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Vic Wasteland Thread


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Just took the car to the carwash to have a decent look at it.

Wow, only thing damaged is the bonnet! Boot and other panels are still ok.

Swapping r34 bonnet with speed craters for straight bonnet + $1000 my way.

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got home to find the garage flooded :/ judging by the water mark on the boxes it was about a foot high.

luckily the garage floor isn't even else would've gone inside the house.

even luckier i wasn't here for the golf ball sized hail storm, neither was my parents' and brother's cars.

my sister in law's car wasn't so lucky looks like it copped a dent or 2 on the bonnet from what i can see.

/tragic story bro

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Was driving to my girlfriends when we copped golf ball sized hail, and enough rain to decrease visibility to about 2m, but kept going hoping that the storm was heading to her place and not away from it..

Wasn't the case unfortunately. The hail that hit there must've been tennis ball size judging by the holes in their pergola

The car I was driving didn't get a single dent getting hammered by golf ball sized stones, but every panel of the gf's car is f**ked, and a cracked windscreen :(

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