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So.. I'm Getting A R34 Gtr, Need Few Help Pls.

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And Edifier, intimidation seems to be an important part of the scam.

Your new 7 point plan sounds long and painful. You've already seen he's happy to produce fake documents.

Make sure the car is from an auction and comes with matching auction papers.

What happens if at any point you say you're not happy with the car? Same again?

People have already mentioned the channels thru which to get your money back.

Dodgy dealers like this thrive on the fact it's a difficult process.

Oh well doesn't look like you're going to be talked out of it.

Lesson learnt yeah? $500-1000 deposit is plenty.

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Is this car meant to be a non vspec?. No rear diffuser and the interior looks like it is straight out of a Vspec II.

So many signs point to this car being pieced together.

I nearly got sucked in by Phil at one point but im glad i stood my ground and went to JOC to prove that he is a piece of shit and we should all be doing what we can to prevent this criminal activity

Take your money and run. Do not negotiate with this scum.

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And Edifier, intimidation seems to be an important part of the scam.

Your new 7 point plan sounds long and painful. You've already seen he's happy to produce fake documents.

Make sure the car is from an auction and comes with matching auction papers.

What happens if at any point you say you're not happy with the car? Same again?

People have already mentioned the channels thru which to get your money back.

Dodgy dealers like this thrive on the fact it's a difficult process.

Oh well doesn't look like you're going to be talked out of it.

Lesson learnt yeah? $500-1000 deposit is plenty.

That is why I said from point 5... I will get my money back...

And it's not a plan.. it's just me telling the story...

I will talk to him tomorrow to get my money back.

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Is this car meant to be a non vspec?. No rear diffuser and the interior looks like it is straight out of a Vspec II.

So many signs point to this car being pieced together.

I nearly got sucked in by Phil at one point but im glad i stood my ground and went to JOC to prove that he is a piece of shit and we should all be doing what we can to prevent this criminal activity

Take your money and run. Do not negotiate with this scum.

This is a non Vspec.

The auction sheet provided by JOC shows this is a grade 4 car.

So besides the mileage there is nothing wrong with the car.

Just not what I wanted.

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Edifier, no offence, but if you do go talk to EL, do you have someone who is more proficient in the English language you can take with you?

You may find it difficult to argue with a professional liar ** sorry, car salesman** if you are not well versed in the art of manipulation. He will walk all over you if you are unable to articulate your argument.

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What that guy said ^^^^^

and dont deal with him again. He will still try and rape you.

Keep it plain and simple if you are the only one there and you have no one to help you word your conversation.

Say, I would like my deposit back.

He says why? You say, because you forged documents to try and sell me this car.

He says so? You say I have enough documentation to go to fair trading, and a current affair (for shits and giggles)

He will want to avoid unwanted attention.

Even if it does take a year to get your deposit back. Which i hope is not a lot. You will have a better car from Iron chef and when you do get your deposit back in a year, think about the car mod bits you can buy haha

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Edifier, no offence, but if you do go talk to EL, do you have someone who is more proficient in the English language you can take with you?

You may find it difficult to argue with a professional liar ** sorry, car salesman** if you are not well versed in the art of manipulation. He will walk all over you if you are unable to articulate your argument.

TBH.. no...

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What that guy said ^^^^^

and dont deal with him again. He will still try and rape you.

Keep it plain and simple if you are the only one there and you have no one to help you word your conversation.

Say, I would like my deposit back.

He says why? You say, because you forged documents to try and sell me this car.

He says so? You say I have enough documentation to go to fair trading, and a current affair (for shits and giggles)

He will want to avoid unwanted attention.

Even if it does take a year to get your deposit back. Which i hope is not a lot. You will have a better car from Iron chef and when you do get your deposit back in a year, think about the car mod bits you can buy haha

Thank you for your reply,

That's is simply what I am going to do and say.

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Edifier, I wish you all the best sorting this out

I think it would be very reasonable to get a refund, el will not want any negative attention.

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Your new 7 point plan sounds long and painful.

I thought it was not bad to be honest. Look at it this way, even if he does go ahead with his plan, given the SAU spotlight this will be one of the most heavily scrutinised imports ever. Screwing a customer because you think you can get away with it is one thing, screwing him in the clear of day, in front of the public spotlight... I doubt Phil would be that stupid.

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Unfortunately I am in Melbourne - otherwise I would offer to come along..........anyone in Sydney prepared to help a fellow forum member and help sink the boot into EL??


The Baron

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Mate you basically need to play the victim (which you are) tell him "after being burned on this deal, you no longer have any confidence in him and his ethics and feel its best to walk away" and ask for your deposit back.

Don't get abusive or anything stupid like that, but make him realize he has lost your trust and nothing he can say will change your opinion

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Do the police have some sort of fraud unit set up (I have no idea)? Perhaps that's another avenue you can look at.

You have the original doc, his fake one, and this forum. Plenty of incriminating evidence in my opinion.

Ask for full refund, nothing less nothing more.

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You might also have some leverage if you take a friend in to film the whole discussion? Even a phone would shoot enough to be useful in the future (to backup any claims they may make to get you to stay with them for the follow up car).

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Thank you all for the reply! I am at el at the moment, he is serving other customers, and will talk to him soon. Will update when finish. Wish me good luck.

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OK, I'm back now.

There are good news and bad news.

Good news is he is going to give me the money back. The bad news is it has to be next Thursday.

My excuse was pressure from my family, my family want me to have a new car, no more importers and second hand car.

And he said it was his fault, he should be more serious about me, and he made a mistake, he is going to take the full responsibility.

The reason for next Thursday is cash flow, he just can't afford to lose that much money now.

I can't say I trust that excuse but I don't want push too hard today so I will wait until next Thursday, and if he find another excuse I may use some extreme methods that we mentioned earlier.

Hope he is honest this time.

That's it for what happened today.

Now, someone give the number of Iron chef.

Edited by Edifier
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The topic you want is here:


These are the good guys.......

....but if its Iron Chef you're after - and he currently leads the polling - the number is: 0402 904 069 (Kristian)

Its who I used and I am very happy.

Cheers and best of luck

The Baron

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