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S A U N S W - Wakefield Trackday


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If anyone wants to meet up at the HungryJack / BP Servo at Marulan on the way back (will be leaving track after all sessions are finished) either hang back till the end of just meet at HJ for a defrief and rest before the hour drive home.

Hour drive home? I wish. Me and deano are coming from the central coast. More like 4hours

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Hey guys,

Anyone want to buy my spot? My wheels havent come in :(. Looks like its a no goer for me. Everything is sweet, just got tuned, car is running good, got a car trailer and even bought a landcruiser (Not just for this day obviously but i really wanted it before this day)...and my wheels are still in the air :(. Unless someone has a pair of 18 x 10.5 or 11 wheels? Ive got tyres, ive got front rims but not rears.

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Not sure how many people are on the reserve list but if you are i'd still be heading down for 2 reasons:

1) Many cars drop out due to problems

2) Many people leave early

so you might be able to organise a half day with sau/renew organisers, if that isn't available take the opportunity to be a passenger as you will learn more from the passenger seat than you will from the drivers seat (and its someone elses car)

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AFAIK Jaimi Quach paid ages ago. Can't see him on the list. His G/F Min transferred $$ into SAU.NSW acct as she is a loans officer at NAB anyway.

I've emailed her re: date paid.

Hard to get in touch with them. He's a new member after the Putty. He paid after Putty.

Cheers, TT

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ok swapping spot is fine, email his form or fax it stating the swap in the payment area of the form. If it cant be sent it must be brought completed on the day early..

You two can organise payment to each other for the spot.. replying off phone atm so can't go into massive detail or ill be here all day

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For those guys who were meeting at twin servo's, Matt and I won't be meeting there anymore. We going to take his car as he is picking up new rims down there so pointless taking my car only to swap wheels etc.. 3 times in the day.

Will need to borrow a jack for about 10-15minutes off someone if that's alright sometime in the morning if that's ok :)

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For those guys who were meeting at twin servo's, Matt and I won't be meeting there anymore. We going to take his car as he is picking up new rims down there so pointless taking my car only to swap wheels etc.. 3 times in the day. Will need to borrow a jack for about 10-15minutes off someone if that's alright sometime in the morning if that's ok :)

If you find me in the pits can use my jack and rattle gun if needed :)

Also i entered my Mazda R100 but its not finished so will be running my GTR, will bring along an new filled out entry form. Hope thats ok?

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