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Eating Before/after Exercise - Weight Loss And Recovery


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Why are people so afraid of hard work? Have they never done anything challenging in their life and seen the accomplishment that comes with it? If there was as much work put into the good old fashioned as finding shortcuts, bandaids, cheats and fads, they'd be there and beyond!

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I asked a dietician who works at a hospital about the 6 meals as apposed to the 3 meal standard type of diet, she said that it was better to have the 6 smaller meals.

She also said that although you are eating the same calories, if you eat the same amount of course, the body processes the foods better in smaller hits, and that you actually burn calories due to your body using the fuel to perform the task of digestion.

She referred to how babies eat about every 2-3 hours, and why kids go through the fridge and cupboards and eat everything when they get the growth spurts.

She also said that you should feed your body the correct stuff at the correct time, it seems to give a edge for top athletes so for a old guy trying to improve his strength and health I feel it would be stupid of me not to do it.

The body is only a machine after all, a bit like a engine I would imagine, I would assume that for best performance you want your fuel ratios to be optimal.

If that kind of eating only gives me 1% then I will take it with all the other 1% things I do, which quickly adds up and is better than not getting it.

On a side note, I've swapped out my weekly cleans for high hanging cleans to try and increase my explosive strength, hopefully that's another 1% in the bank.

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How does meal frequency help though?

Pretty sure it was one of the broscience theories debunked unless they are on the extreme ends of the scale

Being on the other end of this, needing to put on weight, to me this theory is about volume, I can't eat enough in a single (x3) sitting to gain weight, however if I was to eat 6 meals of 3/4 size I'd be able to eat 50% more, hence more calories.

She also said that although you are eating the same calories, if you eat the same amount of course, the body processes the foods better in smaller hits, and that you actually burn calories due to your body using the fuel to perform the task of digestion.

She referred to how babies eat about every 2-3 hours, and why kids go through the fridge and cupboards and eat everything when they get the growth spurts.

These 2 points are in contradiction, the first splitting the same amount of calories over higher frequency for weight loss versus a baby eating every 2-3 hours is about getting more calories and nutrients to be able to grow, this also increases argument for cutting dairy to lose weight. i.e. milk is for babies (just ask Schwarzenegger). But still very good points. I've always believed that eating more frequently increased metabolic rate which accounts for some 70% of calories burnt for a typical person.

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Depends on calories, age, mobility.

A younger person can have a "dirty" diet and still stay lean if they are active, whilst, in my case at least, if I ate what I ate when I was younger, say 25 years ago when I was 25 I would struggle to not be a fat pig.

Calories in, now for me must be watched as I have a few injuries and don't do as much cardio as much as I did when I was young.

For me I need to feed my body when it needs it, and to not give it stuff it doesn't need, I don't need carbs before I go to sleep, hell I normally stop eating carbs at about 4pm most days.

I focus on strength training with some assistance, basically trying to maintain really with minimal gains in strength and muscle mass, cardio mainly consist of walking with only about 5 k of running per week due to joint injuries, with some stretching and agility thrown in to keep me mobile.

I like food to much to cut dairy, I like milk on my weetbix or oats and I like a chunk of cheese for morning tea.

And didn't "Arnie" drink bulk milk in his early years before all the supps and roids.

What's wrong with some dairy anyway, everything in moderation is good, with moderation being the key.

The biggest mistake I see is people not knowing how many calories they need to lose/maintain/gain weight for their age and mobility.

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I asked a dietician who works at a hospital about the 6 meals as apposed to the 3 meal standard type of diet, she said that it was better to have the 6 smaller meals.

She also said that although you are eating the same calories, if you eat the same amount of course, the body processes the foods better in smaller hits, and that you actually burn calories due to your body using the fuel to perform the task of digestion.

She referred to how babies eat about every 2-3 hours, and why kids go through the fridge and cupboards and eat everything when they get the growth spurts.

