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Turboed+v8's And Supercharged


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oh and "blow me" to anyone who thinks i shouldnt be driving my car :P

word up to that.

i also agree with the other guy that its just propaganda to 40+ people who dont understand the reality of the issue to gain votes.

i personally think that the best way to fix the problem is either make it harder to get a licence, make an advanced driving course compulsory perhaps?

i think that the laws are good the way they are now. and if the nasty new law does come into action then i will cry and cry and cry and cry....

(im gunna be theproud owner of an r32 gts-t soon. which is IN THE LEGAL POWER/WEIGHT RATIO!!!!!!!!)

love to all.

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Gohan - That could be a good idea actually and one i had thought of. I have that on my jetski licence, it is a normal boat licence with a PWC endorsement as I sat 2 tests. Good thinking :D

Those guys who think a 2 Litre N/A is going to present problems overtaking a semi trailer, think again. Firstly if either were unfit for the conditions, they would not be on the road. A 2 Litre car is plenty powerful enough. You are not on a disability scooter, its 2.0 of petrol.

Secondly this country has some of the biggest engine cars I have seen along with the US. How do you suppose in Europe where most cars with the exception of luxury cars are below 2 Litres and are N/A cope with passing a truck? They may not be B-Doubles but there are far more semi trailers.

Edited: Dezz and Miller the hoon- how about keeping the thread respectful to other users :D

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Ok seriously, this issues has been done to death. Although in saying that i still stand by the fact that a drivers licence is way to easy to get..

You get "Taught" to do the driving test not drive... My driving instructor never even showed me a freeway, basically nothing over 60km… If I were to have only had lessons with him imagine what I would have like once I got my p’s and headed for the freeway for the first time…

I still also stand by if they are so against P'Platers driving high powered cars give them a test, which shows they are capable of driving their car under certain conditions with the extra power, like Gohan said..

I have a skyline and im on my p's yet im aloud to do track days in my car.. If im aloud to race my car why cant i drive it on the road... Use the power on the track and then enjoy my car in a safe manner on the roads....

If I was driving around a 1.5lt Lancer I am still capable of it getting to ie.160km/h.. It all comes down to the maturity of the driver and not the car they are in.. all cars are capable of reaching these kinda of speeds.. If a driver was shown (in a controlled environment) what happens at 160km/h maybe they would think twice about doing it on our roads…Being show in a safe environment at 160 when something could go wrong my open their eyes fairly quick..

You also have to taken into account the amount of people who are getting fined on our roads for speeding weather it be 5km over or 50km… They are not all P’Platers, and they are not all driving high powered cars..

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I find it funny that no one yet has posted their thought on how the P platers will drive once they have had there lessons behind a powerful vehicle.

If P platers are so stupid when it comes to being behind the wheel, then wouldnt you assume that once they have got this so called "PRACTICE" their confidence is gonna boost by X100.

Giving them more of a reason to get a powerful car, using the power etc.

Now im a p plater my self and my first car is a r33 gtst but meh.


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I find it funny that no one yet has posted their thought on how the P platers will drive once they have had there lessons behind a powerful vehicle.

If P platers are so stupid when it comes to being behind the wheel, then wouldnt you assume that once they have got this so called "PRACTICE" their confidence is gonna boost by X100.

Giving them more of a reason to get a powerful car, using the power etc.

Now im a p plater my self and my first car is a r33 gtst but meh.


Give it time....

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meh dont care

used to worry me, but can't really give two shits bout it anymore

oh and "blow me" to anyone who thinks i shouldnt be driving my car :D

yeah im with mark.

and to the older guys who say shit like " f**k p plater basterds should only ride scooters and 1.6l lasers "........

that has got to be the dumbest, most immature thing i have read in this whole thread. and remember, you also once were a p plater. congratulations on showing your extreme level of maturity with that comment. well done.

* claps *

also it doesnt matter what car your in, it has been stated numerous times..... a dickhead driver will be a dickhead driver no matter what car they are in. just because us p platers on this forum drive cars alot of the older members believe we shouldnt coz of power etc, i personally sacrificed alot to get my car, so i dont take ot for granted, i respect it and dont do shit to endanger it or myself.

