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Another Skyline Fatality

Ronin 09

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Too right ni,

Another thing is the amount of times im driving down a road and see a good 500m up the road a parked car in the left hand lane, and i merge across to avoid slowing down traffic later on.

The amount of times i see a bank up of cars stopped with their indicators on to go around the same parked car as they are a good meter away from it is beyond me.. They then go and do something stupid and pull out into flowing traffic as they were to stupid to look ahead and pull out in advance...

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RIP to Nadia :(

The anti-speed campaigns, the licensing system, lack of advanced driver training and just general mentalities on the road are shocking. Your average joe doesn't care about how his car reacts in different weather conditions, how to react to under/oversteer, he/she just wants to get from A to B.

The problem is, it's easiest to catch people speeding and "oddly" enough, that's what they're doing. Poor driving skills/habits unfortunately, aren't so easy...

Tailgaters, people merging lanes without indicating, cutting off large trucks within short distances, locking up brakes (which could be under the hoon laws I suppose for loss of traction?), not paying attention on the road, old age... the list goes on, but I hardly see any of these people being punished appropriately because in some cases, it's "legal". The best I've seen is an anti-tailgating ad on the freeway to Frankston. That's it. [sarcasm] Go Victoria! [/sarcasm]

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i think with every p plate license issued there should be a compulsory defensive driving course to be done. My mum and dad have put my brother through it and he has learnt alot about handling a car when it gets out of shape. Also braking in wet weather and getting the car straight from sideways. I will also be undertaking this course.

Too many hot headed drivers who think their bulletproof. Im sure the driver will feel good when he just killed a 17 year old girl..

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It's not the high powered car, it's the bulletproof dickhead behind the wheel trying to impress everyone.


about time someone said it

my favorite quote, "dont ban high performance cars, ban low performance drivers"

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...has it been confirmed that the driver was being silly? Either way, driving a car fast on the street is Russion Roulette

I think its a parents job to make sure their child can drive and doesn't have a dangerous car not the governments

SO true.

Also, rather then ban young drivers from fast cars (not a real solution bit its the current law) i think there should be a hierarchical approach.

The vehicle MUST be registered in your name. A big fine and licence suspension if its not your car. Just like if a truck driver said, "here are the keys to my rig...go get some milk". You wouldnt take the keys. So if someone offers you the keys to their sports car ...you say no. It needs that level of respect.

So how do we get that respect. Well again the car must be registed in your name. To get the car registered you need your normal compulsory insurance, plus you need comprehensive insurance. A very expensive thing.

Now the insurance is never going to be cheap, but to get the insurance you need to have carried out a driving course. The more you have done that year, the cheaper your insurance is. So it encourages ppl to actually improve their driving and awareness.

And here is the final thing that will be required to get the car registered. You will need to show that the car has no more then 10% finance on the car.

Sounds tuff and hard? The easy ways around the finance is to borrow the mney off parents. Bingo, already the desired effect, parents are involved in what their children are buying and doing.

Secondly, the expense of the whole thing. If you have the cash flow to do all this then your obvioulsy workign, and my experience is the work force and workign with older wiser ppl soon changes your take on things...so if you have the money you have hopefully fast forwarded the maturity thing...and its your hard earned cash, i know i would be less likely to risk destroying it.

Anyway, its an old age problem, our parents were in the same boats, but on worse roads in cars less safe with worse tyres etc.

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hey guys

can i just say as a young driver, who has owned powerful cars, im 23 by the way. i dont think it can all be solved by abbning certian cars. yeah a skyline will do 160+ easy. but so will a 1.5 lancer(from experience). most roads in qld, u cant get ur car above like 100 before u gotta slow for a corner. anyway thats not my point.

i hate when i come on here and here all these people baggin out other people because they made a mistake in their car or ran an orange light or sped or something like that. every single one of us has ran an orange at one stage in our lives, and eveyone makes mistakes, even the most experienced of us all. sh*t happends.

we have all done something stupid in our car, and we have all been in a situation that is out of our control. i have had 2 accidents in my time driving and both times i was totally not to blame. but when i told people on the forum about it. all they could do was bag me out. really pisses me off.

we all fu*k up so get over urselves hippocrites.

