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Learner driver in skyline doing 205km/h?!?!

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this chick on her L's is a complete dumb$hit...personally im on my L's and mine has just ober 200rwkw, after seeing a friend of mine wrap himself around a telegraph pole going 70 in a 50 zone in his '88 crx, the last thing i wanna do is start drivin like a dikhead in my car, i think some ppl arent aware of how much trouble power can get u into, but others mature quicker and know the consequences either fines or injury..i agree harder penalties are required for stupid shit like that, its the only way the learner will LEARN...

as for the media there all f*^king stupid and its true that they only present stuff of interest regardless of truth...


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I agree with 2BNVS, tougher penalties are a good idea but it all depends on the individual. Some people will never learn until they crash and injure themselves or someone else. I think everyone here has more sense than to do 205km/h on a public road, but obviously that girl didn't. Just be happy she didnt kill someone else with her own stupidity.

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omg r u serious?

1000 + 1 yr suspension WTF?

im on my greenz wit no driving history and got done a few months ago for doing 130 in a 70 zone. I was lucky enough that the cop wrote 45kms over and i still ended up getting a 6months suspension + $1600 fine + 6points.!!

wtF? she basically doubled the speed limit without a license and she got off then me...

and who says the law is fair for everyone..pftt...that chick should get her license stripped for life, doing something so stupid witout any experience or a license. I hope she learns her lesson during the suspension coz im learning it the hard way as well.

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omg r u serious?

1000 + 1 yr suspension WTF?

im on my greenz wit no driving history and got done a few months ago for doing 130 in a 70 zone. I was lucky enough that the cop wrote 45kms over and i still ended up getting a 6months suspension + $1600 fine + 6points.!!

wtF? she basically doubled the speed limit without a license and she got off then me...

and who says the law is fair for everyone..pftt...that chick should get her license stripped for life, doing something so stupid witout any experience or a license. I hope she learns her lesson during the suspension coz im learning it the hard way as well.

in my opinion you shouldnt be driving for the next 2 years... i wouldnt be complaining with how you got treated

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okay well its is apparent that we cannot rely on the media for any real and correct info as every channel believes it is a different car. The only thing is certain is that it was beyond stupid, penalty was ridiculosly beyond stupid and thank god no one was hurt.

i guess we can only hope that justice will be served when this girls is allowed behind a wheel again that she fails every attempt at going for her p's, and, that people are aware thta she likes to take cars off on her own so they should watch their keys when around her.


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Taken from the smh website

A Melbourne teenage learner driver, banned from driving after being clocked at more than 200 km/h, has been caught behind the wheel again.

The 18-year-old woman from suburban Laverton was driving with a 16-year-old female friend on July 2 when a police radar clocked her at 205 kph in a 100 kph zone on the Western Ring Road Road at Sunshine, in Melbourne's west.

She was fined $430 and disqualified from driving for 12 months.

But just hours after Victoria Police assistant commissioner (traffic) Bob Hastings on Monday slammed her behaviour as irresponsible, the speedster was again nabbed by police.

She was allegedly driving a vehicle in suburban Newport without L-plates and without a fully-licensed driver.

Police today confirmed the teenager would be charged on summons with two traffic offences and would have to appear before a magistrate after being intercepted by police about 11.30pm (AEST) on Monday.

Mr Hastings said the woman initially was booked under a recent police speeding blitz on the ring road.

"If you're an L-plate driver, you've got to get experience, but you get the experience in the proper way," he said.

" ... you can't justify that speed, particularly when you're an L-plater driver learning and getting experience on the road."

The news came as the teenager's sister today claimed police had ignored her earlier warnings about the teen.

"I'm really glad they have caught her doing this, but it's a little but too late," the 23-year-old woman, who did not want to be named, told Melbourne's Herald Sun newspaper.

"She should not be driving, and I just feel that if the police had contacted her earlier the situation would not have happened."

The woman said she had called police anonymously to report that her sister had been driving without a fully licensed driver since she bought herself a car in April.

"I didn't want to dob her in, but I just did it purely for the safety matter and to save the family any grief," the woman said.

A friend of the teenager, who gave his name only as Matthew, said he had tried to tell her she should not be on the road.

"She shouldn't even be on the road, I told her that," he told radio 3AW.

He said the teenager had also recently crashed another car.

"She wiped it (the car) off, right off... she got her friend to tow the car away."

He said she did not have a licensed driver with her at the time of the crash and the police were unaware of the incident.

The teenager later told 3AW producer Justin Smith she knew she had done wrong.

"She won't talk on air. She's just hoping everything will blow over," Mr Smith said.

"She said she's had a lot of family worries over this.

"She said she knows she's done the wrong thing, but she just wants to let it blow over."

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I personally think that a system similar to bike licences should be adopted... L's and P's are restricted to X capacity, no turbos, etc. Make it 2.5L so they can still get NA 33's.

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It doesnt matter what restrictions you place on young drivers, whether it be power or curfew or whatever. There will still be some of us that do stupid things and get ourselves hurt. What young drivers need is proper driver education and training. Its an attitude and overconfidence thing, and its never the cars' fault either.

I am an L plater and i drive a turbo'd car. So what? Does that automatically mean im going to go out and drive my car at unsuitable speeds? Once again, it seems everyone has lunged at the stereotypical throat of young drivers...

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Once again, it seems everyone has lunged at the stereotypical throat of young drivers...

Those stereotypes exist for a reason.

You forget that we all were once L-platers with something to prove as well, and in HINDSIGHT (something you are not yet blessed with), a power restriction for L-platers and P-platers is an excellent idea.

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