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Gym And Supplement Discussion


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I'm more of a resistance/bodyweight man myself

all the freeweights are usually hogged by all the meatheads at my gym anyway as I only have time to go after work when everyone else packs into the gym

as said before each style has it's own benefits

I'm going for the lean look rather than bulk

I'm in no way kidding myself that I will ever look like him, but my inspiration is the type of body that bruce lee had

i do that after winter, when its beach season... i use body weight routines + speed to cut body fat after winter bulking.

bruce lee was a machine... high reps, light weights, but had the power to match.. ive read that he would read a book in one hand, curl a dumbell in the other, while doing the splits on two chairs... what a super kind o' guy!

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Most important advice from me is: experiment and find out what works for you. There are hundreds upon thousands of exercises you can do and most of us don't have the time to concentrate on every part of the body. So pick some well rounded exercises that work all major parts of the body and don't neglect parts like the legs or you will end up looking silly. You can shorten the experimental stage by finding someone with a body type that you would like to have and just adopt their exercise routine - but don't expect to end up looking 100% like them.

You don't need to experiment.

Stick to the basic exercises, no need for 'hundred upon thousands' of them when the strongest and biggest men in the world stick to a basic few compound movements with a bit of isolation work.

Further, copying someones routine so you end up looking like them is very silly, genetics play a huge role and you need to train according to how YOUR body responds, not how you have seen someone elses respond (unless they are your brother hehe, then it would be a fair assumption to operate under). That said, if you copy a good routine based on the core compound movements, it will work for 99% of people, you'll get bigger/stronger but probably won't end up looking much like the guy next to you on the same routine.....

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i do that after winter, when its beach season... i use body weight routines + speed to cut body fat after winter bulking.

bruce lee was a machine... high reps, light weights, but had the power to match.. ive read that he would read a book in one hand, curl a dumbell in the other, while doing the splits on two chairs... what a super kind o' guy!

yeah that's kind of what I've been doing the past 8 months, gradual changes but I seem to bulk up pretty easily,

just working on getting rid of the rest of my excess bodyfat with cardio, toning and keeping my muscles lean rather than bulking up

next step is to work on my diet to get rid of my excess once and for all

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anyone on superpump250?

its pre-workout powder that tastes absolutely horrible (except orange flavour) but gets you pumped and motivated before you work out. you even find you push just that extra more out aswell, your muscles dont get tired as easy.

you have about 2 scoops with water and around 20 minutes later your blazing!

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High rep, low weight, fast twitch (sprint style) exercise is what I'm on right now.

Seems to work really well for speed and power.

I also do a bit of cycling/running which is the cardio workout.

I used to use Creatine, but it used to give me heart palpitations. Now I use no main stream supplements, but use Japanese green tea during the day (to get that caffiene/anti-oxidants and keep me awake during work!), over 1000mg Vit C and the balanced amount of Vit D (cod liver oil). I'm also on trace elements which are added to my water intake, and stop cramping after exercise. I take a iodine/selenium suppliment aswell, as we in Australia lack these in our diet.

I mainly train with body weight exercise like climbing stairs on hands and feet (up and down), boxing and associated martial arts drills, chin ups, plyometric drills from the AIS, and find that a high protein diet is the best way of lean muscle. Plus you snack less... :P

Before some extremely "strenuous" exercise, I carbo load and use creatine 3 days and increase my water intake to 3 litres a day.

Bit of a biatch if you have to make weight though :(

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Creatine is excellent however definetly not nessesary. You want to remove fat then some caffiene and l-carnitine is very effective, orovo works considerably well but not for everyone, as everyone has different bodies, different energy needs etc. But the basic elements of a fit body is simply avioding carbs after 12-1 or 2pm MAX, smashing wieghts HARD everyday (obviously seperating muscle groups) removing all the glycogen in your muscles, so when its time to heal and your off doing cardio... the only source of energy your body has to use is fat... and dont forget to limit your cardio sessions to 20-30 min MAX and dont just run at a cosntant speed... this is ineffective as the body learns, adapts and gaints resistance... the trick is to start of walking... 2 min... jog for 1 min... run for 40 sec and sprint your f**king ass off for 20 seconds HARD, rince and repeat= interval cardio FTW.

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anyone on superpump250?

its pre-workout powder that tastes absolutely horrible (except orange flavour) but gets you pumped and motivated before you work out. you even find you push just that extra more out aswell, your muscles dont get tired as easy.

you have about 2 scoops with water and around 20 minutes later your blazing!

I have used this before it is the worst tasting thing in the world, does give serious pumps though.

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I have used this before it is the worst tasting thing in the world, does give serious pumps though.

yeah you definately gotta get the right flavour, i'm onto my third tub and this is definately the best flavour (orange). as a matter of fact im about to have a glass now, pump250 + chest/shoulders= sore as buggery tomorrow

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no explode made my arse explode.

lulz that's what usually happens upon the first week until your body begins to fully absorb it. I still have the runs every now and then for some reason. Best is to take it at least 45 mins before you head to the gym

Black Powder :banana:

I was recommended to use this by a few other people at the gym, might give it a go

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No Explode certainly does give you a energy boost, increase in strength, recovery, some sense of help in pushing that extra bit during pumps. I certainly can feel the difference because my heart rate goes up and if taken at late night, won't be able to sleep for many hours... Consequently you can shove that dogmatically didactic advice where the sun doesnt shine :banana:

Edited by Barbarian
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Do you know why your heart is pumping fast? It's just full of sugar. It does not give you an increase in strength and recovery, it's all placebo effect. I bet if i gave you panadol and told you it was a pill you would act off your head too.

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Do you know why your heart is pumping fast? It's just full of sugar. It does not give you an increase in strength and recovery, it's all placebo effect. I bet if i gave you panadol and told you it was a pill you would act off your head too.

I have to admit that I have used these " Pre workout " Supplements and believed that they gave me some kind of boost. However when they ran out and i had to go without for a while I was lifting exactly the same weight and rep range whether I had the supplements or not. So overall I am not impressed, Definately not worth the money payed for them

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