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Ever Caught Someone Admiring Your Car?

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Just had a good one the other night, I started a new job about 2 months ago and we'd just closed up and walked out to the car park and my boss goes 'oh wow nice car, wonder what drug dealer owns that!?'

Had to break it to him that it wasn't drugs he's just paying me too much ;) hahaha

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Just had a good one the other night, I started a new job about 2 months ago and we'd just closed up and walked out to the car park and my boss goes 'oh wow nice car, wonder what drug dealer owns that!?'

Had to break it to him that it wasn't drugs he's just paying me too much ;) hahaha

Wrong response!

Should've been...

"Well it's actually me who's overcapitalised on this. Now if I can let you buy it at a 'good' price so I can downsize, we'll both be happy!" :P

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Went for a cruise to Adelaide this past weekend, and popped into a Bottle-O for my passengers.

Anyway, they hopped out and went into the shop, while I waited in the Skyline.

This was like 5-6 pm on a Sunday, but there were still a few people in the adjoined pub, hanging out, and could obviously see me.

Two complete strangers, a bloke and a female, came out, pints in hand, and legit spent 5-10 minutes trying to convince me to do a burnout.

Quote: "Hey do a skid man. Those Jap cars go hard ay!" The female goes "Yeahhh do a skid man, and i'll skull my beer!"

I didn't even know them. Haha. I don't even know how I feel about that kind of attention. My old car was a 1990 Holden Apollo. Hahah ;)

To infuriate them, I went full nanna, and left in a considerate and safe manner.

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Went for a cruise to Adelaide this past weekend, and popped into a Bottle-O for my passengers.

Anyway, they hopped out and went into the shop, while I waited in the Skyline.

This was like 5-6 pm on a Sunday, but there were still a few people in the adjoined pub, hanging out, and could obviously see me.

Two complete strangers, a bloke and a female, came out, pints in hand, and legit spent 5-10 minutes trying to convince me to do a burnout.

Quote: "Hey do a skid man. Those Jap cars go hard ay!" The female goes "Yeahhh do a skid man, and i'll skull my beer!"

I didn't even know them. Haha. I don't even know how I feel about that kind of attention. My old car was a 1990 Holden Apollo. Hahah ;)

To infuriate them, I went full nanna, and left in a considerate and safe manner.

do you have a non turbo r34?

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do you have a non turbo r34?

Yes. Hahah. Which is why I found the situation so awkward.

I mean, I love the car, but it's not an insane powerhouse, and I don't act as if it is

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I've had a couple of similar situations.

I left Sushi train once and had a woman admiring the car, asking what it was (Debaged Supra in Gunmetal). She was very disappointed when I told her it was a Toyota.

I've been deso driver a few times at my local, which has a big balcony that's usually packed. After leaving there every time I'm serenaded by "Do a skid!" "Do a burn out". Of which I pull out as slow as possible much to everyone's disgust.

I once started talking to a couple of people at the same pub on the balcony, and they had started talking about who the hell could own a car like that and come to a bar like this. I let them continue for a while until I explained it was mine, and they didn't believe me until I got into the car to leave.

All that over a 10k N/A supra.

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I've had a couple of similar situations.

I left Sushi train once and had a woman admiring the car, asking what it was (Debaged Supra in Gunmetal). She was very disappointed when I told her it was a Toyota.

I've been deso driver a few times at my local, which has a big balcony that's usually packed. After leaving there every time I'm serenaded by "Do a skid!" "Do a burn out". Of which I pull out as slow as possible much to everyone's disgust.

I once started talking to a couple of people at the same pub on the balcony, and they had started talking about who the hell could own a car like that and come to a bar like this. I let them continue for a while until I explained it was mine, and they didn't believe me until I got into the car to leave.

All that over a 10k N/A supra.

I dont get this. How can people be so amazed by cars that are seen on the road alot and are common? Even someone with very little knowledge about cars should be able to tell the difference between an exoctic like a Ferrari or Lambo and a Supra...How are people able to get so shocked that they are able to have entire discussions over it?

Id expect this kind of behaviour from 16 year olds or p platers that have just watched fast and furious and want to be "free for those 10 seconds or less".

I get the usual "How many poundsss broo" when people pull up to me at the lights. To which I respond, its non turbo , sorry I dont know much about cars. "But but its got a boost gauge". Yeah thats just for show. And then I take of granny like to the disgust of all those around me - "why would you own a non turbo skyline" responses are usually heard after that.

Get asked about the car when I stop at the servo alot and you get the obligatory p plater rubberknecking every time you go past.

To be honest I just want to drive my car without being bothered , I built it up for myself and I couldn't care less whether people like it or not but I do enjoy the random convo from a fellow enthusiast as opposed to anyone from the F&F generation.

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I remember around 5 years ago, a few months after getting my Stagea (living in Bathurst at the time), I came back to the car to find a small group of Japanese tourists standing around it, they were pretty excited about it haha.

And every now and then theres people in shopping centres or petrol stations asking what the car is, how old it is, and that sort of thing.

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I live near a rather popular nightclub in the eastern suburbs of Melbourne, past which I have to drive to get home. I was coming round the corner and there was a young guy, probs 18-ish blatantly staring at me in my 34. I gave it some beans and he looked a little shocked, maybe he was expecting spool?

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I dont get this. How can people be so amazed by cars that are seen on the road alot and are common? Even someone with very little knowledge about cars should be able to tell the difference between an exoctic like a Ferrari or Lambo and a Supra...

Id expect this kind of behaviour from 16 year olds or p platers that have just watched fast and furious and want to be "free for those 10 seconds or less".

If there's one thing F&F has taught us is that a Supra will "Smoke" a Ferrari. :yes:

I find I get a bit of Rubber Neckin' in either the 4door or the SkyWagon. Must be the slightly unusual factor.

I was a passenger in my sisters Cube whilst in Orange and noticed the same thing.

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There are only so many everyday Commodores and Falcons one can see, before getting tired of them.

But then there are cars/ owners who like, on the other end of that spectrum, who are trying to be unique.

There is this kid in my town with a Magna, like bright turquoise, in your face, eye bleeding turquoise, with custom rims, and a pod filter.

He's put carbon fibre wrap on the fuel cap and stuff.

He hoons around my town and I just cringe. Cringe everywhere.

If he was a friendly person, I'd be like "Yeah feck it, he's not harming me", but it's the opposite, he's a complete douche.

E.g. Will always high beam you if you don't wave back

Pulls up next to you, and will blatantly criticize your car

Installs a start button into the dash

Sorry if this sounded random, or unrelated, but f**k this guy and people like him. sWKPmI7.jpg

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havent had a lot of attention as yet but when i had my fog lights tinted with red paper a P plater remember my car around lol.

loved it when a cop pulled me over, and thought my gtst was a gtr ;) maybe cause of the GTR wing

oh and everytime i wash my car, my mate just jizzes over it and wants one...

other than that not too many as yet

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get it often enough in the gtir, being as uncommon as they are, at QR track day on the weekend, I had some guy come and take a heap a photos of it parked, and around the track, he was going on about how he always wanted one years ago, makes you feel good having something that even other revheads don't see to often lol

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