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Hey all

My mate has just brought a MY03 auto WRX. I have been thinking about buying a R33 for a while now. Will a stock R33 be quicker or will he whoop my ass? It is pretty quick but as rivalry goes I want to be quicker. (Can't have your mate win)

Could someone help with this info! His car is stock except for a cat back 3" man bent.


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Man you're gonna get flamed. This topic has been done to death....try a little search, heaps of info on WRX vs R33. I'll give you the run down.

WRX Maunal and GTST R33 Manual are very even cars, rexies win on launch (AWD) while the 33s have better top end. AUTO wrx probably slower.......

Mod for Mod....most guys on this forum reckon the R33s own it.

Again...try a search for further info.

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168kw - 1390kg - 8.27 W to P -> WRX (info from drive.com.au)

187kw - 1390kg - 7.43 W to P -> R33 GTSt (info from envyimports.com.au)

(W to P Smaller being better for those who could work that out)

There is some research for ya.

Argue all you want about how irrelevany power to weight is, but I'd prefer 210RWKW than 100RWKW's any day and I think you all agree, its not that bad of a judge and its more accurate than here say.

GTSt will not only win, but you probably won't get a stock one anyway, so it will be quicker than stock. Also WRX turbos are amazingly small, so he has got to replace that pretty quick if he is shooting for power.

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Nice useless comment their pentae

Thats like the pot calling the Kettle black isnt is krzysiu?

A WRX is nothing more than a turbocharged shopping trolley with 4 doors, a crappy subaru 'box and Mum-friendly handling characteristics.

What part am I missing mate? I am yet to be impressed by a Subaru that has the usual suspect mods: Exhaust, Boost, FMIC..

Would you trust your car with your Mum in the wet? What about a WRX with the same power?

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A WRX is nothing more than a turbocharged shopping trolley with 4 doors, a crappy subaru 'box and Mum-friendly handling characteristics.

If you're going to be that way:

A Skyline GTSt is nothing more than a turbocharged Jap family box with the rear doors welded shut.

etc etc.

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For my money a WRX would own a GTs-T in the twisties.

Infact it was a WRX, and its superb steering, and directional change abilty that caused me to sell up my overpowered R31 to buy the R32 GTR....

WRXs (and EVO's) are one of the most popular weapons of choice in Motokhanas for a reason :thumbsup:

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i suppose so, you've got to admit your'e comment was pretty dumb

If you had any clue about the concept of context, you'd see my comment just mirrored the stupidity coming from the guy who wrote off a WRX as a turbo shopping trolley. My comment is about as "dumb" as the guy I quoted. The difference is I was being satirical.

Or are you one of those dipshit Skyline "enthusiasts" who, since they're only used to what's gets grey imported into Australia, forgets that the base model Skyline is a 4 door sedan that basically does the same job in Japan as what Commodores / Falcons do in Australia?

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thats some nice alliteration there, you're obviously a harvard grad or something being so smart and all

don't get me wrong the sti's are pretty quick especially the jap ones, but auto+aussie wrx=no fun

and the base 4 door non turbo model skylines actually have little, if anything to do with a gtst, very different cars

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my my..

ok, just buy a WRX .. for $10k more..

Is a Porsche GT3 better than a GTR ? is a HSV better than an R34? is a ..


please don't have the ego to think that you are the only one who has ever asked this question before, and your post justifies any other responses to such a generic and silly question.

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