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Nismo Proto Gtx-1 2500r


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Firstly, the 1600 has many many years of rally championships under it's belt.

the KPGC-10 GT-R has racing heritage.

the special edition GTR's (V spec, nur, N1 etc) have low number of builds and racing heritage.

in 25 years time and evn now, a perfect condition one with low km's would be worth a mint.

but the point that I and others are trying to get across (unsuccessfully) is that your perfect condition skyline is a run of the mill gunmetal grey 1993 R33 GTS25T with non standard and non limited edition modifications.

and therefore, is not a classic.

it is not rare, and never will be.

It has no racing history.

it has no "special" anything apart from "what could have been" documents.


don't take this as a put down of your car.

I'd love to own it.

it is a beautiful, and tastefully modified R33 GTS25T.

You say the insurance figure of your car is between you and your agency.

and yet you started a competition so others could guess at what it is worth.

with hints that it is a rare car and therefore worth shit loads.

was this just for attention? or are you going to reveal what it is insured for?

and what the reason is for it's value?

My R33 GTS25T of the same year as yours is valued at a massive $13K.

my agency asked for specific photos to cover me for that amount as it is apprently high for this type of car of that age.

I sent the photos, and they agreed it was clean and straight and worth that amount.

so... are you going to reveal all the secrets?

Hi there :spank:

The only reason this whole thing started was that i was asked by an SAU member if i wouldnt mind posting up ALL the pics that Dean Summers the photographer from High Performance Imports took last year. So thats what i did, then i started to get people asking "how much did i pay for it " & "whats it worth" knowing that its in good nick with low kay's but not really knowing what its "buyers price" could / would or might be i thought why not ask the same question back and see what people think as all i have is an insurance assessors appraisal. Im not talking my car up but if youve not spent a good half hour checking it out its hard to make an accurate judgement. It was beyond belief before i bought it ive just maintained that level. It is truely still like a new car like its been in some kind of time warp !

Ive never stated what it would be worth other than "if" its kept in "mint" condition with low kay's that in the future it will appreciate in value.Never was i comparing its value to any other car just comparing its value now to its value in the future which i believe will go up. AdamsR33 is right its so not a big deal about it being taken from the production line as it happens all the time.

What "i" found interesting (and i couldnt give a flying f--k ! who doesnt) was the "concept" behind its involvement. It doesnt bother me in the slightest that nothing ever happened regarding a finished product. It was what it was and is what it is. We rarely get a glimpse of the automotive ideas that dont make it which would be many many times more than the the ones that actually do & to have the actual car to be used in realising this and to be able to apply those ideas to it "i" (& once again couldnt give a flying f--k who doesnt) find interesting.Tthats all its ever been to me is an interest. What AMAZES me is peoples unwillingness to simply let that happen.

As far as secrets i have none. As i stated in an earlier post "when a complete stranger walks up to me and asks/orders me to do something the chance of me viewing it in a positive light is zero - trust between aquaintences is a two way street that is offered and accepted equally by both parties over time"

...and besides if i told you you have an unfair advantage in the guessing competition :P

Cheers malcolm ;)

[edit] - I have to totally and 100% disagree about this particular cars rarity. Sure we all know that there are 10's of thousands of identical ones just like it. But how many of those got chosen as prototypes, stamped & badged (effectively noted) as part of the process by which change and evolution between models is achieved. Historically its important because it happened wether it made production or won a race is after the fact anyway. In a way though the other 2 prototypes which arent with us anymore both being crushed are even rarer as theyre gone forever.

Id love to be a fly on the wall reading this thread had the GTX-1 2500R gone into even limited production just for homologation.......


Edited by malcolm
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That's an amazing looking R33, mate. The photos are really very well done. You're lucky to have had someone spend the time and effort to get it looking so good.

Hi there :spank:

The car is in good shape & the pics were taken for free by High Performance Imports magazine last year :P

Cheers malcolm ;)

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I really dont understand what the obsession is with trying to discredit the car for what it is.The fact is it does have history with Nismo as a prototype. No its not an official wholesale model available to millions of people.Its a car plucked of the production line to be used as a prototype...Nobody ever said it was a one of a kind GTR...just a prototype....The car is absolutely immaculate and worthy of admiration...yet all I hear is nitpicking....

