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You Know, That Really Grinds My Gears Thread.


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when your engine blows up on the freeway and u skid it into the emergency lane and get out and leg it about half a kay thinking your car will explode, and all people do is gawk, point and laugh.


dont worry about stopping to help, ill just wait till it blows then laugh when the shrapnel hits you through your windscreen. well see how funny it is then wont we.

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on a sadder more social note,

you know what really grinds my gears?

i just heard on the news that an 8 year old schoolgirl was found murdered in the livingston shopping centre toilets which is a whole 10 seconds down the road from me. It happened in broad daylight at about 4 this afternoon they said, and in the middle of a f**king crowded shopping centre. i believe she was still wearing her school uniform, but dont quote me on that.

that kind of shit is just f**king sick, what kind of sick motherf**king maggot smoking waste of human life would do that to an innocent little girl.

i hope they catch him and he is raped by countless burley men in prison, then dies a horrible death due to numerous Sexually Transmitted Infections. then i hope he somehow pulls through, only to die of cancer 10 seconds later, where he will rot in hell for all eternity.

id take a shit on his grave if i knew where it will be.

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f**k didnt hear about that, what the f**k does an 8 year old girl have to do to get killed? Thats shocking, hope whoever did it gets some bad aids as well.

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People who talk on there mobile phones while driving

Yesterday some old dude reversed into this lady while parking and he was on his phone, then she got out and went to his car and he nearly run her over.

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*Begin Rant*

When you import a car, take it to the compliance shop and they say its a priority for us to get your car done and out of here, so we can concentrate on our cars. You think finally great customer service then you do the right thing, get tyres and stock rims take them down to them and the head boss speaks to you like youre a piece of sh!t.

Then they say should only be a days work in it now, then we will apply for your compliance plate in Canberra airmail the plate will have it ready for Friday..ring up Friday no we have found this and that and now you need to source these parts..(been sitting in the f!cking yard for 1 week and you don’t even bother ringing me to let me know)

Then you ring the other yard and speak to the other boss who says that he has been on holidays and everything slows down when he goes away (wonderful business this one)…then he sources the parts that you need and I think problem solved excellent. Car will be ready Tuesday. Ring up Monday and find out what time can I pick her up tomorrow…hmmmmmmmm sorry a bit of delay only just sent the paper work off "end of the week you can get it"we will take it over the pits for you hope that helps...No D!ckhead that doesnt help cause I still have to get to the pits to pay the money sign the documents and get the plates..just hurry up and give me my car!!

So go pickup the car get all the licensing stuff done realize that the car is starting like shit..ring the guy up when I get home...yeah sorry the battery died while it was sitting in the yard and I ran the car dry of fuel…thanks you f!cking idiot I will not be recommending anyone to go to your shop!!

*END RANT...I feel great now :) *

Edited by Wildcat
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Out of pure respect for the family that lost the life of there 8 year old daughter I’m dedicating this weeks winner of what grinds my gears to this.

Many things grind our gears but this has hit us all in many ways...

I’m a father to be and when I heard about this 8 year old girl and what happened to her... Words can not explain what I felt and what many of you are feeling.

What grinds our gears is really nothing in the big picture… What happened to her takes it one more step.

It’s a very sad loss and it has grinded all my gears. (I need a new gear box now)

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