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My lifters mainly use my Progressive Poundage Program (PPP) that I sell online for $20

Nick on here has just purchased it and is making good progress. I have it up on the walls in the gym

Its been around for about 3 years now. There are actually a few others on here who got it years ago

CS Student, Gareth, used it with great success. At only 84kg or so he squatted 210kg, benched 130kg and deadlifted 230kg from memory

Just had a quick look on PTC site and didn't see it.

How do I pay? Paypal is easier (for me) if not, happy to bank transfer.


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Yeah but its my job, plenty of guys on here have brilliant memories in regards to their jobs

I dont write anything down in here like PT's do, I simply remember everyones lifts

Max is even better than me

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Shit, I hope I didnt break forum rules, I forgot where I was

For "advertising"? I wouldn't necessarily think this counts, not like you're selling a product or service as a business per se.

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This is going to be interesting!

I cant start the bench yet as I'm still recovering from the bicep tendonitis but I can get into the squat and deadlift program... actually might wait and do all three together so I can judge the progress equally.

So just to confirm, what I'm planning on doing is doing the 3 lifts weekly and throw a 4th day in there somewhere when I can either do general exercises and cardio or possibly alternating between each lift so each lifts gets a turn on getting done twice a week.

On the 3 lift days, I will do the program as per my PB for the individual lift starting with week 1 (is it 60 seconds between sets?) Then I plan on doing 3 other 'assistance' exercises from the list (or some others).

Does that sound OK?

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I'm finding that I can bench three times a week, squat twice a week and deadlift once a week... although I've just dialled back the bench to twice a week as I'm getting some rotator cuff pain

I only train 3 x week as I also play basketball

don't aim too high on the starting numbers either... you might be fine week 1 but by 6 or 7 your going to be in trouble

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Read the pre-text mate.

It is suggested that you do a movement per day.


Squat monday

Bench Wednesday

Dead friday

follow each lisetd sets/reps with soem assistance stuff (eg front squat after squats)

You can do all 3 lifts on each training day - not many people do.

Some_CS_Student from these forums did it that way and did well.

Most people do it 1 per day

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I did read the pre-text and that is how I understood it ie 1 lift per day. Monday - Chest, Wednesday - Squat, Friday - Deadlift. In addition to that I am planning on doing 3 additional assistance exercises that compliment that lift. So 4 exercises in total for that lift.

So how long in between each set of the PPP for the major lifts?

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sorry. when you said "on the 3 lift days" I thought you meant the days you do "the 3 lifts" if you get me.. anyway..

Time between sets is as long as it takes for you to recover enough to complete the next set.

it's not cardio


Not sure about you but I like to keep squats and deads as far apart as possible.

so I'd suggest squats monday, bench wednesday and deads friday.

but up to you.

Edited by TTT
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Yep, I got ya - all good!

OK so time is flexible. I'll try between 60-120 seconds per set and see how I go. I'm planning on keeping a log on this one. Noted re the squats and deads but I'll most likely mix it up.


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