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Road Rage..


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okok my turn!

i was coming back from wakie one evening... and got all the snow traffic on the M5 so it was pretty damn busy. I put my indicator on to move into the right lane and then turned it off as there was a ute in my blind spot..... anyhow, he went to pass me and swerved at my car to try and scare me (it worked lol).

So this ute overtook me in the right lane, and when he passed I pulled out behind him... (maybe he thought i was too close) but we were doing about 120 and he slammed on his brakes so hard and brought us down to 80km/h... a few seconds later he did it again almost stopping us dead in the middle of the freeway in peak hour traffic.....

i shat myself!

ps. my boss just walked past me and goes "oh my god, what happened? you are fired up!" lol

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okok my turn!

i was coming back from wakie one evening... and got all the snow traffic on the M5 so it was pretty damn busy. I put my indicator on to move into the right lane and then turned it off as there was a ute in my blind spot..... anyhow, he went to pass me and swerved at my car to try and scare me (it worked lol).

So this ute overtook me in the right lane, and when he passed I pulled out behind him... (maybe he thought i was too close) but we were doing about 120 and he slammed on his brakes so hard and brought us down to 80km/h... a few seconds later he did it again almost stopping us dead in the middle of the freeway in peak hour traffic.....

i shat myself!

ps. my boss just walked past me and goes "oh my god, what happened? you are fired up!" lol

Bwahaha your boss knows you now!

It wasn't me I swear!

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I received a 2nd call from the constable telling me she got in contact with the driver.. who was apparently a bit agro..

She said that I had cut her off.. WTF? she was about to hit me in my lane and I was speeding and she saw me the day before and I was doing the same thing and how she is going to report me to the RTA haha

It sounds as though she has just been given a verbal warning.

So it looks like she's a bit of a stalker..

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My story?

Ummm the year was 1981 with a young bub in the back seat of our Alfetta GTV. We're travelling westbound on Elizabeth Dr. Kemps Ck

I overtook an XY Falcon with stripes - dunno what kind of V8 it was - didn't even look to tell you the truth.

Falcon driver took offence and doing over 120Km/hr overtook me and then jammed on the stoppers.

He waited 20m metres away as I had stopped too.

I had never seen the film "Duel" before but I swear...

Anyway, after about 15 sec, I turned around and turned left 100m up the road as I remembered a shortcut to Mamre Rd St Marys > M4

I never lost sleep - as I'd projected that he was the d%$khead & not me.

So I wouldn't lose sleep over her Corinne - even if you dream of flowers lol

Hey Terry, it wasn't a white Falcon GT with black stripes was it?

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this is exactly the reason why ive got a breaker bar between my chair and the centre console. if someone has the nuts to walk up to my window raging, then they've got the nuts to cop a breaker bar to the face.

Lets be clear on this when giving the statement to the rozzers;

1. The breaker bar is there for doing up wheel nuts if you get a flat and is NOT a weapon.

2. You were "in fear of your life" and just defending yourself - ie not protecting the car.


When i get road raged at, I just think to myself that the person in question is an even bigger f-wit than myself, and for that merely deserves pity.

However, next time it happens i'm going to pull out the phone camera and start snapping to see if that alters the situation.

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if you use that breaker bar on someones face "Lol" ! you will cop it from the law !!!

I know its real unfair but unfortunately thats how it works here.... If it was Bosnia i tell ya... it would be a completely different story

my handy friend of choice is a 1987 original club lock that is solid steal, not tube steal like the new ones.... has a clob shape at the end like a baseball bat, aslong as you have the keys with you when its in the car, no one can do shit about it....

also i'd rather club someone else in the head and receive punishment from the law, instead of receiveing a blow to mine and him getting away with it because i'm knocked out cold and no witnesses.....

what comes first? your life or the law, for me its my life, F the law in some circumstances, aslong as your prepared to cop the punishment afterwards.

And yeah when i was over in greece, masso, serbia ect... they'd all drive like wanks, get angry at each other, and then couldn't be bothered taking it further, they just drive away swareing lol. I loved it

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I recently had one fckwit demonstrate how stupid he ways. I generally don't mind a bit of road rage as long as it's not endangering me or other road users. this f**ker was on the M5. I was in the overtaking lane in the 110 zone overtaking cars doing about 100 or so. this wasn't fast enough for this tool behind me who was driving a ute with a trailer behind it full of roadworks lighting equipment. he decided to tailgate me for a while, then he passed me aggressively on the left as soon as there was a gap but sadly for him he couldn't get in front of me on the right. he pulls back in behind me, I decide to just pull into the left lane (as there is now room) to let him go. as he gets alongside me he swerves into my lane and tries to ram me into the concrete wall. luckily I managed to avoid both him and the concrete wall but only just. I was so mad that some f**kwit would put my life in danger over absolutely nothing and wrote down his rego but honestly could not be arsed reporting it. I know full well nothing will happen, it will just cost me time and aggravation. There have been other incidents too where perhaps I was not 100% in the right but I wont go into those ones here.... :rolleyes:

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also i'd rather club someone else in the head and receive punishment from the law, instead of receiveing a blow to mine and him getting away with it because i'm knocked out cold and no witnesses.....

what comes first? your life or the law, for me its my life, F the law in some circumstances, aslong as your prepared to cop the punishment afterwards.

