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I heard some bookies had already paid out on Vettel winning the WDC...Not sure if it's true, but short of him dying/not taking part in any race from now on, it's over.

Even if he did sit out the rest of the season, he may still hold on to win it lol

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kubica undergoes successful final surgery

sooo do you want me to post bikini pics of Jenson Buttons mrs?

i do....

the complaint used to be there's not enough passing... now passing is too easy and you want to see people blocking more... can't please everybody >_<

yeah. i think that it used to be boring before DRS because you'd have someone be able to catch the car in front easily, but the moment they got close they couldn't get past because once they got into the slipstream of the car in front they lost a heap of downforce on the corners and couldn't get past very easily. so it wasn't that the car in front had to defend super hard, just being in front of the other car was enough to slow them down.

for me, all the DRS does is allow faster cars to get past slower cars. if the car being overtaken was fast enough then they should still be within 1 second by the time they get to the DRS zone the next lap so they could have a crack at getting the position back. a lot of the time this isn't the case though. so often the fast closing car gets past and then disappears off into the distance.

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absolutely brilliant... the camera angle on that part of the circuit really shows off the car's speed... but watching the in-car made my arsehole pucker and I was lying on my couch at the time... imagine being in the car! guts baby, F1 delivers... sometimes;)

now if he can just work out how to get off the line at the start of a race...

It was great. Apparently the reason he had a go at Eau Rouge was he was pissed off about his start ... I'd rather see him get off the line properly, but there's nothing wrong with Mark getting a bit fired up!

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Was interesting to hear the BBC commentary stand up for Hamilton. I thought it was his own doing as plenty of people hang in around the outside and gain position at that part of the circuit.

Good race, will have to wait another few weeks to see if Webber can get a race right

Lewis admits fault for Kobayashi shunt

I watched Kobayashi's line very carefully on the replay and he never deviated from his line ... if you're the overtaking car it's on you to miss the other car if they hold their line. It's not like Kobayashi braked extra late, he just maintained position as is his right. He's not obliged to park his car to get out of Lewis' way.

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I watched Kobayashi's line very carefully on the replay and he never deviated from his line ... if you're the overtaking car it's on you to miss the other car if they hold their line. It's not like Kobayashi braked extra late, he just maintained position as is his right. He's not obliged to park his car to get out of Lewis' way.

Im just going to put it out there....Lewis is the most dangerous driver in F1.

Yes he is brilliant, but he is clearly frustrated by his performance this year.

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People were saying the same thing about seb last year. He cant overtake, he has no racecraft, and when the pressure is on, he's no fernando alonso

The only reason louie is getting flack is because he's not getting race wins. Spa was looking like it was going to be pretty straight forward for him, but for an innocuous tap that ended badly for him. Its no reason to say he's dangerous.

Soebody like Trulli is dangerous, because he's not smart. louie is smart, but impatient. Once he grows out of that he's golden

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Some depressing maths for you ... even if Webber wins the remaining seven races, Vettel need only average fourth to win the championship. What odds of either of those things happening?

A mate and i have a bet going

I have bet that, barring any crazy circumstances, webber will not win a race for the remainder of this year

Mclaren have come on too strong and seb is just having a blinder

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A mate and i have a bet going

I have bet that, barring any crazy circumstances, webber will not win a race for the remainder of this year

Mclaren have come on too strong and seb is just having a blinder

i feel you're hardly taking any big risks with that "bet".

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news of to day


ferrari are crying about tyres

"We know what is our Achilles Heel and we have to continue to work on it: we have made up ground in some areas, but on this one - I refer to the ideal window of operation for the tyres - we are still lagging behind," said the team boss.

Hamilton has given up

"Everyone should forget about the title because it is not going to happen," Hamilton said.

red bull still think anyone can win it

"There will be no complacency. We are heads down, focused on the next race - and not thinking anything is done and dusted at this point of time." (Christian Horner)

Martin Whitmarsh is defendind hamilton (again)

"Lewis is someone who attracts extremes, who is a passionate, immensely competitive, exciting racing driver," Whitmarsh said.

"People know they have to commit quite heavily to get past him, and he is always going to commit to go past them.

"Lewis Hamilton makes Formula One a more exciting place to be, so we should all hope Lewis continues to be one of the most exciting racing drivers any of us have seen. I don't want to change him.

"Yes, he's had some disappointments recently, but the new Lewis has handled those very well. He is learning, developing.

"But he is a racing driver who is competitive, which people were saying throughout most of Ayrton Senna's career, the same with Michael Schumacher.

"For all those committed, competitive drivers, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't."

(will get those bikini pics up soon) :thumbsup:

Edited by tweety bird
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Sorry,. at first I hated Lewis, I thought he was arrogane and also had an issue with his no.1 fan on this forum, being m3GTR or whatever his name was :)

But the past 18 months I have warmed to him...and whilst I am still a critic, he has shown that he can dig just about deeper then anyone else on the grid and pull out amazing results.

PROBLEM 1 is he is too busy thinking about hgis legacy now. He comes up to somebody, and instead of being methodical and trying tp pull a move he sails up and does dangerous things....all to hopefully be remembered as a great overtaker in a period where it doesnt happen. The catch is he is looking like a hack with frequent binnings and clashes. He is no Button, Webber or Alonso who this year have been driving through the field with no clashes.

PROBLEM 2 is he hates Vettel coming along and breaking his records and for the forseeable future smashing any hopes Hamilton had of winning multiple WDCs and setting records for winds, quali etc etc. At the moment he looks like a single WDC and needs to get his head out of the clouds, knuckle down and concentrate on a campaign that lasts a season.

At the moment I think I would much rather see Rosberg at McLaren , who shows maturity is his drives and really springs to mind as the most deserving guy in F1 at the moment for a better seat. He woul dbe ready to put his bum in a race winning car and probably do the job.

So, Hamo....how many seasons has he been in F1 with a race winning car? And he has 1 lucky WDC to his name, which in my eyes should be Massas...and that is saying a lot. He isnt going to grow up as a driver....which means we are set for years of great viewing and carnage...and time to time dangerous driving. Hell, he was motionless after the accident and I had a sick feeling that something had gone pearshaped....he needs the same moment of wakening.

As for Webbers move, it was a good move, but Alonso had no grip and there is so much run off there now that tweo mature drivers werent going to clash there. You would have had to have rocks in your head to try that on Hamo...after all think back to German GP, he said "No way Webber was going to go around the ourside of me" ... then laps later puts it around the outside of Alonso claiming he is a great overtaker. He knows he needed the co-operation of the other driver to make it work....and he isnt willing to let go for others but expects so in return.

LOVE to see him get booted for the likes of Rosberg. Not going to happen but a boy can wish

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I like the more humble LH we have been getting compared to the first two years, especially when he comes out and calls his own mistakes (like the Kobayashi contact). He is still a flog at times but he seems to be mellowing a bit.

He is quick and entertaining to watch and best of all he gives you someone to cheer for or against. What more can you ask for in sport?

I am not sure about Rosberg, The Kube is the guy I most want to see in a top tier car, until his accident he was the most deserving driver in the current crop of F1 drivers.

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Kub couldnt put Heidfeld into retirement and look at his results alongside Petrov... Kubz would have been an interesting one...was he a Fisi, able to make poor cars look god but suck in top equipment...or could he have gone on with it??? I cant see him returning so maybe never know

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