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Sau Nsw Tech Night: Suspension & Steering @ Heasman 06/09/13


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Yep! Coming mate?

List updated! Thanks Eric and Mat, no sausages for you guys, not sure if it's either good that theres more sausages for ourselves or bad that theres so many sausages already.. hmm.

yeah ill be there

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^^^ I can certainly take you to Strathfield after dropping God_speed back to Earlwood first!

If someone else puts their hand up to give you a more direct route, that's OK too :)

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Hey guys, sorry I know it is late and I have already confirmed but I was just told last night I have to pick up someone from the airport Friday night and therefore will not be able to come. Spewing!!! Always get told last minute :(

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Sorting out SAU NSW membership now. Is it possible to be added to the list in place of someone that can no longer make it?

I dont see it being a problem unless Ricky has a list of reserves im unaware of. Best to send him a PM to make sure once you have sent off your membership

If you know how to CC people into the conversation add me in and ill followup membership status

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I dont see it being a problem unless Ricky has a list of reserves im unaware of. Best to send him a PM to make sure once you have sent off your membership

If you know how to CC people into the conversation add me in and ill followup membership status

PM sent. membership process completedat my end. Thanks

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Gday Guys, My names Brad Heasman, thought id quickly introduce myself here before I meet all of you on Friday night.

I currently work in sales and marketing in our Bilstein department, but did 3 years as a mechanic in our workshop. Im 21, love nissans, and I own and race a Nissan s14 time attack car. (which you will see on Friday)

On the night we will be having a bbq, so when you arrive there will be some food and drinks here, We will have our Bilstein engineers here, our sales guys, and some of the workshop guys here for you to talk to, or ask any general questions while we eat.

We also have a few supercars in the workshop that aren't nissans :yes: but we ask that no one tries to open or get in them, the race cars on the other hand you are welcome to climb into if you feel the urge.

I will have a photographer here as well, but everyone is welcome to bring there own cameras etc.

( any questions just post them here )

Look forwed to meeting you all!

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