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An Apology To Alan (with No Meat In It)


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A while ago, in some no doubt very important conversation, I told Saff that all Veyrons were two tone in colour.

He fought long and hard to claim otherwise - even producing a small, inconclusive photo of an all-black one (which I claimed was black and a really really dark blue - or something)

Well. Today I apologise.

It seems that yes, indeed, someone is foolish enough to spec one in a single colour. And not just any single colour, a single primary colour.



Dear Alan.

I was wrong - there is a one-colour Veyron.

And it looks shithouse.







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but yeah agree - that is a shocking colour for a car like that

A while ago, in some no doubt very important conversation, I told Saff that all Veyrons were two tone in colour.

He fought long and hard to claim otherwise - even producing a small, inconclusive photo of an all-black one (which I claimed was black and a really really dark blue - or something)

Well. Today I apologise.

It seems that yes, indeed, someone is foolish enough to spec one in a single colour. And not just any single colour, a single primary colour.



Dear Alan.

I was wrong - there is a one-colour Veyron.

And it looks shithouse.







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1. Emsta - sorry if there is a misunderstanding, this was not meant as a dig at Saff at all. He said he saw a flat colour one, I didn't believe him - turns out I was wrong (so horribly, horribly wrong...)

2. Nick - it's as good as I can find... :)


3. Shaun - ta da!


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have to back adz up on that one... always thought the 2tone looked god awful... well as god awful as an ugly arsed car can be.

all black actually makes it look better.

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its worth how many million? and you didnt think they would let you have it any god damn colour you want? alot of them are two tone and even those solid ones could be red over red or black over black on paper, so technically they may be two tone? even though they are both the same tone lol

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1. Emsta - sorry if there is a misunderstanding, this was not meant as a dig at Saff at all. He said he saw a flat colour one, I didn't believe him - turns out I was wrong (so horribly, horribly wrong...)

hehe yeah i know...i was just playin :(

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