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Welshys 32ZILA and the 8HP.

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Hi All quick intro been kick around on and off this forum for close to 5yrs. 

Car in its previous iteration was as follows. 

Basic built 26, drop in cams, head studs etc, oil pump etc. 

Os88 sequential (now removed and moved on)

Emtron kv8 controlled with a plethora of sensors. 

Now for the fun bit, I am currently working through a 8HP conversion with a kit from HPR. 

I'll throw some photos up of everything but I have created a IG just to make it easier to upload photos.



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Noice. I've got the 8HP70 in my SQ5 and I thoroughly love it. The programmability of the gearbox has me wanting to do the 8HP75 conversion one day. Been following the stuff 8Speed AU have been doing, including the e-clutch. So cool!

Would definitely go an 8HP over a sequential if I get to the point where the power needs it.

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1 hour ago, funkymonkey said:

Noice. I've got the 8HP70 in my SQ5 and I thoroughly love it. The programmability of the gearbox has me wanting to do the 8HP75 conversion one day. Been following the stuff 8Speed AU have been doing, including the e-clutch. So cool!

Would definitely go an 8HP over a sequential if I get to the point where the power needs it.

Yea that was my reasoning in going to the 8hp from the sequential. The sequential was fun to drive hard but when cruising was a bit clunky.

Having had a self-built 6hp in my falcon(800hp) before the gtr was mint, cruise around none the wiser but plant it and hang on... bit of Jekyll and Hyde. 

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On 15/5/2023 at 6:44 PM, welshy_32ZILA said:

Yea that was my reasoning in going to the 8hp from the sequential. The sequential was fun to drive hard but when cruising was a bit clunky.

Having had a self-built 6hp in my falcon(800hp) before the gtr was mint, cruise around none the wiser but plant it and hang on... bit of Jekyll and Hyde. 

Are you going to use the Turbo Lamik TCU? That’s what I’ve been eyeing off.

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On 17/05/2023 at 9:57 AM, Komdotkom said:

Thanks, I've seen quite a few mixed reports on HTG. He seems to be working through the issues raised and from what I can see he probably should have worked through the beta a bit more before releasing. 

I've just been shown these which I'll definitely be keeping any eye on considering it's Australian made and supported if my gearbox doesn't turn up before they're released. 


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  • 11 months later...

Near 12mths since the last update apologies. 

Car is back running and driving. 

Have had a few runs at the drag strip also with a bit of success. 

Managed to run tje cars PB with a 10.88 @139mph with a 2.0 60ft. 

I have a stock 8hp converter and it's definitely too tight for my setup. But it drives on the street phenomenal. So happy to have converted from the sequential. Has made the car enjoyable to drive vs a what felt like a chore with the sequential. 

Looking a at few different options for converters waiting for some feedback from SDE if he can do one for me. 

Still a few minor things to work out regarding finalising torque reduction, I have it working but needs to refining. 



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