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Sledging In The Stagea Forum


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The thing I like about the Stagea forum is the welcoming attitude of everyone involved, it's a bit like hanging out with a group of mates in my garage or at a barbie.

There's some good natured shit talking, and sometimes some pretty harsh shit talking, but again; like hanging out in the garage; the combatants are known to one another.

If I was talking shit in my garage, and my mates were hanging some shit on me, I'd grin and cop it. I'd then proceed to hang some shit on them.

If some guy I'd never met walked in off the street and started hanging shit on me; just because everyone else was, I'd tell him to get f**ked.

That's how I treat everyone on this forum.
If I know the person, and I know they'll cop it; I'll hang some shit; fully expecting to get some back, because that's the way I act with my mates.
If I don't know them, I don't hang shit; then cut up rough when they tell me to f**k off.

I'm old so I don't really know how young people act on the internerd, but I reckon I'm pretty close to the mark.

I also know this is why the Stagea group is so successful, and has spawned so many friendships, and has amassed so much information.

I'm interested to know what other people think.

Cheers, Dale.

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as a newcomber to the stagea side of things i totally agree with what you say. i hope i meet allot of like minded people and i fully expect to get shot down if acting like a tool.

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With only posted words its hard to judge how someone will take 'sledging'. If anything is posted in a online forumn it shall be expected that you are not always going to like what you read as ones opinion differs to another. If offence is taken the telling someone to "f@ck off" is not going to deal with the issue. Then it shows that person's inability to deal with threads or immaturity to comprehend what is being said. To say it frank "people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones"

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Agreed Dale. The stagea section is very friendly compared to other parts of the forum.

I like to use two rules. Would you be okay seeing what you have written on the front page of the paper? If no, best not post it. The second one is, are you unsure a joke will be taken the right way? Yes, dont post it.

But what do we know Dale, we drive volvos and are old.

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+1 Dale...

This is the only forum I bother posting anything on because it's the only one that seems to get (mostly) intelligent responses.

That's also the reason that I organise the occasional Stagea meet, and have made some good friends in the process...

Hopefully this tradition continues with the ever decreasing entry price, and therefore ever increasing number of owners/members: It would be sad to see it turn into some of the other "popular" forums...

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Did some war break out here or something? I would have to say that the type of vehicle sets the demographic. A few years back I still used to peruse a few international forums, one where the types of vehicles could be purchased by 15-16 year old Americans, and the influence that had on the atmosphere of the forum was noticeable.

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^^ pretty much.

I know this thread is aimed at what happened in the stagline thread but mark was soon informed of what was going on and is all sorted.

And I know daleo was basically giving me the big "f**k off" as he described in the op of this thread, but.. I was expecting it so i don't really mind. Dale knows I love him, mark does too.

In saying that, if you don't like what someone says, don't even acknowledge the post. Not one person here (other than mods) can control what someone else is going to say. And the only (mature) way to deal with it is to ignore it.

If you choose to retaliate, expect it to escalate and rather quickly, although I had a stageA, and had a fairly decent input to this forum, I still enjoy irritating people, and by retaliating you are just feeding it.

I used to organize all the Vic meets and to say the least the men an women that attend are some of the best people I've met, few of them I consider family. I'm happy to say I was apart of this community.

But c'mon, if you call me a fkn pinhead. You've swallowed the hook!

TL;DR - make love not war.

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