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Who Will Be At The Autosalon?


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Can't wait till the autosalon! - one of the not so many events held here

in Melbourne.... sucks

Just wondering if anyone here is showing their cars?

Haven't heard too much about it.

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Yeah SAU isnt gonna be there Sandra (thread about it in the Members section)

1. Wasnt enough interest

2. Cabin (Autosalon organisers) have become worse and worse each year with stand requirement etc...

Doesnt support the clubs that helped it grow initially IMO, but you get that :P

I might go for a look if im bored that weekend. See how i go

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LoL Aaron its Team Ignite, not ignition hehee :P

2. Cabin (Autosalon organisers) have become worse and worse each year with stand requirement etc...

Really? Iv been doin the shows for 4 years straight now, and havnt found to find a single issue with them, i actually find them extremely supportive and helpful, especially Alisa, the main organiser who also deals with entries and stuff.

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Really? Iv been doin the shows for 4 years straight now, and havnt found to find a single issue with them, i actually find them extremely supportive and helpful, especially Alisa, the main organiser who also deals with entries and stuff.

Well this is only my 3rd and final show and I agree with DNGRUS that Alisa's been terrific. I'll be making sure my display is the best one i've done yet as i wont be doing it again, so hopefully it'll come up alright but i'm running out of time and haven't started making any of it yet :P

some comments are right though, its been gradually shrinking each year but with only one show this year hopefully it'll be better? If you come in say g'day i'll be with the 'topstage' gang

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I guess I'll rock up one of the days and see if Honza will give me my token freebee. If he gives it to me I'll go in otherwise I'll sneak round the back and get in anyway :)

Hey Sandra, which day are you going? Wouldn't mind catching up again after so long.

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LoL Aaron its Team Ignite, not ignition hehee :)

Really? Iv been doin the shows for 4 years straight now, and havnt found to find a single issue with them, i actually find them extremely supportive and helpful, especially Alisa, the main organiser who also deals with entries and stuff.

I could give a long list of 'issues' over the years.

And being some years we've brought along 50 odd cars (when SAU combined with FangArtists back in the day)

Some of it all was a bit, well, silly i think. But each year without fail there has been something.

But enough on that.

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LoL Aaron its Team Ignite, not ignition hehee :)

Really? Iv been doin the shows for 4 years straight now, and havnt found to find a single issue with them, i actually find them extremely supportive and helpful, especially Alisa, the main organiser who also deals with entries and stuff.

HAHA LoL I didnt even notice I did that.. I was writing an email about Ignition DVD at the same time LoLz.

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