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Ever Caught Someone Admiring Your Car?

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I have come back to find people taking pics of my car in the carpark, always makes me a little uneasy!

Had plenty of random driving experiences in it though ranging from your general thumbs up to people trying to flag me down to stop on the highway!

Had several occasions where guys and girls have taken pics of it driving through Syd and had some crazy lebbo at a servo in Cabramatta filming the car one day as well! Not sure if he believed me when I said it was stock!! :D

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Saw this thread and had a chuckle. I can definitely say I've had my share of admirations, some have been down right hilarious. Unfortunately most of these were when my ex was in the car and was able to relay them to me, as when I'm driving I tend to not notice these things (too busy concentrating :P).

Situation 1:

Driving through the streets of the city, upon turning a corner into a street two guys were walking up it ahead of us. As I approached the T junction to turn (towards the corner they were on) one of them goes down onto his knees and arms up in the air, not sure how to classify the sound he made. Guess you could say he had a crisis.

Situation 2:

Driving around near the harbour tunnel entrance going through one of the turning on-ramps to join oncoming traffic - a motorbike coming from a different entrance drives alongside, gives a thumbs up and drives up a bit. About 5 seconds later does a "wheelie" and continues on.

Situation 3:

Kids - love the reactions these guys have to the GTR. I'm kind of grouping them all together as they always happen.

Kids being walking by their parents but twisting almost 180 to keep looking at that car. Ones asking questions "Mum, what is that car" "It's a Nissan." Other's making statements "It's bwueee!" You get the general drift here.

Situation 4:

Getting papped. This has happened a few times in different forms (I'm sure everyone gets these).

One - One day driving to a friends birthday car in the middle land moved up to be ahead of me in the outside lane. Hanging outside the window was a pair of hands holding a camera, which I assuming was filming.

Two - Driving through the city, I ended up being the first car smack bang outside Deli France at an intersection. Two guys who were sitting down having a coffee got up and started having a conversation and asked if they could take photos.

Three - Another photo papp at a set of lights. A guy with a DSLR ended up walking into the middle of the road behind me (3 lanes) to take some photos, luckily it was fairly quiet.

I'm sure there are others that I'll remember in due course but thought I'd share some of the funny ones to give people a laugh :)

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yeah GTRs are always a head turner, probably my two most memorable would be:

firstly: when taking a girl out we were driving through the a carpark and this kids like " WOWEE mum! look at that! that car is AMAZING!!!"

secondly: once again out witha girl (probably the most fortuitous timing for it) and after parking a kid comes up to me and he's like "is that a real R32 GTR!!! you ought to enter it into the local show and shine! you would win for sure mister.. you sure are lucky to own one of those. i want to get one when i grow up"

obviously good for the ego in both cases. :)

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I popped in at burger shop in 2001 at South St Marys before doing a house call.

> I came out with my sandwich and drink, noticing a woman 2m from my car.


> As I chirped the immobiliser to "unlock", she asks me, "Can you please give this car a hit?"

> I say, "Sorry but I'm going to have my lunch first."

> She says, "Well can I sit just over there until you finish lunch, and then you'll give it a hit?"

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I popped in at burger shop in 2001 at South St Marys before doing a house call.

> I came out with my sandwich and drink, noticing a woman 2m from my car.

> As I chirped the immobiliser to "unlock", she asks me, "Can you please give this car a hit?"

> I say, "Sorry but I'm going to have my lunch first."

> She says, "Well can I sit just over there until you finish lunch, and then you'll give it a hit?"

Terry you sly dog

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Had a guy next to me last week driving home from work in stop start traffic. He had a tidy 911, would have been 50-60. He wound his window down and said "That's a nice Datsun"

I wasn't quick enough to come back with "That's a nice Volkswagen" - it came to me about 10 seconds later

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He saw your blonde hair Kat and thought,...

"That certainly ain't stock. She only thinks it's stock!"


Hahaha quite possibly!

He didn't seem like the sharpest tool in the shed though :D

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