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Driving Offences - What have you been done for???


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Many speeding, 1 stop sign, 1 red light, loss of license on demerits and the driving without a license and driving an unreg vehicle. All when I was young (>10 years ago). 1 speeding ticket in last 5 years, and none in the 2.5 years I have had a Skyline. I learnt my lesson.

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I got done last year the weekend after labour weekend for an "unecessary exhibition of acceleration" as the cops were on a rampage trying to impound every car that they could. Fortunately for me I know the law better than the cops did so never had to go to court or anything as I sent them a complaint form and it seems like they have accidentally misplaced all the paperwork. Had 2 speeding fines and once for carrying passengers too.

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Only 1 fine ever, which was a negligent driving fine when I rolled my first skyline (young + stupid + dirt road + middle of nowhere)

other than than not even a speeding fine *crosses fingers*

been driving for almost 5 years

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*sigh* here we go

Numerous 1 point fines

Numerous 2 point fines

3 point fine for driving without undue care and attention (i rear ended a poor lady - she was turning in an obsecure place on a double white line tho)

recently 4 point for doing 84km/hr in a 50zone ..... bye bye licence.

Recently another 1 point fine.

Pulled over plenty of times before - where they havent had A. My speed or B. My charm mustve paid off :D

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running red light

not indicating

all juveniles in the car

not driving with a licence holder

no l plates

no p plates

15-30kmh exceed speed

not indicating

driving in a manner contrary to public safety (or something)

15-30kmh exceed speed

negligent driving

15-30kmh exceed speed

45kmh+ exceed speed

street racing

use motor vehicle to evade police

0-10kmh exceed speed

plus some more i don't know.

The above is by what the cop has said not what I've been charged with.... man they talk alotta shit sometimes dunthey?

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3pts $100 fog lights

3pts $150 driving without due care and attention - mild-swerving to avoid sh*t on the road

1pt $100 Speeding

4pts $250 speeding (didnt exceed 74 in a 70 zone, and was turning off, radar said 97, i got done for 102, go figure, took it to court and lost)

so only 2 speeding fines in 5 years....the rest are all bored cops with chips on thier shoulders....

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Come on guys and girls, this thread aint a good idea. The only thing I don't like about my skyline is the amount of attention it draws from the cops, this thread aint helping.

Refer: Cops on Forum thread http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/sh...t=cops+on+forum

let alone the insurance implications if the companys find out about this brag session.

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Come on guys and girls, this thread aint a good idea. The only thing I don't like about my skyline is the amount of attention it draws from the cops, this thread aint helping.  

Refer: Cops on Forum thread  

let alone the insurance implications if the companys find out about this brag session.

I think you have the wrong end of the stick, mate. I haven't noticed anyone bragging. The majority have been contrite, said how they have learned their lessons and are more careful now. Some have indicated their view that they have suffered from over-zealous policing. A couple have been flamed for being dick-heads (like 160 in a 50 limit is just insane. Sh#t, 50 limits are where there are kids around!)

From what I have seen, I doubt that what has been posted here shows anything more than what you would see from a standard cross-section of motorists. Anyone trying to portray these driving records as irresponsible hoons would struggle, with perhaps one or two exceptions.

This forum is about promoting responsible use of performance vehicles. What this thread demonstrates is that the vast majority are your average responsible driver - they are not saints and have made mistakes. But they recognise those mistakes and have improved their driving as a result of it. The kids who think the road is their race track, even past the local primary school, will read this and see that this is not the norm nor is it hailed as some sort of macho demonstration of driving ability. It is pilloried as the stupidity that it is.

Why is this a negative message to the cops? As for the insurance companies, there will be nothing here that is out of the ordinary for them. The records displayed and the respective ages will accord with their statistics, I am sure, and it will be nothing that they don't already know.

"Hush, don't talk about it - someone might be listening" is not an appropriate stance for this thread and what it is showing.

And, Meep, in case I didn't make it clear above, there is no "whoops" about 160 in a 50. That's just plain dumb.


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ive had a few 1 pointers <10k's over and 2 3 pointers 20k's over.

but these were either on a freeway or on long 80kph roads etc.

i dont speed in built up areas (50ks), and anywhere near schools etc. I work at a school and i have had dumb ass kids step out onto the road without looking.


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i had my insurance cancelled because i failed to disclose my driving history at one stage as well as my racing harness when i had my commodore. luckily i wasn't at fault in the accident but it was still a rude shock for me.

my driving history is ridiculous but i have got better with age. i have paid (wasted) thousands in fines for the way i drive and it makes me a target of the police to this day. i have been on a hit list for some time. the last cop that wrote me a ticket for excessive noise did so because he saw i had so many other fines for excessive noise already. i am not saying that i haven't deserved 90% of the tickets i have been issued cause i did. it just makes you a target.

my driving history is a few pages long. (this is what i can remember maybe not quite accurate numbers - except for excess noise)

multiple excessive noise fines.

a few speeding fines.

no seatbelt at schoolies (drunk-passenger-doing 20kph down the road at the gold coast)

a couple of defect notices.

a dangerous driving fine incurring loss of license. (high speed chase 190 in 100 zone)

there is more and stories behind each case. (i have been through multiple licenses)

i am not proud of my history and it isn't cool when you can't drive your car for months at a time and have to face a magistrate. i always seem to learn my lessons the hard way. it has basically made comprehensive insurance something i can't afford and only one or two company's would insure me anyway.

i find it difficult not to get enthused and give the line a squirt here and there but there are consequences for this unfortunately. sorry for the rant my 2c..... i don't need a lecture from anyone here on there thoughts on my driving either.

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