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[SA Cars Spotted Thread #3]


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An orange R33 (I think he/she was on a cruise recently) in Oakden tonight at 6.30-ish.

Also found this one on Oakden as well around the same time:


Good to see there's someone else out there with exactly the same colour and rims as mine. I actually thought that was a pic of me that you'd changed the plates on, until I realised I was still at work at 6:30 last night, and I would have had a passenger.

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dont ya hate that damo............go to wave with the window up LOL

was on the phone, shifting into 4th, window was up. was quite an unattractive and awkward wave

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my old car i think

Damn, you let it get away, bloody nice car.

Spotted today a black Stag boosting down the street that runs next to work, like the sound of ya wastegate :ermm: Looked to have stock rims, was really dirty tho. Guessing your a friend of the blue 34 GTR v-spec that lives down abit further.

Also a gun metal grey 32 GTR leaving the shops on the top of o'hallaren hill., looked stock on the outside. Still looked nice but.

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was meeee. yeh i waved but the window was up :S

haha all good. Was good to spot someone off of here for once!

Oh and Tangles, pretty sure that orange 34 has an SR20 in it. NSW plates?

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Tangles did it have NSW plates? If so I saw it also but on Norwood Pde, plates something like SKY034

EDIT: Flick bet me to it :)

Edited by heslo
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Spotted some f**kin wanker (sorry about the language) in a black Aristo going about 160 down south road, cuting through traffic, running reds, driving through bike lanes....almost ran my brother off the road...

If i see u again, i will block u off, hop out, and smack u the f!@# out...

you coulda killed someone.

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driving... while youre talking on the phone...? :D

yeah i was in a hurry, jus shot 100m down the road to the servo. cmon, dont tell me youve neva done it?

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driving... while youre talking on the phone...? :D

He was talking to his baby girl and it was for 5 min not even so :D

Edited by Bunny33
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yeah i was in a hurry, jus shot 100m down the road to the servo. cmon, dont tell me youve neva done it?

heres the thing. i havent done it.

theres enough morons on the road for me to concentrate on without me being distracted by my phone.

correction, i have once, hands free.

Edited by scandyflick
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heres the thing. i havent done it.

theres enough morons on the road for me to concentrate on without me being distracted by my phone.

correction, i have once, hands free.

all i can say is build a bridge mate and get over it and

if you say you have never broken the law then your a big liar i would rather someone one on their phone than someone speeding and dont even try and say you have never been speeding befor ok so leave my man alone !

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