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Tarmac Rallying Perpetual Thread


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Jesus mate, sounds like you are one lucky guy to essentially walk away from a big off like that. Unlike the white whale, you'll live to race another day and that is the main thing.

Home now, short one beast of a tarmac rally R34 :( I feel the need to apologise to Snowy for the time, effort and dollars put into building what up until yesterday was simply an amazing machine to drive around those roads. It all makes sense out there - it just ran so bloody well.

Day one we started off slowly and only really found our feet after lunch. Were pretty organised with fuel loads which, not that we realised, had translated to some good times. Were surprised to see us settle at 5th EM once we finished our run up Buller. Didn't look at times all day really which was my downfall for day two.

Day two we weren't as organised with fuel loads, had it full to start the day off. We were pretty slow through Jamieson and Big River after which we filled up again from our Jerry's just to make life easy against what I originally planned. Skyline 1 we were pretty slow as well as expected. We should have run lighter and used race fuels a bit more to get us through. We cut 10 seconds off for Skyline 2 and I burned off a lot more in transport so we could go quick through Eildon and back to the finish.

Unfortunately against all quality advice from Capt. Fathom I was getting a little obsessed with results, and was seeing red. We were smashing Eildon up to the point where Kat called a 5R > 3 (1-6 notes) and I was just overheated, I didn't really register the > 3 and thought I was still in the 5 bit until it was too late.

Don't have the video yet but around the 3 I *think* we dropped the nose into the ditch and hit the embankment, did at least a 180 (could have been 540) and rolled a few times, I hit my head and blacked out and came to drivers side down. Adrenaline kicked in, managed to shove the passenger door open and push Kat up and out then climb out. Some other very nice people arrived and helped to slow traffic and with fire extinguishers.

Had a seat as the FIV's arrived, felt alright for a while but once the Ambos got there I started blacking out again. Have a pretty decent lump on my head and badly bruised ribs - Kat was feeling fine bar some whip lash.

Kat was dropped at Alexandra hospital and I got airlifted to Royal Melbourne for CT, x-ray and ultra sounds. They had me on bloody spinal precautions so I spent the last 18 odd hours on my back waiting for them to sign off that I was ok. No broken bones between either off us just a bit sore, the safety setup worked wonders - the Doctors were all gobsmacked.

So need to work out what to do with the wreck, we are both keen to track down another shell and build it up to the same setup. Just need to find somewhere we can strip it. Sad times indeed.

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Octagon Targa events are now run under CAMS. Had you missed that bit? So now you nede CAMS national rally license I guess. Easy to get. A little more exxy though I would guess unless they are still including them in the entry like they did for AASA? Basically not much different to the basic L2S but you have to do an online tutorial thingo and they cost about $200 annually not around $90. (sorry, cant be arsed checking exact cost) I guess hand in hand with that you need a CAMS logbooked car? Havent actually chacked that bit. Octagon do run them under THEIR supp regs and not the CAMS manual national rally regs, so not sure the logbooked car is actually a requirement.

So not much change really.

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If you have any photo's of the car, the guys at Meridian Motorsport would appreciate it if they could see them so that they can evaluate what worked/didn't work with the cage.

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Certainly is - after the first stage on day one we both looked at each other and went "THAT WAS SO MUCH FUN!!!". Found our calling if I can keep a lid on it!

Kat is well and truly hooked - little weapon on the notes too.

Congrats to everyone else that competed. Met so many great people on the way that make it such a great thing to be involved in.

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Hmmm, I can't complain in life. I mean I do, endlessly. But when I sit back and consider that what i toss and turn at night considering is do I pony up the money for Near Life Experience 2012 or a Tarmac Spec DR30. Sadly there is only so much money in this world. I suppose I could flog off the Sierra before I get too emotionally attached to it. LOL, I go through this before/during/after each major rally :)

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Hmmm, I can't complain in life. I mean I do, endlessly. But when I sit back and consider that what i toss and turn at night considering is do I pony up the money for Near Life Experience 2012 or a Tarmac Spec DR30. Sadly there is only so much money in this world. I suppose I could flog off the Sierra before I get too emotionally attached to it. LOL, I go through this before/during/after each major rally :)

LOL - I have to say I have been fully focused on Euro 2012 right up til last weekend when for the first time since deciding to take a season off Tarmac Rally I really wished I was up at Buller playing cars. Checking my phone for results every 5 mins just wasn't making the time away any easier either. But really it was not getting to catch up with all the crew that was the hardest part.

I need to fire up GT5 and do some more Spa laps in the Caterham and I will be cured again I'm sure :)

Anyways - I guess the other BIG Targa news is the extension of the course by another 70kms for 2012.

That will make getting a set of A050's through 6 days if it stays dry really really difficult!

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