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Australian Driving Culture


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This topic will carry on from a thread I posted elsewhere. My question is, why is the driving culture so bad? I live in Perth and driving here is a nightmare. People do not understand that the right lane is for overtaking, not for you to sit there and get in the way of people who are overtaking. When there is a speed camera ahead, people do not seem to understand that if you do the speed limit, it will not catch you, yet they insist on dropping to at least 20km/h below the limit for some alien reason. Also, the moment it starts to drizzle with a bit of rain; that's it. Brake lights everywhere you look. And God forbid there's a merging lane ahead, it becomes a car park. And this is not necessarily when it's rush hour, Perth drivers are so timid and lack the least bit of knowledge regarding road rules and common sense.

When you compare to other countries in Europe and Asia, you see how terrible drivers here are. I am not talking about driving in the city, but mainly on main roads and freeways.

The traffic police who should be regulating traffic and enforcing these simple rules which will make the traffic flow much better, do not do anything but collect revenue.

Is it the same elsewhere in Australia? What are your thoughts people?

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My thoughts...

You should tuck your skirt in and sprinkle some concrete on your cornflakes....

Ohhhhh cmon now, why you have to hurt my feelings like that? ahahahahaha

You obviously dont live in perth and probably never been out of Australia

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We only teach one thing in this country. Speed kills, nothing else does. Any posted speed sign you must be at least 20 over or 20 under

Ok to have the biggest f**king shitbox known to man, anyone who cares for their car must be singled out and called a hoon

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Egypt is insane! A 3 lane road with 4 or 5 lanes of traffic moving around on it, no indicators and horns blowing all over the place. The middle lanes could go either or both directions at once depending who has the biggest balls

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Perth is particularly bad, especially when it rains. I grew up in the north of nz where it can rain for weeks on end, so I found it hard to understand everyone's difficulty but that's just Perth for you I guess. Also there is fark all decent roads to challenge people and bugger all hills which also don't help matters

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What i hate most is trucks who hog up all the lanes so nobody can overtake them, why can't trucks just stick to one lane and not just stay in that one lane when they damn know too well that cars behind them can't pass them cause they go too slow.

Sydney trucks drivers get on my nerves especially at peak hours.

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We've got it reasonably good here. Try Indian traffic.

According to a recent SMH article: "Indian roads are famously chaotic and among the most dangerous in the world. Around 140,000 people were killed in road accidents in 2012, which works out to 16 an hour.."

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We've got it reasonably good here. Try Indian traffic.

According to a recent SMH article: "Indian roads are famously chaotic and among the most dangerous in the world. Around 140,000 people were killed in road accidents in 2012, which works out to 16 an hour.."

Thats insane. But at the end of the day, we are supposed to be living in a "developed" country so we shouldn't be using places like India & the Philippines as a basis for comparison. We should be comparing to Germany for instance and other European countries; and once we do, it will become apparent how undeveloped and 3rd world the driving is in Australia. It's sad really

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