She also said that you should feed your body the correct stuff at the correct time, it seems to give a edge for top athletes so for a old guy trying to improve his strength and health I feel it would be stupid of me not to do it.

The body is only a machine after all, a bit like a engine I would imagine, I would assume that for best performance you want your fuel ratios to be optimal.

If that kind of eating only gives me 1% then I will take it with all the other 1% things I do, which quickly adds up and is better than not getting it.

On a side note, I've swapped out my weekly cleans for high hanging cleans to try and increase my explosive strength, hopefully that's another 1% in the bank.

Personally, I wouldn't consult a regular nutritionist or dietitian when it comes to eating for performance.

So if you eat a big meal your body just gets half way through and thinks, nah, not going to digest the rest of this.....It is proportional to meal size.

If babies could stomach enough and children filled up with nutritious meals, they wouldn't be hungry all the time whilst growing. A peanut butter sandwich for lunch isn't much.

Depends on calories, age, mobility.

A younger person can have a "dirty" diet and still stay lean if they are active, whilst, in my case at least, if I ate what I ate when I was younger, say 25 years ago when I was 25 I would struggle to not be a fat pig.

Calories in, now for me must be watched as I have a few injuries and don't do as much cardio as much as I did when I was young.

For me I need to feed my body when it needs it, and to not give it stuff it doesn't need, I don't need carbs before I go to sleep, hell I normally stop eating carbs at about 4pm most days.

I focus on strength training with some assistance, basically trying to maintain really with minimal gains in strength and muscle mass, cardio mainly consist of walking with only about 5 k of running per week due to joint injuries, with some stretching and agility thrown in to keep me mobile.

I like food to much to cut dairy, I like milk on my weetbix or oats and I like a chunk of cheese for morning tea.

And didn't "Arnie" drink bulk milk in his early years before all the supps and roids.

What's wrong with some dairy anyway, everything in moderation is good, with moderation being the key.

The biggest mistake I see is people not knowing how many calories they need to lose/maintain/gain weight for their age and mobility.

Cardio doesn't play a role in fat loss alone, it only sways the Cal in vs Cal out equation and not as well as resistance training.

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Point 1: I would disagree, the girl worked for AIS, a professional nutritionist who has spent the time learning how the body works and how it uses its fuel is, in my opinion, a subject matter expert, what's the alternative? someone who has spent a few weeks to get a diploma or some one who has read some internets, buts that's me, each to their own.

Point 2: Cardio is for my fitness not weight loss, weights don't make you fit, you may look fit but that is a façade.

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Point 1: I would disagree, the girl worked for AIS, a professional nutritionist who has spent the time learning how the body works and how it uses its fuel is, in my opinion, a subject matter expert, what's the alternative? someone who has spent a few weeks to get a diploma or some one who has read some internets, buts that's me, each to their own.

Point 2: Cardio is for my fitness not weight loss, weights don't make you fit, you may look fit but that is a façade.

Before she was just a dietitian at a hospital. Working for the AIS, I assume she specializes in sports performance, which would not make her regular.

You said you have to watch your Cals in because you can't do as much cardio due to injuries, In the context you'll get fat if you don't. It's not the lack of cardio, its too many calories in for the output.

Exercise is merely a way that allows/requires you to eat more calories, depending on goals, not the other way around.

edit: lifting heavy weights works you out enough for general fitness. It's not going to help with sport specifics. Again, weights won't make you look fit, a good diet does that.

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Yes she is/was (haven't seen her for about 4 years) a regular dietician at the hospital, I was sent to see her after a fat sloth doctor did a BMI on me and told me I was obese, she told me that the BMI test is useless as it doesn't take into account muscle mass or bone density, she then did a quick skin fold test to satisfy the powers that be, good sort to .

I use to be able to eat lots of pizza and other crap food (fat and carbs) and it really didn't have a impact on my bf%, the reason why is I was younger, had a higher metabolism and also did a heap more cardio, that's what I was getting at.

