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Texi Wrap Up Thread


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good news andrew, glad you had an awesome day

yeah it was good man ........ i want to come up against ya again :)

matt you do know what i am talking haha :P

was great day , meet heaps of like minded * NEW* people and was good to catch up with some of the normal peeps i see on the thursday nights

cant wait for the next one , i am so going to be there , i want MOAR skids out of the auto rofl lol

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hey aggro, did you upgrade your brakes when you did the turbo conversion? If not, i strongly recommend :) I did it to mine, got the GTT brakes put in, one of my best mods :P The reason i brought it up is i would imagine if you had the GT brakes when you did this they would have suffered, i seized up my GT brakes for a lot less abuse.

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I couldn't help but laugh at Matt when i looked out of eric's car to see my car pushing this big cone halfway down the track..

I don't even know where I collected that cone from! I hope I delivered it back where it was meant to go!

Thanks again Dave for the drive! That car is hell fun to chuck about!

Just need to sort that camber, throw some semis on and give the keys back to me at Wakie... :)

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As for requests for DVD's, i hadnt really come along with the intention of selling images or making anything out of it, it was more about helping out as a volunteer as I have before, This is something that would have to be run past the Mods \ Event organisers due to their own arrangements which included a paid photographer that turned up to do some work and not wanting to "upset the apple cart" as such.

Maybe some input from Mods \ Event organisers for those interested?

Some great photos there!

The club photographer is there to ensure we have one "Pro" making the service availble to anyone that shows up wether or not the frequent these forums. The service on the day is to ensure that the photographer gets paid a bit in return for his time and ensuring he's there all day. So, don't worry about upsetting any apple cart. There are quite a few of you guys out there taking great shots and doing a great job for the club. We want everyone to benefit from your skills.

As long as you are not selling the photos professionally or representing yourself as an "official SAU photographer" then go nuts. If people want to buy them off you, that's great. If we end up having too many photographers offering paid services at an event then we may have to come up with a fair means to short it out but will try to be fair to all.

Oh, and I also do not want in any way to short shaft you guys that have been taking photographs for the club for some time. It's great to have so many people keen on helping us keep great looking memories from our events.

Anyone wanting to put their name in to the portfolio of SAU Club Official Photographers, contact me. I'll take your details and get some portfolio shots to bring up with the execs. We already have a roster of a few guys to ensure we can cover our various events. We will also try to rotate through a few folks to ensure everyone gets a fair shake.

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Eric that pic is awesome!! well worth printing and framing :D

Thanks Joel and Phil (Edit - and Kory on the previous page!!) I have some great skids pics - well at least i'm happy for a first attempt! :nyaanyaa:



thanks guys!! :(

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i am so glad i got to share this awesome day with msd-00f....

thanks for all the precious photos and memories of the last day i had driving her...

cant wait for the next car and the next texi in december!!! :nyaanyaa:

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Eric that is an awesome photo and definately frame worthy!

If you get a chance can I get the rear mounted vid to show the friends how epic my smoke shows are!

Getting excited for the next texi already!

By Request:

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