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Earth Hour - Sat 29 March - 8-9pm


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Hey people,

im sure most of you have already heard about Earth Hour, but if you havent, heres why you should care

Last year, on 31 March 2007, 2.2 million people and 2100 Sydney (Australia) businesses turned off their lights for one hour – Earth Hour. This massive collective effort reduced Sydney’s energy consumption by 10.2% for one hour, which is the equivalent effect of taking 48,616 cars off the road for a year.


Who: YOU! Everyone around the world

What: http://www.earthhour.org/

When: March 29, 2008, 8pm your local time

Where: In your own home and/or workplace

Why: To create AWARENESS about energy consumption


This happens in your home or your workplace at 8pm (your local time) on March 29th WHEREVER YOU ARE IN THE WORLD by simply turning off your lights, your TV, your dishwasher, your heating or a/c.


On March 29th, 2008 at 8pm local time Earth Hour will commence ALL AROUND THE WORLD.

Created to take a stand against the greatest threat our planet has ever faced, Earth Hour uses the simple action of turning off the lights for one hour to deliver a POWERFUL MESSAGE about the need for action on global warming.

Be part of making Earth Hour 2008 a huge, global success by telling your friends and family. Remember, every single light makes a statement and makes a difference.

++Pledge your support for Earth Hour and find out more about the lights-out campaign at earthhour.org, the official website. http://www.earthhour.org

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I'm gunna hook up as many amps as possible... I should be able to get some major DBs without anything dragging my power down :pwned:

Might see if I can set up my tesla coil too...

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What a sham.

I suppose as long as your seen to do the right thing thats all that matters.

Not a go at you Bec (I just hate how people now bow at the alter of Global Warming like its a religon. That you have to have faith that its true or you are a heathen)

Remember the Ice Age we were entering in the 70s, remember the millinium bug (someone make a heap of cash)

I just believe we need more research and debate, not just the green extremists shouting down every opinion that does not match their own.

Sorry about the rant.

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there was reports of a large chunk of the antartic (or artic) ice collapsing

the weather is getting warmer every year......

petrol is running out

we are faced with the prospect of driving in battery powered cars

honda is toying with robotics

looks like its gonna be T2 Judgement day!!!!!!!

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What a sham.

I suppose as long as your seen to do the right thing thats all that matters.

Not a go at you Bec (I just hate how people now bow at the alter of Global Warming like its a religon. That you have to have faith that its true or you are a heathen)

Remember the Ice Age we were entering in the 70s, remember the millinium bug (someone make a heap of cash)

I just believe we need more research and debate, not just the green extremists shouting down every opinion that does not match their own.

Sorry about the rant.


I'm sorry to flame you, but what a load of utter crap that post was.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand what we have done to the environment.

I don't tie myself to bulldozers which are about to knock down forests, but I do care about the environment and our kids future.

The industrial revolution probably kicked-started this issue, but we've just recently realised it in a world-wide sense.

If everyone took your attitude on-board, we'd be screwed in no time.

Be sensible, see the bigger picture and think before you trash an initiative like this.

Not only is Earth Hour helping the environment, but it's also helping to increase public awareness of the biggest issue of the decade.

Well done Bec for reminding SAU people of this most significant event!

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Mean 34, the problem is that it does not help with global warming.

If people believe that turning off lights for one hour will solve anything they are wrong.

And I don't mean to nitpick but I said that Man Made Global Warming needs further research and debate (not zeolots believing alarmist rants from scientist after larger grants)

But I do agree about Man destroying other areas of the enviroment ( I am an Environmental Scientist at a major Consultancy and see the effects every day.) but this is a different issue and turning off your lights will not fix it.

Ohh and I thought the biggest issue of the decade was getting a R35 into the country :action-smiley-069:

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I also think its not going to do much when I see SO many lights on in empty buildings in the city EVERY night and HUGE signs on top of buildings wasting energy dusk til dawn.. I'm sure every little bit helps but it should be a regular thing to turn off lights, appliances etc all the time. But then again I'm sure a global thing like Earth Hour helps get that same msg of 'change your way of living' across to a huge audience anyway.

Same goes for the water debacle. I find it hard to swallow that I couldn't THOROUGHLY wash my damn car ONCE in the last 12 months, at home, because that small amount of water is going to make such a big difference as compared to all the water they use in industry and agriculture on a daily basis.. so it's either crappy auto laser wash which doesn't do anything, scratches in the paint from the brushes at the local car(/truck/4WD) wash, or I have to find the time to get the car washed somewhere decent like Final Inspection.. which I never seem to be able to find the time to get to.. esp being like a 25ish min drive from here *sigh* :action-smiley-069:

Anyhoo Tomodachi (Japanese incl sushi train) at Melb Central is having dinner by candlelight between 8-9.. sounds like a nice way to spend Earth hour! And they have Entertainment Book discounts too.

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I think people are getting the wrong impression as to what Earth Hour is about.

Just as Anzac day, Remembrance Day, etc, is not going to bring back our dead soldiers, it is about the awareness it creates. Earth Hour isnt about making a long term change by turning off lights for one hour, LoL, its about creating greater awareness on electricity use.........

....no, im not a tree hugger either :)

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EXACTLY!!!! - its about awareness.

Although - reading what they accomplished in Sydney alone last year, it also seems that Earth Hour does help out as well. It makes more of a difference than I thought it would.

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Oh really people its only for 1 hour Geee, 1 Hour with out power i'm sure you will live!!! what do you do if there is a Black out in your area and you dont have a choice but to sit in darkness????

I think its a great idea, for that hour i will sit with my family in the candle light and Chat might even have a late dinner so we can have a nice Candle lit dinner!!!

all power (not just lights) are getting turned off at the power switch on the wall so our property is power free :D

and as for those whop dont believe in global warming if you lived on large proverty with live stock and have grown up on large property you will undertstand that there is somthing going wrong with our planet!!! but when you live on a 1/4 acher block with a 5x5 strip of grass a few plants and 1 cat and 1 dog you would have no idea on the effects of global warming, apart from you cant wash your car in your drive way any more!!!!

wake up people the earth is changing as as we live on it we can make a change!!! a big one,,, seeing we are the ones stuffing it up!!!!

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