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Just Got Pulled Over By Highway


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I have been pulled over 4 times for being in the wrong, twice for speeding and twice for the back end being out a little :whistling:

First time was speeding, was polite, admited fault etc as said above and that was the first time i lost my licence

Second time was for the tail being out, i actually played dumb at first because the unmarked car was on the opposite side of the road a fair way ahead and i wasnt prepaired to hang myself lol

But anyway he eventually asked if i did exactly what i did and so i gave in, and he actually let me off, both guys were polite, one asked a little about the car (was a commodore not the skyline lol) and off i went

Third time was speeding again (little harsh i think because i was overtaking a car that couldnt maintain speed waaaay out on the bruce highway) Admittedly i was a little pissed off but i wasnt rude untill he had already told me i was going to lose my licence for another 6 months despite explaining about the car

Fourth time, back end out a little bit again, coming out of a carpark and getting accross 2 lanes to the u-turn lane in heavy traffic,

Was nothing but polite and got nothing but smart ass abuse in return and the end result was being sent to court for having a knife in my car (use it for work, which i had just left for the day)

So its really just me that gets the w***kers? :(

what happend with the knife thing? i have a pocket knife/swiss army knife thing on my belt all the time when im going and coming from work? what happened in court and what ground do we have to stand on for proving its for work? is it even legal to have a knife on you when its for work and you can prove it?

Edited by JapaneseMotorSpares
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Just to clear my last post up a little, i realise theyre doing their job and if they let everyone off, it would be pointless, but i do seem to get the ones who need to find a brothel, because CLEARLY its not working at home lol.

As for the knife thing, you are allowed to have a knife if it is being used for its intended purpose, as a tool, not a weapon etc etc

So basically its your word against theirs on what you have it for.

But the charge was for "being in posession of a knife in a public place" and yes, apparently in your car is a public place if the car is in public.

Anyway it all got thrown out because i stated for the start that i use it for work and hadnt been home since work, he asked what i used it for and i told him, all i got in return was "ive been doing my job for 40 years, dont lie to me, it wont work"

But yea i got a half decent lawyer for it all so it was fine.

But heres the stupid part; because you are technically allowed one to be used as a tool, you can carry a swiss army knife WHEREVER you please because it is considered a "multipurpose tool"

So you cant have a single blade knife like mine, but you can have a knife with two blades, a corkscrew, a saw, scissors and anything else i left out in one and its fine :woot:

But ideally, there are always going to be coppers out on a power trip and last i heard, if you are now caught with a knife and cant prove it was for reasons other than a weapon, even in self defense, its a 6 month prison sentance automatically :)

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Oh i forgot my LAST encounter with the cops,

A LITTLE off topic but a cop encounter all the same

Drove into a public park, parked down the end, got out, started walking over to a bench, turn around to the sound of somebody shouting at me, to find a cop car boxing my car in and two coppers telling me to come back.

So i walk towards the car, thinking ive parked somewhere i shouldnt have, get to the first copper and he asks me to keep my hands where he can see them, asks if i have an weapons on me, i say no, he asks me again after ive said no.

Then says "ok, lets take a walk to the car and have a chat, then we will chat about skylines because i like them"

the conversation went as follows;

"so, bit of cannibis?"

i laugh and say no, he stops, stares at me and says in a raised voice

"hey, you wanna lie to me? because if you wanna act like a criminal then i will treat you like a criminal"

he gets a look from me much like this smiley :)

"fine, lets go over to the car and ill treat you like a criminal"

anyways they put me in cuffs, question me some more, search the entire car, search my phone and read out alot of txt messages between me and my gf which had nothing to do with any of it, said a few other things which basically made me wanna punch both of em.

End result of course was they found absolutely nothing and i eventually went on my way.

But seriously, when you get cops on power trips like THAT, do they really wonder why most people hate them?

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Oh i forgot my LAST encounter with the cops,

A LITTLE off topic but a cop encounter all the same

Drove into a public park, parked down the end, got out, started walking over to a bench, turn around to the sound of somebody shouting at me, to find a cop car boxing my car in and two coppers telling me to come back.

So i walk towards the car, thinking ive parked somewhere i shouldnt have, get to the first copper and he asks me to keep my hands where he can see them, asks if i have an weapons on me, i say no, he asks me again after ive said no.

