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The Wasteland 2011 Edition


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There's been additions to various things - like superannuation, recognition of same-sex couples living together recognised as 'de-facto' and a few other things.

However, these do not provide the same rights as a real 'marriage'.

Basically as things stand now - homosexual couples have the same rights as an unmarried heterosexual couple when living together. This covers things like taxation, social security and health, aged care and employment.

Heterosexual or homosexual defacto couples do not have the same rights as a heterosexual married couple.


So what's left that's different between the aforementioned couples?.............haven't some adoption laws been changed as well (o/s adoption obviously cause no one can adopt a child from this country the way our laws are, LOL)

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i have gay friends, don't believe for a second the stereotypical views society has on them.

people watch movies like 'bruno' and it only feeds homophobia, that is not how they act at all.

infact they are some of the better people i know as far as honesty, courtesy and values go.

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LOL Bruno feeding homophobia.... If more gay people were like him the world would be a f**king hilarious place haha

yeah but clearly by that response you arent homophobic anyway, my stepdad would cut his arm off with a fork before he sat through that whole movie.

parts of that movie are pretty confronting, you have to admit.

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yeah but clearly by that response you arent homophobic anyway, my stepdad would cut his arm off with a fork before he sat through that whole movie.

parts of that movie are pretty confronting, you have to admit.

Two dudes making out in front of me would freak me the f**k out....

I guess I distinguish well with things done for shock value, which let's face it is 90% of that movies appeal

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Sheesh, what is this .... hate on Nightcrawler day? :( ........................ :P :P :P

No-one appreciates anything different on cars these days .... maybe I should have been like all the other boring sheep and painted my body kit ..... boooooooooooring.

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on the religion thing again.. those that believe in creation and the earth is 5000 years old and all that crap and disprove prehistoric life... have you heard of carbon dating?! its not shit made up by scientist with nothing better to do....

I used to work with this full on religous guy.

We work on oil rigs drilling through prehistoric zones and have to look at them and determine age and what periodic time they're from to know what formation we are in till we get to our target zone.

I asked him, seeing as he believed that the earth was actually only 5000 years old, how he was able to write down something that he didn't believe in and describe these million year old sediments.

His answer was, "god put them there to test our faith."


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