Edited by Jaker34
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yeah im new here

sorry shoulda mentioned that

just tryin to make a point.

been a member of boost crusing for a few years now

happeneds there alot

anyway just wanted to have my say

sux when people die tho shoulda said that to

Edited by Jaker34
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sorry :P

i thought when you said 'you posted up on the forum' you meant you had been posting on sau for a while, my mistake :D

yeah im new here

sorry shoulda mentioned that

just tryin to make a point.

been a member of boost crusing for a few years now

happeneds there alot

anyway just wanted to have my say

sux when people die tho shoulda said that to

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A Skyline will reach a higher speed coming out of a corner before the next one comes up when compared to a Lancer. With that in mind, you're less likely to get into trouble with a monster 50kw atw :D

Plus I don't think anybody is bagging anybody... except the road laws and licensing system which don't really help prevent these sorts of unfortunate accidents :P

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we all fu*k up so get over urselves hippocrites.

I think you will find if you re-read all 4 pages there is very little bagging going on. The thread is about the deceased so people have respect. Most of what has been written is either experiences or suggested solutions.

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RIP to the innocent passenger, and condolences to her family.

I am a young driver myself and having owned a few sh*theaps with LSD's i can safely say for the first 2 years i was driving i do not understand how i am still here other than God smiling down on me and preventing my stupidity turning into a fatality or two. That being said, I beleive that as VICRoads did in the 70's "Dead Right" Campaign if any of u know it, they have the power to instill some common sense into people, but are far too concerned atm with the statistical number of deaths on the road.

Look at the "Powernap Campaign" they spend sh*tloads on the marketingt on TV and Trailer Ads on the freeways. If they spent a considerable sum on defencive driving and tought drivers how to react to traffic conditions "example what wqas said regarding reading traffic ahead by 30-50m not 5m" and how to steer the car out of under/oversteer.

Its sad to say but "drifting" in wet conditions has tought myself and many friends how to drive. Now if a car looses the tail end i wont freek out and cause what could easily be fixed by slight correctional countersteer turn into a huge accident. People generally dont know how to drive a car let alone how to react to these types of situations.

Hope they start to teach drivers how to actually "Drive a Car" in stages rather than letting us cut loose on the roads with minimal driving experience.

My Peice said and done.

RIP again to that girl and condolences to her family.

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It's gone on for years, restrict this, restrict that - but at the end of the day nothing is changing, nor will ever change too much more than has already been done from the massive changes in the 80's and early 90's.

While its not a good thing to have young people die in car accidents, there are many multiples of what die on the roads from either suicide, or drug related deaths. Literally thousands a year, and it's no less tragic, and can have just as much far reaching impact, if not more so when you count the carry-on victims of crime, etc to support drug habbits. The priority and media focus is still on the wrong things at the end of the day.

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its not the car guys honestly.. its just the dickhead driving. Im a p-plater and i own an r34 and nothing has happened to me (touch wood) but thats because i drive sensibly in public.

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its not the car guys honestly.. its just the dickhead driving. Im a p-plater and i own an r34 and nothing has happened to me (touch wood) but thats because i drive sensibly in public.

Thats my point ........you want to live ....drive that way on the roads

How will you ever forgive yourself if you run over a young girl on the footpath

because you wanted to see if the wheels spun in 2nd gear or something stupid like that?

Keep the f**ken speeding on the track ......

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I've been driving for 5 years (since i was 12) and i have had 3 accidents! all were in reverse and all 3 were out of my control. High powered restrictions are bull $h!t!!!! When i was younger and stupider my mate got from geelong to ballarat in 25 minutes in a 1987 corrola! My other mate managed to do a 540 in his camry and almost raped us around a tree! It doenst matter what kind of car it is... they all have enough power to kill yourself! The best thing to do when driving is not just concentrate on what your doing but concentrate on all the d!ck heads on the road doing stupid things and be prepared for what there going to do next! Also driver training and attitude need to be concentrated on the most IMHO!!!!


Edited by pat_Gtst
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i agree

driver training was the best thing i ever did

got me outta some nasty stuff.

this one time i was comin down this str8 road, traffic was kidda heavy but this guy in front was talkin on his phone and didnt see the car in front brakin. now in heavy traffic i was followin about a car length or so back. bu he hammered the anchors and hit the guy in front. now just on instinct i sweved outta the way, no damage to me or anyother cars around me. it was pritty much exactly the set up they had in the courses i did. so they do help, coulda been pritty messy.

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