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What Have You Done To Your Stagea Lately?


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Gives more accurate toe adjustment rather than slotting the subframe.

G35 toe.jpg

Thought this was pretty cool if you want to keep the separate spring and shock.

G35 control arm.jpg

Yup that one works out much better. Maintaining the oem points but allowing adjustability.

To compare which works better (coil over vs oem) the next is to find what the oem spring sits below.. chassis support rail etc

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Just filled upon pump 98! Petrol is cheap today! But still thought e85 would be cheaper!? &&0){for(var>

hell id go e85 thats cheaper than 98 here still $1.38 :( ..... but i dont know how a product that only has 15% actual fuel how much is ethanol per barrel

Edited by stripey
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Exhaust done and dusted.

Amazing job. Really happy with how it turned out. Sits much more snug against the car which was what i was really hoping for :)

Sounds great. Not loud or droney and not much cabin noise (we did do a good job with insulation when i swapped the centre console when the manual was added).

On too the next job!!! :)










Edited by Beregron
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Exhaust done and dusted.

Amazing job. Really happy with how it turned out. Sits much more snug against the car which was what i was really hoping for :)

Sounds great. Not loud or droney and not much cabin noise (we did do a good job with insulation when i swapped the centre console when the manual was added).

On too the next job!!! :)

This is nice man!

Do you have a build thread?

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Put my m35 on a dyno today.

165awkw with a dump pipe back 3"exhaust.

Pretty happy with those numbers i think!

Going to go back after getting Scotty's dump pipe and see what kind of difference it actually makes. Everyone say's it makes a big difference, so we'll find out!

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^Nice job! Looks awesome! Was it an exhaust shop or the same place that did your manual conversion?

Its the bloke who owns the shed next to the place that did my manual conversion. He does custom fabrication.

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oh FFS, i'd finally settled on an MCA suspension because I couldn't replicate stock height with the BC's and then you all go and confuse the issue with your 'opinions' and stuff. WTF is this, a forum?

So in summary, going stock and replacing my shocks with OEM shocks will cost like 1200 (front and back) so they're out, BC's are out because they're too low at the back, MCA's are out because they're potentially unsafe and I need to have the car registered in VIC so it's going through the pits.

there's gotta be an easier way...

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oh FFS, i'd finally settled on an MCA suspension because I couldn't replicate stock height with the BC's and then you all go and confuse the issue with your 'opinions' and stuff. WTF is this, a forum?

So in summary, going stock and replacing my shocks with OEM shocks will cost like 1200 (front and back) so they're out, BC's are out because they're too low at the back, MCA's are out because they're potentially unsafe and I need to have the car registered in VIC so it's going through the pits.

there's gotta be an easier way...

Get a set of nismos
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Turned out alright.&&0){for(var>

That's a familiar looking colour.... :thumbsup:

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oh FFS, i'd finally settled on an MCA suspension because I couldn't replicate stock height with the BC's and then you all go and confuse the issue with your 'opinions' and stuff. WTF is this, a forum?

So in summary, going stock and replacing my shocks with OEM shocks will cost like 1200 (front and back) so they're out, BC's are out because they're too low at the back, MCA's are out because they're potentially unsafe and I need to have the car registered in VIC so it's going through the pits.

there's gotta be an easier way...

Are all the shocks dodgy? If not then just replace the unroadworthy ones with "good" second hand ones and then put the MCAs on after you get roadworthy.

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oh FFS, i'd finally settled on an MCA suspension because I couldn't replicate stock height with the BC's and then you all go and confuse the issue with your 'opinions' and stuff. WTF is this, a forum?

So in summary, going stock and replacing my shocks with OEM shocks will cost like 1200 (front and back) so they're out, BC's are out because they're too low at the back, MCA's are out because they're potentially unsafe and I need to have the car registered in VIC so it's going through the pits.

there's gotta be an easier way...

They sell spring platforms or spacers to raise the springs for bCs don't they?

I think it's just having everyone's best interests at heart. Can always resell..

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