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#5 Sydney Skyline - 3 Sisters And Ribterranean


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Another great cruise, Thanks James. A suggestion for the next one, have a planned route acoompanied by maybe a route map through google maps with designated regrouping points ( so people know exactly where everyones headed to when they get split up in traffic ) say for every 20mins of driving or so to allow people who got separated to regroup and join the convoy? I think that was the only issue yesterday other than that it was amazing! So much fun trying to keep up with Matt's Nur! It was great meeting you all! And the ribs at the end of the day was amazing as always!

Here is some the photos from the day :)

















Edited by RMBLBE
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Great photos Milan! :)

I've sent you a PM Genelle: you can reply in kind. As you know, SAU runs these with distinct differences, so selectivity might be your motto huh?

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Pace was definitely a lot quicker today, don't know why but everyone seemed in a hurry? Still had a great time though, thanks to James for organising and having us back to the restaurant, it was amazing as always. Also thanks to terry for waiting for me and a couple of the other guys when we got separated going though the back streets of Leura, I would have been buggered without that haha

Hope to see everyone again, was good to meet heaps of people I hadn't before

Good to meet up Brennan,

Yes, Leura shopping centre can be quite an obstacle course.

I knew where the next rendezvous point was (so I was determined not to lose you); but it'd be better if we ALL had maps.

We had a little convoy of 4 :)

Milan took some lovely pics eh?

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What a top day!!! Thanks again James for organising it all!! And the ribs were terrific!! Much appreciated!! =D

And I also have a bunch of photos that I'll post up when I get the chance!!

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Another great cruise, Thanks James. A suggestion for the next one, have a planned route acoompanied by maybe a route map through google maps with designated regrouping points ( so people know exactly where everyones headed to when they get split up in traffic ) say for every 20mins of driving or so to allow people who got separated to regroup and join the convoy? I think that was the only issue yesterday other than that it was amazing! So much fun trying to keep up with Matt's Nur! It was great meeting you all! And the ribs at the end of the day was amazing as always!

Here is some the photos from the day :)



Great shots Milan and Raj! Milan you can see the bright red of your SV6 reflected in my rear brake disc :)

Owen's new number plate got a lot of attention, and how good was Govett's Leap lookout, with David's car in front :)

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Cheers Terry! I'll try have the go pro footage up by tonight :D However its mostly got footage of Rajeel and Matt's cars, it might have some from when we caught up with everyone else but I think the battery might have bit the dust by then :(

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On behalf of SAU Chris, thanks very much for the roll of stickers to be used as name badges at future Tech Days!!! :)

All good Terry, glad I can help out.

If you would like anything else please let me know.

Maybe ill look for some bright pink fluoro ones next ay.

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Great shots guys! Loving the rolling ones.

Good day out for me and the missus, but not for my car.. Didn't like those bumpy roads, especially down to the Tea Room. Me and Raj copped a pretty hard hit to our front lips.


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