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Just Jap Warehouse Robbery - Sydney 20/7/2008

Just Jap Racing

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Guess it was the blokes you had a drama with then?!

You seem to have very good luck with the police.. They found your stolen drift car and now most of your parts.. thats nice police work. Another great example of the NSW Police force.

I do have to mention, 3 people to haul so much gear is amazing.. they must of been there a long time..

Any connection to a workshop?

Edited by DECIM8
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Guess the f**kers didn't get far hey :D

How did they find them?

One of the GTR's was spotted yesterday and watched, which let to a large police operation and raid which recovered that car and a large quantity of stock, as well as a number of the offenders which were arrested.

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One of the GTR's was spotted yesterday and watched, which let to a large police operation and raid which recovered that car and a large quantity of stock, as well as a number of the offenders which were arrested.

Sounds like something that would happen in a movie :D

Congrats guys

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Guess it was the blokes you had a drama with then?!

You seem to have very good luck with the police.. They found your stolen drift car and now most of your parts.. thats nice police work. Another great example of the NSW Police force.

I do have to mention, 3 people to haul so much gear is amazing.. they must of been there a long time..

Any connection to a workshop?

Lets not jump to conclusions please.

The EVO is still missing, and we are as yet unsure if all the stock was recovered, or just the majority.

Given one car is still missing, it is likely others are involved and we hope they are caught swiftly

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Great work so far in recovering some/all the stolen goods. I was extremely pissed when I heard JJ had been broken into and the scale of things was huge. It's good to hear the NSW Police have made such great progress with the investigation so quickly.

Hope the recovery of everything inc the Evo goes well. Can't wait to see you guys back to 100% in the near future.

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Thanks mate, we are not out of the woods yet, but its still some great progress.

:P Their ass is grass. :D Great news youall, top marks to the boys in blue.

Regards GW

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One of the GTR's was spotted yesterday and watched, which let to a large police operation and raid which recovered that car and a large quantity of stock, as well as a number of the offenders which were arrested.

Like everyone else here I was shocked at the apparent scale of the theft.

Based on what you've just said, you've got to say that these guys were incredibly brash and from a thief's point of view, stupid - you would think that the last thing you do with a stolen car is let it get spotted (probably cruizing Brighton or something). But it also sounds like cops as well as the SAU and forum community have done their bit on the lookout for the cars and the goods. Superb effort.

GL getting back on your feet; Keep us updated with the followup, the cops should now be able to round up the rest of the f*ckers as well, hopefully.

Maybe you should consider keeping some (hungry) rotties on your payroll too.

Edited by God_speed
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f**k I only just found this out this morning and was fearing for the worst, but now the good news!! That is awesome guys. This defitnitly couldn't have happened without the help of everyone spreading the words. This reminded me of a similar incident in the US where a GTR was also stolen and one of the person on the forum spotted the car and took a picture of the thief which eventually led to his arrest..... the claw i think thats what he was called coz he's only got 2 fingers or somthing....

We need all the details guys!. Who did it, how they did it....etc Those f**kers needs to have their fingers chopped off.

Edited by __PhaseShiftDown
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Thanks guys, obviously there is information we cannot disclose at this point, but as more information is available, we will update you.



Cool guys, we had a theft from our workshop 6 weeks ago but a drop in the ocean compared to what you guys have gone through. Hope you guys can recover the rest of the outstanding stock asap and get back to normal trading soon.

All the best


Red R Racing

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Fantastic news Steve! And just in time too, I need a dump pipe :P

I would also like to point out the extremely quick response time by the police, a major investigation and a raid leading to recovery of 2 stolen vehicles, a large quantity of stolen goods and 3 arrests in under 24 hours!

I say well done to the NSW Policemen involved, that is a fantastic result! :action-smiley-069:

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Awesome News So far.. I think the evo should be good as found since there already arrested a couple of guys , a little bit of negotiating with the cops and they will give it up.

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