The older I get the more I need to work out what I need and when I need it.

I am the classic case of "wow you look fit", but really if I try and run more than about 3 k my lungs try to come out my nose, I like to think that 4 x 80 mil press, 4 x 125 bench, 4 x 175 dead and a squat of 4 x 140 isn't to shabby for a 50 yr old bum.

I will be trying to work on my running more this year though, I want to do 3 x 5k per week to get my lungs working.

Whilst I'm not overly strong or fit I like to think I'm somewhat active and my diet plays a major role.

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That dietician's theories sound like a broth of wives takes and bro science lol

Gonna put it out there that the bigger meals would use more calories by virtue of carrying more weight around thus burning more calories when you move...now this might just be shit I made up on the spot, but even this appears to be more scientifically sound than "babies raid the pantry because they grow, so if you do the same you should be right"

I don't know how dietician isn't an obsolete profession

Maybe for people trying to find allergies etc.

But for weight loss...if you have to see one it's probably another excuse and/or procrastination

And you'd get better advice from a fat person who has actually lost the weight and kept it off

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if you haven't read 'the 4 hour body" by Tim Ferris and you're serious about making body shape/diet changes, I suggest you do. It's written so you don't even need to read the whole book, just the relevant section on what you're trying to achieve. Tried and tested for me, lot of usable info in there.

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If you blended up veges and fruits into a few smoothies each day, you could have as much as your wanted and not be hungry, plus detox your liver and insides, that would be a smart eating plan.

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if you haven't read 'the 4 hour body" by Tim Ferris and you're serious about making body shape/diet changes, I suggest you do. It's written so you don't even need to read the whole book, just the relevant section on what you're trying to achieve. Tried and tested for me, lot of usable info in there.

Or just have macro/micro/calorie targets and lift weights/cardio :thumbsup:

Pretty simple really

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If you blended up veges and fruits into a few smoothies each day, you could have as much as your wanted and not be hungry, plus detox your liver and insides, that would be a smart eating plan.

You do know what fructose is right

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For the last time:

Don't eat shit

How hard is that? Don't have to buy a book or a meal plan, or pay a dietician, cause right there is the secret and the ultimate foundation behind every single weight loss strategy.

Turns out that a body can only consume energy it has available to it. Who'd have thunk it.

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My initial statements have been more tuned to pre and post meals in setting up for a session and then recovering after.

As for eating a bigger meal burning more calories, yes it might I don't know, what I do know is that your body doesn't need large amounts of food in a single meal, it will only use what it needs and the rest it will shit out or store, hence multiple small meals will keep your metabolism working but negate a lot of the wasted food that is shat out or stored.

Yes there is 100 different ways to skin a cat, this is the way I do it and it works for me, maybe its my pH levels or some other magical thing.

I suppose as long as you move your arse, don't constantly stick crap in your head or follow some hippies carrot dieting plan or a PT who has gained their quals on the internets you should be fine.

Don't diet, roughly work out how much food you need per day split into protein carbs fats/oils and set up a healthy eating plan that you can achieve, it doesn't have to be exact, there is lots of programs you can use to work the initial quantities, then let your body tell you what needs to be fixed.

I'm not a rocket scientist but I have no issues working out basic nutrition, you only live once so your fuel is the most important thing for your long term health.

Would you put E10 or have crap AFR in your performance car? Why then do it to your body, pistons, rods and blocks can be replaced, not as easy with your body parts.

Does all this waffle help me, I believe so, I'm a old guy, I lift 5 days a week now, light cardio at least 3 days a week now, I rarely feel off at the gym, I stopped taking pre work out which has not affected anything, I have quit taking creatine and it not affected anything, well my wallet has been affected as I have more cash in it for food beer.

Is my plan right for you? Yes No Maybe

Anyway, its time for my 6th meal of the day, rock and roll.

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