have payed and everything??

I guess you would have to find him first though, which could be a problem.


Edited by weetbix
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ummm, the guy doesnt even have a gtr dude

Lol yes i know that, but isnt there some way of screwing him over and making him legally get you a R34 GTR for $10,000 if you have paid him for one.

As i said above, you would have to find him first.....


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I like how he mentions that he wants to make the transaction through ebay so the buyer is protected, then he give you Western Union bank details which ebay states "Pay safely online by never using instant cash transfer services such as Western Union or MoneyGram International to pay for your eBay purchases".

Knew a guy who was scammed out of $6K for a Supra. Expensive lesson to learn!

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I know this is a scam, but hypothetically speaking, what if this guy has no idea, and he needs to get rid of the car quick for reasons unknown. What a bargain. We can keep dreaming I guess.

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Watch out for scammers now emailing you telling you that your online banking account has been suspended due to suspected illegal activity. They then tell you to login to your account on a fake web page, where they can get all your information.

I got emails banks I dont even have accounts for.

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Watch out for scammers now emailing you telling you that your online banking account has been suspended due to suspected illegal activity. They then tell you to login to your account on a fake web page, where they can get all your information.

I got emails banks I dont even have accounts for.

These also come from people suggesting your ebay account, or paypal account or any other trading payment account is suspended.

I have now taken the attitude, if I don't know the sender I delete it immediately.

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your a PI?

Yeah! why do you ask?

Haven't traded as such since Nov '04 when I closed the business down and sold off the client base.

I had no choice in the end as the types of surveilance we were doing under the guise of security might not have been quite legal, but was for a PI.

Is very lucrative if you get the right work.

Cheers, D

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Maybe he will leave pics and stuff like the internets good friend Amir Tofangsazan. Then the buyer can start another website dedicated to a low life scammer.....

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