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Mechanic Thrashing My Car

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It's called a test drive. You have a diff problem and he is trying to feel for it himself. This is expecially important if a visual inspection has found no issue.

I think it is good practise and I would go there again.

:D cheers :D


thats my laugh for today Gary... its was danielson yesterday, you today.

Hopefully i get another tomorrow for a hatter ;)

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I'll be waiting at the workshop when I take the car in on Friday for a full tune. My last mechanic swapped a few parts on me, he thought I would never notice till I gave him an earful. Ever since then I've find it hard to trust anyone with my car.

If it was me I'd call him up on it. See what he has to say.. most likely its what SK is saying.

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my car sideways and having the shit strapped out of it

I cant believe ppl here on this SAU forum would condone such activities....

hell, how many threads encompassing "illegal street racing" have been flamed and closed here on SAU?

IMO thrashing the bejeesus outa a skyline resulting in having the car driving sideways reprents dangerous driving, driving with undue car, misuse of motorvehicle, etc etc etc. Doesnt matter whether its a mechanic or the owner of the car -if its driven like that on a PUBLIC motorway then I dont see how anyone could suggest that its OK.


meh, enough said. Its THIS ^^ sort of activity that gives skyline owners a bad name. I mean, if your mate saw it and told you about it, how many other ppl saw it and had that image of a skyline sideways imprinted forever in their mind? :D

edit: maybe Im outa place saying that here.... but.... still..... no-one can argue that the potentially faulty car has been tested in a safe environment, as it hasnt.

Edited by Tangles
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For those with a power FC, PaulR33 states in the PFC faq, one way around this sortof behaviour (where applicable - panel beater for example) is to set the rev limiter down where it renders the vehicle unable to be taken for a thrashing.

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thats my laugh for today Gary... its was danielson yesterday, you today.

Hopefully i get another tomorrow for a hatter ;)

Post up something tomorrow and I will try for you :(:D:D

:D cheers :D

PS; there are 2 sides to every story, all the previous posts were one sided. Someone had to put forward an alternative view point.

Edited by Sydneykid
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Some of the best times I've had in my car is with somebody else driving it, as I know they'll be losing their license and not me ... therefore, "go for it, just don't kill me". Obviously though I'd rather be in the passenger seat when it's happening, so I know what *is* happening.

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hmmm..... all i have to say is, take my car in for some work to the front end, I.e steering rack and come home to feel like the power going down isnt quite right.... get under the ass end the next day.... low and behold my active lsd now has different front cover... hmmmm.... il post a pick up and you can tell me what you think eh..... trust worthy mech shop or a shop about to be burned to the ground...

meh il post some picks of hte internals to after i pull it off this weekend

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there are 2 sides to every story, all the previous posts were one sided. Someone had to put forward an alternative view point.


please dont read my threads as a 'personal flamming' ! Im not that sort of person....... just mentioning my random thoughts thats all gary.


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For those with a power FC, PaulR33 states in the PFC faq, one way around this sortof behaviour (where applicable - panel beater for example) is to set the rev limiter down where it renders the vehicle unable to be taken for a thrashing.

I did this years ago now when my new mechanic (now my current mechanic) fitted a new clutch to the 33. I set it to 4500rpm as I was super paranoid.

We still laugh about it now even though he now knows my car inside out and how to change the limit back.

Now he just gives me ridiculous bottle pressure to sort me out >_<


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If my car needs work I usually book the day off from my day job out of my holidays, so that I can take the car to the workshop and hang around until it's done and read a few magazines while they're working or something. If you're there, they'll usually let you jump in the passenger seat so that you are happy with the way they have driven the car. A little peace of mind >_<

To date, I have found that the vehicle inspectors at the pits / licensing centres are the worst for thrashing cars!!

Sorry to hear about it though, it's never nice when you feel like someone has been disrespecting your property.

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which workshop did this to your car cefiro? is it some no-name place with people you'd expect to thrash you car, or a well known and respected place with people you'd expect to 'test' your car thoroughly?

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Trust is something a mechanic must earn, it doesnt matter if it is a small shop or well known business, small shops are more likely to look after your car better as the bad publicity will hurt them more, as for the bigger more popular shops they probably wouldnt care if you didnt bring it back. Ive got customers that have had their cars worked on at those so called well known and respected workshops and you wouldnt believe the horror stories. Dealerships are the worst for car thrashing though. Lots of apprentices. At the end of the day your mechanic has a responsibility to check his work in a sensible manner. this doesnt mean he has the right to test drive the car after replacing a headlight globe. Ask around, other people can refer you to a workshop they have used and usually you will be O.K. On the other side of the coin there are some customers that mechanics dont want to deal with. Try not to stereotype all mechanics as being car thrashers, because its not true. you can usually get an idea of a shop straight away, look if the shop is clean, do they use seat covers and floor mats etc. Usually a good sign of how proffesional they are.

As for the poor bloke who started this thread, I hope you get it sorted out and try to understand we are not all like that.

which workshop did this to your car cefiro? is it some no-name place with people you'd expect to thrash you car, or a well known and respected place with people you'd expect to 'test' your car thoroughly?
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this is the sort of customer i was talking about. of course the mechanic f**ked it. its not at all possible that the 14 year old gasket failed by itself.

I had a similar problem just recently, put my car in 4 a service and asked them to check out a miss problem, picked my car up and the miss was gone but i had a blown manifold gasket!!! Cant trust any1!!
Edited by BezerkR32
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Took my car in for a turbo change and fuel pump. Went for a strap with my mechanic driving. We were on public roads, but inside a court on the mechanics street. My mechanic was giving a flogging to the car drifting it etc and I loved it!

Basically he had to give it to the car to test out the new items, so in my case I don't mind. I've got a very very trustworthy mechanic, so i'm quite happy for him to do whatever he wants with my car.

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rofl these threads are great.

i once found my car had a swapped turbo....

I posted the whole story a few years ago. lol

a whole lot more to the story but yeh, that was great fun.

at a well known sydney workshop! rofl.

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Im all for pushing the car hard to test, dont see how drifting it is necessary, but if your O.K. with it. Just makes you wonder if your mechanic sees this as common practice with other peoples cars.

Took my car in for a turbo change and fuel pump. Went for a strap with my mechanic driving. We were on public roads, but inside a court on the mechanics street. My mechanic was giving a flogging to the car drifting it etc and I loved it!

Basically he had to give it to the car to test out the new items, so in my case I don't mind. I've got a very very trustworthy mechanic, so i'm quite happy for him to do whatever he wants with my car.

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I don't usely have to leave my car with a workshop as my dad and i do all the work on my car. If i did take it to a workshop i'd wait there while they did the job. If they let you watch them ya might even learn something. I'd go with them for a test drive so if they do flog it, i'll know about it and then his boss'll no about it.

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