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PI Weekend 13th & 14th Nov


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Team Wang rides again....Come one come all. Last one was great fun see here

I have emailed both Matt and Warren so should have the Supp Regs in the next day or two.

Basically the Saturday is a practice day encompassing 20min untimed sessions where you have access to instructors. The Sunday is a proper Sprint Day where laps are timed. Cost is approx $125 per day.

We had access to a good little weekender last trip, which im looking to get again. If we get between 6-8 ppl then it works out to be about $20-25 a night and it even has a TV and BBQ:thumbsup:...and is only about 200mtrs from the beach for those late night jaunts in the surf:)

So who is up for it, and include if you are interested in accomodation. But be warned, bring your party hats, we will have to show a lot of commitment if we are going to enjoy this weekend as much as the last one :whip: :P :alcoholic:

PM me your email address for ther Supp Regs


- Roy , both days + accom

- skyline-geoff, both days + accom

- INASNT, both days no accom

- Scotsman, he gets upset if i dont automatically throw up his details:)



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I'm pulling out all stops in order to get down there for the weekend but it might be the weekend the inlaws are coming to visit so I might be whipped :-(

Will confirm and let you guys know....

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Yeah - I have promised to take the wife away that weekend. But I am having a mental battle on whether I can make it for the Sunday or not just yet.

More than likely I'd say I can't however. But I might come down and watch in the afternoon - see how Troy is getting on with his 1.49 attempt and find out if Scotsman has beaten the 1.49.3 with this new suspension.

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LOL...call in sick:) I willbe flying back from Adelaide for this one:thumbsup:

If you get your entries in before the 05-Nov-04 then its $125 per day, after its $135 per day. So get in now and same yourself $20:) Thats half a case of beer or fuel

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Another track weekend/drinking session - can't wait for this one - seeing as I missed Sandown........

Looks like the original Team Wang is dropping like flies - we need recruits!! :ufo:

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If I have fixed my brakes, I might do the track Saturday, Sunday depending on funds.

If not then no...... Cause it's about the time that I get my RB74's and Comp 2's made. Damn non easy parts off the shelf car......

The week after I get my slotted rotors :aroused:

Might even have my big getf*cked cooler on it too!

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Glad to see you automatically include me Roy. I don't want to have to get upset with you again. LOL.

I wont do the Saturday, but will see if I can be made an hounerary passenger to help out any1 new to PI.

Will give Sunday a go if I feel my car needs to be tested, otherwise will wait till next year.

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