You ARE allowed to defend your personal safety using reasonable force, so there's no need for the F the law - instead, understand it and use it. See post above, but if it actually happened it would be prudent to say nothing to the police until you have a lawyer present.

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Ahh the fun of road rage.. Im a nice person till you wrong me then I become Aggroman as my username suggests lol

My story goes: driving brother back from dropping his car off to be serviced in the city.. got to the m4 driving down the middle lane in my 34 just past woodville road turnoff headed towards penrith. Needed to get around traffic so i check my mirrors and merge into the right lane, green p plater (fully hecktic wog with big white sunnies aka my genereation) in a EG civic comes flyin up and nearly hits me. I was in the lane for at least 10 seconds watching him. so I say to my brother "F#*k you buddy" and slow down to 100..

He then tries to whip around the left of me. So naturally i drop it to 3rd and block him. He then winds down his window and starts carrying on callin me a fu*#in dickhead etc.. My response "Are you gay?" "WTF YOU SAY TO ME" "You have to be gay, If you were any closer id have to report you for sexual assault".. I think its hilarious and feel better so I let him pass and merge left again. He wasnt quite happy with that. He starts chasing me shouting how im dead and starts getting on the phone.. I think to myself can u be any bigger of a stereotype.

I finally have enough of his crap and just say piss off before u get hurt. He then spits on my car.. I snap, "your F'ing dead now".. he starts swerving at me and tries to ditch me at the last second and taking the off ramp.. I was waiting for something like that and followed..

I think then he realised he was in trouble, I tell me brother to drive my car and get out with my Factory wheel brace thing that I keep under my seat and walk up.. he is on the phone to his cousins (one would assume) saying OMG he is cummin bro.. I just smash him in the face once and break his glasses. I see blood and say, Spit again you POS and ill kill you. I was contemplating draggin him out and brickin his accelerator just to really screw him over with a blown engine. But I'm not that big of a deviant.

Rule of the story, If your a low enough person to spit u dont deserve any kind of human decency in my eyes..

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Hey Terry, it wasn't a white Falcon GT with black stripes was it?

Methinks it was! Hey Anthony it wasn't you was it? Where do you live? Can I bring over my ancient gattling gun and show you how it works? lol

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Ive got scissors and clippers in mine....wait..what??


I have a LOLvo, so I can carry just about as many "defensive tools" as I want!

But f*ck it, I believe in Karma, so whoever does this kind of thing to me will get it back eventually, and probably worse (hopefully) if I'm not even at fault for their road rage in the first place!

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wow, sum crazy stories, ive got 1 2 add...

id been at curly 4 a swin, when i was leaving i was goin real slow over the speed bump, this car cums up behind me so i move over to let him pass, the car then stops along side me and the guy just starts starts abusing me! trying to get me outa the car so "we can have apunch on " im there in shock goin wtf ? wat did i do ? i tell him to piss off and cruise down the road. the guy comes flyin up behind me overtakes and starts hittin the brakes, hands out the window yellin abuse, im like f*k, this guys off his head, im otta here so i pace off up the road, i pull into a servo a few ks upp and the guys followed me in ! he jumps out his car and comes runing up to me, i thought the guy was gona kill me/stab me with a needle or something, so i crak him first, he drops to the ground and the dumb f*k splits his head open! hes lyin there in a pool of blood. not moving. i thought he ws dead. i put him recovery position, and check he didnt swallow his tongue and held a cloth on his head. ambulance called. im arrested and held at the cop shop 4 7 hours. mad.

because he was put in hospital im facing assault charges... i ask the cops wat was i supposed to di ? i feared 4 my life, they said i shoulda drive to the cop shop straight away and report it . wtf ? i didnt even no he was following me..

ne way the guys ok (lucky) cops wont tell me exactly but i get the feeling his blood tests revealed he was on something..

but yea, road rage at even the smallest thing can eventuate out to a massive massive thing.. avoid it !

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thanks for doing all of us a favour, Shaun!


yeah, I'm sure I've had to put up with more shit than a whole bunch of forum members

no-ones been stupid enough to get out of their car and abuse me for their stupidity though... yet

I've got a nice big aluminium maglite ready for whenever someone feels in the mood for some attitude correction...

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