Then says "ok, lets take a walk to the car and have a chat, then we will chat about skylines because i like them"

the conversation went as follows;

"so, bit of cannibis?"

i laugh and say no, he stops, stares at me and says in a raised voice

"hey, you wanna lie to me? because if you wanna act like a criminal then i will treat you like a criminal"

he gets a look from me much like this smiley :)

"fine, lets go over to the car and ill treat you like a criminal"

anyways they put me in cuffs, question me some more, search the entire car, search my phone and read out alot of txt messages between me and my gf which had nothing to do with any of it, said a few other things which basically made me wanna punch both of em.

End result of course was they found absolutely nothing and i eventually went on my way.

But seriously, when you get cops on power trips like THAT, do they really wonder why most people hate them?

Whoa, serious? Confiscating a mobile phone without a warrant can't be legal...?

Unfortunately, this guy seems to have been one of the bad seeds that ruins it for the (heaps of) other good cops.

But yeah, a Leatherman or similar is ok because it's a multipurpose tool, as long as you're in a field that would routinely use it as such (electrician, etc). I'm in IT, there'd be no reason for me to have one on me.

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Joe, if I were you I'd take them to court over that. I'm no lawyer but I'm pretty sure cuffing you, going through your personal txt messages and making snide remarks is more than a breach of your civil liberties and also a breach of police conduct.

Got any loans that need to be paid out? Sue those f**kers. If your story is not BS, it sounds like a slam dunk case. unless of course you're a deadbeat of some sort with a criminal record, then i wouldn't bother..

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Whoa, serious? Confiscating a mobile phone without a warrant can't be legal...?

Unfortunately, this guy seems to have been one of the bad seeds that ruins it for the (heaps of) other good cops.

But yeah, a Leatherman or similar is ok because it's a multipurpose tool, as long as you're in a field that would routinely use it as such (electrician, etc). I'm in IT, there'd be no reason for me to have one on me.

Nah im pretty sure they have the right to go through your phone, clearly they abused that right tho

Joe, if I were you I'd take them to court over that. I'm no lawyer but I'm pretty sure cuffing you, going through your personal txt messages and making snide remarks is more than a breach of your civil liberties and also a breach of police conduct.

Got any loans that need to be paid out? Sue those f**kers. If your story is not BS, it sounds like a slam dunk case. unless of course you're a deadbeat of some sort with a criminal record, then i wouldn't bother..

Nahhh no criminal record, but what chance would i have with my word against two cops and no evidence?

Cost me over a grand for a lawyer just to get outta trouble about the knife

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To me it sounds like they crossed the line ... handcuffed? what the f**k ! I'd go after them on principle alone.

It depends on how much you value your civil rights, how much time and money you have. Maybe try to find out atleast what they have on your record ... I'm pretty sure they must have come after you because your rego plate came up with "This dickhead was arrested for carrying a knoife, cried to a magistrate and got off .. get the bastard" Unless I'm mistaken there's that FOI act and you can fnd out what any gov agency has in their records about you.

If they've got something like that on their squad computers .. they will probably keep f**king with you. Even more of a reason to take them to court.

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To me it sounds like they crossed the line ... handcuffed? what the f**k ! I'd go after them on principle alone.

It depends on how much you value your civil rights, how much time and money you have. Maybe try to find out atleast what they have on your record ... I'm pretty sure they must have come after you because your rego plate came up with "This dickhead was arrested for carrying a knoife, cried to a magistrate and got off .. get the bastard" Unless I'm mistaken there's that FOI act and you can fnd out what any gov agency has in their records about you.

If they've got something like that on their squad computers .. they will probably keep f**king with you. Even more of a reason to take them to court.

He had on his record that he had been carrying a knife previously. They have sufficient grounds to place him in cuffs for their safety.

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If it was thrown out of court that means its thrown out, no recorded charge.

No, it doesn't.

It may not be on his criminal record, but I've never been charged with a large array of things the police say I've done. It's still on my record when they run my licence.

