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Everything posted by arep3

  1. a rebuild in the future after this current 1 i gotta do is something i really wanna avoid. the problem is i know stuff all about motors and rebuilds. theres no way im gonna be doing it myself. im leaving it all to a mechanic. i still would like to know some things that i could get done now when the motor is out. like extrude honing the exhaust manifold. port polish the head. ive read u guys talking about it. as i said above im apart from resizing the valve openings, what else is involved in a port and polish?? what kind of things do i need to get done with the bottom end? i have been led to believe that the bottom end in rb26's are tough as and wont need any work. sorry for the hijack
  2. i say ill try a lot as well! this time i got a good reason if im not there but like i said, ill try!
  3. ill be following this fairly closely too as im up for the rebuild now. im currently savin as much of the cash as possible. im lookin at basically the same as what you are. so far i reckon im up for a good 15000 seams im looking at either gt-ss or gt-rs turbos, clutch from jim berry and a power fc. a few other things will be needed. prolly a new head as we are pretty sure its cracked...
  4. i placed my orders for chrissie early this year. i got a 7 pc racheting spanner set from the gf and all my family is gonna throw in cash for either a massive deep socket set or a wicked as toolbox fully stocked. my decision. reckon its gonna be an awesome chrissie. ill get my present from myself next year when my car is finally rebuild and i get my license back...
  5. ive spoken with the guys at meridian motorsport about an oil cooler for my gtr and they say they have never fitted a cooler to the drivers side. they have always put them on the passenger side
  6. ive never heard any bad stuff about the work at DT. great for me as i work up the road and its right next to springie station. RE customs isnt far from there either if u need a good mechanic
  7. you might wanna tell us in what area ur looking for a panel beater. ive heard dt panels in springvale r good. heard the same about police rd panels (i think thats their name)
  8. ive seen full alloy radiators at autobarn for like $299. i had the top tank on my radiator replaced for $260... i hope things work out for u.
  9. im workin til 12. plannin to go straight from work. takin the train. ill cya all there!
  10. comon ray u know my clutch is fried! when do u have a good 1 for my car!
  11. i have work from 6am to 12pm and i have SES commitments in the arvo but ill try to make an appearance.
  12. theres always a way around the tolls. depends on which direction u come from. look at www.whereis.com
  13. ive seen lots of stories on the news, reading the paper etc about car crashes but have never fully understood the depth of devistation they cause, until i joined the SES. ive been a member since i was 18 and im about to rack up 5 years service and im quite proud of it. the about of carnage ive seen out there on the roads is crazy. sky031 has a valid point. anybody can read the paper, watch the news or listen to the radio but they will never FULLY and TOTALLY understand the devistation, grief etc unless they are personally involved, have a family member or friend involved. censorship of such mva's is of the highest priority. all photos that are realeased have been carefully selected, edited/modified etc BEFORE it is released to the media and then the public. '123456' its not the tards in the govenment that are making everything hard, its the idiots out there that wanna do burnouts, drag race, drift etc illegally that get seen by the public and the public put pressure on those 'tards' in the govenment to do something to stop it. so if u do illegal stuff out there and get hit with 'hoon laws' you only have yourself to blame. thats what the track is for. wanna do crazy stuff in your car? save it for track days.
  14. arep3

    Voting Time

    yea foz the librals mate. u got 4 mains. greenies suck and so do the nationals. no votes for thems i say. so either labour or liberals. bracks sucks more then teddy baileu so vote liberal.
  15. i fully agree with bec. anybody hits me and drives off, straight to the cops i go
  16. i dont think i could ever sell my car... i reckon id still own it when im old and cant drive no more!
  17. how much grog in 1? ill have a crack at damn near anything. im only a little bloke but ull be surprised by how much i can sink
  18. underground carpark is easy as to get to. i missed this thread though. more warning and ill try to make the next 1
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