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I think that removing big power cars is a good idea for P's but a blanket ban on "turbo" cars is bull sh|t. What about smarts, less than 1000cc but they are turbo!

When your on your P's your there for a reason, to learn. Your much safer in a < 2.5ltr car in my opinion and there is plenty of time for nice cars. P platers will argue till they are black and blue in the face that it doesn't matter about the power but who are you trying to fool? We have all BEEN there and done it before you :D

Slower cars and more training for P's are needed...

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Adz mate i agree with this 100% for maybe a first car to not be high powered... I owned a 1.6 lancer before my skyline and believe me im glad that was the case... but i also have more respect for my line than what i did my Lancer... I drive my line allot safer as well... Although I do only have a few months before im off my p’s as well…

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Yeah mine was an old 202, a 1979 VB. Was pretty slow compared to cars these days but at least I learned what I was doing. Plus it looked nice so thats a plus. There is plenty of time for speed and with age comes more $ which brings nicer cars and more speed :D

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i think some people are confused, these fines have been going around for years $110 for power to weight.

ye and i havnt met any 1 yet who has been fined with this. When i test drove a TT Supra which i borrowed for a night i was pulled over by the cops which was Friday and they didnt say anything about the car and didnt even check for defects. Only a RBT and licence check!

we need anything more than a 2litre n.a?? you need to get to the next set of lights that 1 second faster than everyone else ?

what about the people who take their cars to track days/drags and cant afford a second car for the road?

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I won't get into the arguement of whether there should be bans on cars or not but if they are going to impose limits there are better methods than just saying No turbo's or V8's etc. IMO even a set power / weight isn't right.

In motorsports classes are worked out by engine capacity - but forced induction cars have to have a multiplication factor of 1.7. So a 2.5L GTS-T = 4.3L as far as its motorsports classification goes.

But it does show even in motorsport classification how much extra emphasis is made on forced induction. So if there are going to be limitiations on cars driven I can fully underdstand why FI cars come under scrutiny. But as far as giving the right answer it's pretty hard as there are always exceptions when you try and use basic rules.

But if you think more power on the roads means you can get out of tricky situations easier and therefore its safer you have a serious amount to learn. lol

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lol really ive been issued this twice already and my bro twice, and a couple of his other friends aswell.



ye and i havnt met any 1 yet who has been fined with this. When i test drove a TT Supra which i borrowed for a night i was pulled over by the cops which was Friday and they didnt say anything about the car and didnt even check for defects. Only a RBT and licence check!

what about the people who take their cars to track days/drags and cant afford a second car for the road?

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lol really ive been issued this twice already and my bro twice, and a couple of his other friends aswell.




I've been pulled over stacks of times, almost every car i have driven has been over the ratio, especially the GTR. It's never come up. *touches wood*

I also, have never heard of anyone coping this fine. I mean look at the number of P Platers in R33 GTSTs.

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the reason why the cops say they have a hard time policing the power/weight is because technical they have to go off the list Vic Roads has, ie, locally delievered cars (R32 GTR being the only Skyline on it). They have no factual evidence to back-up fining someone with power/weight but you know and i know when a car is over (ie r33 gtst) - that's why some officers let it slide, as far as i know.

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well let me add my 2c.

Coming from Germany I can tell you it is Way too easy to get your licence in Australia.

Over there you do Freeway driving, emergency braking, wet weather, night time, all road surfaces and general maintenance and mechanics of a car over at least a years worth of lessons. It's an involved (and expensive) process but means that you actually have a clue about how to drive (you'd want to with the Autobahns and all ;-)

So the biggest problem is not the cars but the training. Add to that the fact that Australian roads are in a pathetic state of repair and the fact that cars do not need an annual road worthy check over here and you get a fairly good reason why things are the way they are.

If you fix these issues you won't need to limit the cars. That is just a 'knee jerk' reaction because everything else is too complex for the simple minds in Spring Street (or Canberra for that fact)

As an aside I am now in my late 30's and only now feel confident enough to consider buying a GT-R ;-)

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