Such as I had an officer show me, that I had marked on my licence as a "street racer" by an officer two weeks earlier. (Funny part being, the run in with that officer was on a street with zero cars etc)

The police put notes all through their system on people, including their attitude etc. As such, if you're an ass to one officer, the other officers to follow, are very likely to be assholes out of the bag, as you're "known" for being an asshole.

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and that ... should be illegal IMO, unless those "notes" can be tracked to exactly the event and officer who left them which I suspect they can't. So it's basically one pissed off cop who was in the wrong venting ..leaving false notes so that in the future you get into more trouble for no reason.

Shouldn't this be covered by FOI ? If I were you, I'd demand to know all the notes that they have on their internal system... Next time some trigger-happy rookie might pull a gun on you thinking you're stabbymcstabber who doesn't hesitate to pull a knife.

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and that ... should be illegal IMO, unless those "notes" can be tracked to exactly the event and officer who left them which I suspect they can't. So it's basically one pissed off cop who was in the wrong venting ..leaving false notes so that in the future you get into more trouble for no reason.

Shouldn't this be covered by FOI ? If I were you, I'd demand to know all the notes that they have on their internal system... Next time some trigger-happy rookie might pull a gun on you thinking you're stabbymcstabber who doesn't hesitate to pull a knife.

Politely requesting would probably get you a lot further...

"I've been told there might be some information in the notes on me about being possibly hostile, am I allowed to know what's in there on me?"

Something like that.

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Yeah I was getting pulled over constantly.. Being told I have a warrant out and I need to report to the police.. After the 3rd time going to the police station and being told that no warrant is present, I just started telling them to f**k off and confirm it.. Then one day one of them told me that I was just going to keep geting pulled over..

For the record, my sister was attacked and when reported to the police. They bungled it up and destoryed evidence.. We put in a complaint to the CMC.. And well we got treated like shit after that and we became a target of the police.. Both uniformed and detectives..

Edited by .:: GimpS-R34 ::.
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and that ... should be illegal IMO, unless those "notes" can be tracked to exactly the event and officer who left them which I suspect they can't. So it's basically one pissed off cop who was in the wrong venting ..leaving false notes so that in the future you get into more trouble for no reason.

Shouldn't this be covered by FOI ? If I were you, I'd demand to know all the notes that they have on their internal system... Next time some trigger-happy rookie might pull a gun on you thinking you're stabbymcstabber who doesn't hesitate to pull a knife.

Date, time location etc, would all be in there.

It's a proper system they use, includin if a police car is patrollig and they see a known POI, they wil quickly record date time etc and just their clothes description without even stopping them. Why? Well if a crime is commited, they can run searches on clothing descriptions and it will come up with, date time where, who spotted them etc.

This was all information that I have been told by a friend's step brother whom is a Constable in the force. (I also had it mentioned to me by a neighbour when I questioned something with him, he's also in the force)

Both have said though that the information is never released to the public.

It's pretty much like those retail shops whom have an annoying customer, there ends up being a "register" of who the drop kick customer is so they can see.

The other part about the knife, although the charges were "thrown out" his record would indicate that he was arrested etc for carrying a knife, with no charges laid.

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If a cop is driving behind you and slaps your registration in the computer, what information does it tell him, EG

-Will it come up with the cars history or the registered persons history(eg licensing, past offences etc). Or both

Just a question off topic sort of, does the police database have information about P platers and if they have an exemption.

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Well im not sure how the record would be attached, but when i got done for the knife i didnt have my skyline.

So unless a record of some sort is attached to ME and it comes up with my plate because its registered to me, then they wouldnt know anything about it.

But with the skyline i have been pulled over once for an "RBT", once for rear tyres and then this thing in the park.

The previous two were fine to me really

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If a cop is driving behind you and slaps your registration in the computer, what information does it tell him, EG

-Will it come up with the cars history or the registered persons history(eg licensing, past offences etc). Or both

Just a question off topic sort of, does the police database have information about P platers and if they have an exemption.

All the cars history, plus information on the registered owner and they can view their history.

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If you're getting constantly pulled over, hassled see this: http://www.ag.gov.au/foi

Perfect way to aggravate the people doing it... Giving them more reason.

It's like if you were at school and had a teacher that always picked on you. Whinge to the principal, teacher gets questioned, teacher hates you more. Teacher picks on you more.

Cause and Effect People.

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