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Cleaning Female Vomit - How To?


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Hey Guys

So it finally happened to me, Up there with the highway patrol and other worst things to happen...

Was giving a couple of girls from work a lift home after a work function with plenty of drinking... Driving down George street i turn around in my new R34 GTT to see one of the girls PROJECTILE VOMITING on herself, my front seat, side of the back closed window,the floor and ofcourse all over the back seat. This wasnt your adverage lil drunk chick if you know what i mean. This was literally 3 -4 liters of the chattest most disgusting foul substance seen to man.

So i pulled over on George street trying to keep my carm, still sort of in shock and trying not to add to the 3 - 4 liters of biohazard already in my car. Trying not to click it i told the girl to get out of the car and try not to spill her lap full of vomit all over the car. I walked off to the shop as she was getting out, I threw her a few old gym towels from the boot and told her to clean it up. As i walked back i lit my cigerette and notice that the girl had gotton back in my car covered head to f*kkin toe in filthy vomit and my car was still covered in it. I told her to get out and as she was getting out again she let another one RIPP all down the side off the door. At this point i was just sitting on the parked car in front watching the world go by laughing at my misfortune. We where stopped out the front of STARBUCKs and one of the lady customers was laughing with her friends and said "Oh now thats a real classy woman there" All i could do was laugh in disgust.

After 20 mins of wishing she was a he so i could vent my frustration she was back in the car after the lamest excuse for a cleaning attempt... Flat footed back to their house slowed down to 20km/h rolled the bitch out...jokes..Literally head out the window trying not to gagg i dropped them off had a cigi then went on a mission to find a carwash open at 1130pm.

Found one (Near waterloo Maccas) D1-ed it up to the guy. Normally $25 a wash told him there has been an "accident" in the back seat and i will give him $40 to clean it (His eyes lit up). He opened the door and THEN there was one of those slowmo movie scenes i looked at him he looked at me then looked at the car again and then he said NO. Finally after buying him a drink and giving him $50 he agreed to do me the favour and sort out this hazardous back seat.

After 35 mins 8 cigarettes and a powerade i could start to smell green apples, They used a whole bottle of spray on my car and a high pressure hose. They did well and i drove home with the windows down praying to god that smell would never come back.

Now i need your advice - this morning the smell is back....

Do you think i should ask her for the money ?

I was thinking after a steam clean i would be down $100 and offer to go half in the total $50 each

Or is it a dickhead thing to do to ask her??

Cheers Fellas ur input is appreciated

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Seriously though.

LOL good story - I'm glad it's your car. If she doesn't offer to clean herself or pay for cleaning then she's a bitch and deserves to be chased for your money.

If she offers and is really sincere and nice about it and has learnt her lesson you can probably waive it.

Either way I'd be stripping the car to turn it into a racer and repainting the interior and getting new seats because that's the only way you'll ever get ALL the smell out.

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Reading this story has really made my day!!! bhahahhaha

nah nah just joking.. Sorry to hear man!!

Thats why you never carry drunk people back home as the bumps on the roads will also contribute to it.

THis also happend to one of my friends in his 33.. (hes on here to hahah).. He sent a bill to the guy for the cleaning bill..

So how well do you know that chick??

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oh dear god this is revolting

poor bloke.

ps. I would seriously ask her for a contribution

pps... a LARGE contribution.

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AGREED! Make her pay! Her vomit, her money.

And take those seats out and either replace them, or clean them and just leave them to 'air' for MONTHS!

I am so glad this has never happened to me...i prob want to replace the seats but damn pricy for being a nice guy.

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Bwhahahahha.. sorry.. its bad but so funny!

That will teach you not to take drunk people in youre car!

Or just keep plastic bags in the car!

Id make her pay for it.. but be nice about it..

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Absolutely no idea but baking soda absorbs smells, and shit if ur that desperate maybe as a last resort after all cleaning has been done use some sort of scented oil to over power the smell. haha. i dont know. go get half a kilo of prawns and leave them bagged outside in the sun for a week, then throw them thru her car.

Edited by Xizor
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Soo you are volunteering to drive people home from drunk places ey..


can you please confirm your whereabouts at the time of this incident?

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Yeah, im not one to cry over spilt milk but this is different - no she is DEFINATLY NOT my type, but could be yours if you like a larger lady :yucky:

Get this... After i dropped her home she went straight to bed and pretended to be out of it, Then on the way out she yelled at me to turn the light off - Even IF she was hot she would be pushing her luck there :laugh:


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Soo you are volunteering to drive people home from drunk places ey..


Yes make em pay, I would make myself pay if I did that to my car :P:yucky:

So you should pay for a new pair of shoes for Liz? or to steam clean her foot?



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first thing. get the seats out to remove any little hidden chunks. the reasemble and take it to a steam cleaning place, or hire a steam cleaner for the day. as to whether or not you should ask her for the $$ that's up to you. if it was me i probably wouldn't ask, but on the other hand if i was in her position (vomitted on someones car) I would offer to pay.

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