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The Toyo Tyres Skylines Australia Show'n'shine - 2007

Abo Bob

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wait and see cupcake. lol

weather can change fast. :D

Hi all :) - the sun might come out before sunday but with all the rain we've had over the past week & with whats falling today Auburn Park is going to be muddy paddock on sunday no matter what !!!! - with 100+ cars driving on it after all this rain its going to be a muddy mess !!!! (& the council will freak out!!) - i vote for a postponement NOW !! & give the park a chance to recover & the ground to "firm" up !! - theres NO WAY the ground is going to be solid enough to take 1 vehicles weight without totally f_____g it up !! let alone dozens & dozens - i vote for putting it off & having a FANTASTIC day rather than leaving it for this sunday & having a F---ED one !!!! - m - :(

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We will be taking everything into consideration.

At this stage we are looking at 1 July if it has to be postponed.

The condition of the ground where we will be is much better than the attached playing fields. We may be right. What we don't want is for 50 people to say they can't make another day and thus all the effort gets wasted.

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yea, u got my vote for the postponement! shud make it on the 24th. just an idea...

Bathurst Cruise is on then. Too many participants from here to call it on that day, there'd be now show n shine left.

I vote postpone 'til first weekend of July.

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We really need to think this through. It has been very wet and the rain looks like continuing for days.

The last thing that we want is:

- The park all cut up by the Lines - this would not make good press, They are always looking for something bad to print about Skylines

- With this much water and mud the cars will look like crap anyway

- 100 bogged Lines that we have to get some 4WD's to pull out is not a good look

Postponing the Show and Shine to a later date when the park will be dry is my preferred option - the trick is to pick the right weekend

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We will be taking everything into consideration.

At this stage we are looking at 1 July if it has to be postponed.

The condition of the ground where we will be is much better than the attached playing fields. We may be right. What we don't want is for 50 people to say they can't make another day and thus all the effort gets wasted.

No matter when the Show & Shine is held as long as the conditions are good (ie:no rain & dry under foot) ill be there 100% - :) - m :(

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Will be decided Friday. Will let everyone know. Will maybe also SMS everyone.

Hang tight guys.. Adam will let you all know final decision as soon as he can.

All this rain isn't good for us! BUT good for the drought I guess damm it! :thumbsup:

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All this rain isn't good for us! BUT good for the drought I guess damm it! :thumbsup:

there wouldn't be a drought if the government could catch all this free water, that way God wont have to take such a giant piss to get Australian nice and green again :D again John Howard ruins the day :)

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Jess just told me a couple of hours ago there is a non skyline division for the show and shine. If its postponed i'll definatly enter my red thing, it does have an SAU sticker of course haha

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fark....i hope it doesn't get postponed to the 1st.... i already canned our paintball day that was scheduled for this weekend, and re booked for the 30th....damn

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I am 2 km's from the park and it is bucketing down as it has been for the past few hours. I do not like the chances of the ground drying up let alone firming up by Sunday.

Anyone have an SCG 'supersoaker'??

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Jess just told me a couple of hours ago there is a non skyline division for the show and shine. If its postponed i'll definatly enter my red thing, it does have an SAU sticker of course haha

SAU sticker FTW!

In other news. Yes we are postponing to 1 July. I haven't confirmed the date with Parramatta City Council yet but hope to before lunch.

Please tell everyone, post it everywhere. I would rather people got told 10 times than not at all.

I personally think it will be ok but the chance is still there and lots of people may assume it will be crap so 1 July it is.

Please keep the faith by setting aside 1 July and helping us make the biggest Skyline gathering ever.

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