Hi there Johnny :spank:

Your input is appreciated - thanks :P

We will get that drive in soon !

Cheers malcolm ;)

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HRT 427, a one of a kind built by HRT for developmental reasons, sadly it never became what it could of been. Its based on a CV8, Holden gave it to HRT off the prod line for prototype and developmental use.

There's only one in the world, is this car only worth what a clean well built CV8 is worth? If the bloke who owned it showed you pics of it told you what had been done to it would you doubt him?

Malcom has a truly unique car here, he has shared it with us and all people want to do is doubt everything he is saying, Malcom has no reason to lie about this car, he isn't trying to talk it up to sell it, as he said he would probably never part with it. I'd like to know why you doubt what Malcom is saying about this car anyway?

Why is it so hard for people to think Nissan wouldn't make a prototype car, there have been 1000's of prototypes made but never released by car companies all over the world. Is it so hard to think maybe Nissan wanted a GTST with as much go as a GTR but with rearwheel drive only and hey maybe call it a GTX, or a special GTST based model half way between a GTSt and GTR, is it possible??? Just because you haven't heard of it doesn't mean it didn't happen, just because you can't find anything about it on the interweb doesn't mean it couldn't happen.

I might be totally off line here, but i have no reason to doubt what Malcom is saying, i have met him and studied his car for hours, i wish my GTST locked half as good as this.

Hi there Adam :spank:

The thing here i believe is that car manufacturers are highly competitive sensitive creatures , no ones more than the japanese and these ideas that dont get the green light are really viewed as failures to them. Well perhaps not true failures as they still might have offered valuable information to be used at a later time. Theyd have thousands of conceptual ideas in the process of developing cars. They are only ever going to be interested in broadcasting the ones that are given the green light as they are the ones thatll keep them in business.

Thanks for your post :P

Cheers malcolm ;)

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HRT actually "made" the 427.

it eventuated.

even if there is only 1.

it is made.

I'll stop.

I was not putting his car down.

I'm just trying to find out the details of this car as in what it is insured as.

what it comes up as in FAST direct from Nissan etc.

I've said it almost every post.

it is a beautiful car.

but the fact that the gtx 2500r was only a prototype "design" but never even actually created (where as the HRT 427 was.. and raced too if I recall), how is it classified as something other than a GTS25T?

Hi there :spank:

No one is classifying it as anything other than a GTS25t - it was when it was made - was during its involvement - & still is today - it is not a GTX-1 2500R as one was never made however it is the only car that can genuinely continue to carry that theme. It would be inaccurate otherwise. It was what it was & is what is. I cant deviate from that.

Cheers malcolm :P

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I was talking specifically about the time and effort put into the photographs. I'm pretty sure it wasn't him that set the car up with the backdrop and studio lighting, etc. There's a lot of time spent getting photos like that to look right.

Hi there :spank:

Yeah ! - Dean Summers from HPI mag did a fantastic job and to have a whole disc of pics to take home is unbelievable :P

Not saying that even without the studio lights it still looks pretty "schmick" !

Cheers malcolm ;)

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Actually, there are two HRT 427's

1 is in a factory/museum type building and the other was just sold for a hefty sum :spank:

the previous owner had it for a few years, did a few race days in it, and now sold it. I actually had the pleasure of talking to him once about it, and by our car scene, the 427 will have more value to this car, or majority of any other special car, considering it sold for just under a mill....

Hi there :P

I was never comparing it to a - GTHO PHASE3 - BATHURST MONARO - DINO FERRARI - HRT 427 - TOYOTA 2000 SPORTS - FORD GT40-............

Just to itself in mint condition as it is today - as "i" believe if that is the case it "against what it is worth today" will appreciate ;)

Cheers malcolm :(

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Great car mate, whatever label you or others want to(or not) give it.

Any R33 of such a high standard should be something to be proud of :spank:

Hi there :P

Thankyou for your your post i appreciate it ;)

I am proud of it.

Cheers malcolm :(

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  • 1 year later...
Malcom would be around...The car locked up in his garage.. :)

Has it been invited to the show n shine?

given his warm welcome at the start of this thread id be suprised if he would bother .. :(

ps. great car either way.. :D

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