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The Distinct Skyline Smell-r33

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i dont know what u guys are talking about but its not japanese air freshner.... ive been in countless cars here and none of them smell like my old skyline nor the other 3 i frequently rode in which had the same smell.

actually 2 weeks ago i was walking along and smelt the smell your talking about and there was an r33 vspec sitting at the side of the road with its window partly down...

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  • 10 months later...

Sorry to bring the thread back to life..

But you know what..

That distinct smell comes back to you. Even tho its not as strong these days, but you can still smell it.

I use some interior spray forgot the name, but it does wonders. After a day or two, it brings that same smell i smelt when i first bought the car..

Will post up the name of the spray.

Ohh and it shines and cleans so well!!

Edited by siddr20
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I keep the freshly imported smell by kidnapping random japanise people from bus stops usualy keep them locked in the car for the day that preety much does it for me - always put them back where i found them though!

on a serious note I do notice the smell of my car if i have been out cruising in someone elses car for the night then i get back in my car and you just know that distinct smell hope it does not fade!

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  • 2 weeks later...

thats is the funniest thing i have heared


I keep the freshly imported smell by kidnapping random japanise people from bus stops usualy keep them locked in the car for the day that preety much does it for me - always put them back where i found them though!

on a serious note I do notice the smell of my car if i have been out cruising in someone elses car for the night then i get back in my car and you just know that distinct smell hope it does not fade!

so if your in asia will they pick you up and lock you in there cars as well?

i have a ford ea and the new smell has just a little life left

but if you dont smell yourself the new car smell will stay hahahah

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The stuff i use is polyglaze interior spray.. Smells a little different to that skyline smell.. But after sitting over nigiht, that distinct smell comes back to life.

Anyways that polyglaze spray really cleans the dash and all. Makes it all shiny!!

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i use kitten - brings out that skyline smell too (but still not exact like the first time you get it)

Edit: my friends r33 on the other hand - smells of sex :D. We had to use a lot of kitten on that car to get it back to normalish (ie even then it still kinda smelled of sex)

Edited by emsta2003
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My car now smells like plastic because of those vinyl seat covers. I'm running two air fresheners atm, but everytime I go in, it still smells like rubber.

I miss the skyline smell. I bought my car with very low mileage, and I only drive it once every two weeks, so it still had that smell.

Edited by MANWHORE
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hahah get rid of those seat covers if you only use your car once every two weeks!!

Wow wait. u only use it once every two weeks??

your car battery doesnt die?

But yea.. the car doesnt smell as good as day 1.. :whistling:

Edited by siddr20
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Hey sid

To cut a long story short, my GF joined the forums, and organised the seat covers for me with some other friends for my 21st. God bless her hot little heart. lol

Yeah, unfortunately, I'd like to drive it more, but I catch the train to uni and i'm lucky enough to work from home.

yummmm.... skyline smell. hehehe.

I've got a feeling that the smell that everyone likes is the japanese air freshener that soaks into the seat fabric over time.

When I took my seats out of my car to install the covers, I almost died, it smelt so good. lol

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the japanese love their air fresheners...i've got a serious performance DVD (number 5) and they do a segment on a store in japan (similar to our autobarn)...they show the air freshener section.....its like a store on its own lol...1000's of varietys

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haha i know the smell you mean, my mates always comment on it, one in particular who owns an r34 always comments on it wishing his car smelt like it :whistling: my car also has the green beads in the ash tray so maybe that's whay does it

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geez, Aphid im so glad you didnt mention my name as the friend who alwyas mentions it :whistling:

I think that the smell could also be from the material the seats are in, as the r33 smell is different from the r34 smell..... and the smell in aphids car was almost the same as my parents calais with the similar seats in it..

or its the smelly beads....

my useless 2 cents

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It could be the seats but who knows..

If someone buys some fragrance from that site i posted up let us know..

Im gonna ask my complicance person and see what he thinks.. since he sits in different imports each day..

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