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hi roy

i have finally gotten around to watching the quali.

they reckon webber's car was filled to the brim based on how long the fuel hose was on there.

his final time was either a fantastic lap or the fuel load is much lighter than they were suggesting.

hard to figure out.

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Hammo acting 'teh ghey' once again...

Near the end of a weekend of jibes, Lewis Hamilton has hit back hard at his staunchest critics.

The championship leader, who could wrap up the 2008 title in Shanghai, served up a biting reply to Fernando Alonso, his former McLaren team-mate who has vowed to help Felipe Massa to emerge with the spoils.

"He was a double world champion who came to the team and got beaten by a rookie. That says it all," Hamilton told reporters in China.

"When someone has been winning, then another driver comes in and takes over, then they are not going to be happy about it," he added.

The Briton said he is not upset he is not invited to play cards with a band of his competitors, including Alonso and BMW Sauber's Robert Kubica.

"I don't play poker," he said. "Some drivers get together, I'm here to race.


Hamilton denied he has been drawn in to a round of mind games.

"I don't believe in them. There is no need to, because we can do the job."

He believes the reason for his unpopularity among his fellow drivers is obvious.

"It is because I'm winning," Hamilton said. "When you are a winner, when you are doing well, that is the game."

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Rain...hehe, well sadly Mclaren look supreme in the wet, but who knows if Hamo can keep clear off the line

Hopefully Raikkonen remembers Fuji 07 and the first stint of Silverstone 08 as a reminder of how to drive in wet conditions..

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I am watching it on Star Sports, i supose that is one benefit of being in India :thumbsup: I finally think i have now become apathetic to Lewis :D So ... i would still rather see Massa win the WDC but i think the schmuk winning a WDC and continuing to be a nob is inevitable. No point fighting it :)

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Probably most boring race of the season. Unless your a hamilton fan.

Doesnt look good for massa, 7 points is alot.

Although ive asked in past races 'if there is a god, please give him some arrogant-in-the-best-car karma'.. And its worked :P

But i take a certain happiness in knowing mclaren wont win the constructors.. Oh the irony.

Also that comment by lewis on alonso and the rest of the drivers is a joke. There is many people who deserve to win the title and win races more than him. He stepped into the best car on the grid and has a team built around him which means he has no appreciation for what its like to really make your way in formula one into the position you deserve.

Nearly everyone starts from the bottom. It must be nice to start from the top hey lewis?

I hope alonso is right about being able to challenge for the title next year. I hate that lewis' greatest rival isnt in a car to challenge!

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Well, i cant wait for next season :P

What i have learnt from this year. Heikki is the new Fisi, good driver, but not special enough to shine in a good car let alone carry a bad one.

Vettel vs Webber is going to be the highlight of next year....either way we find out if Webber really is the most deserving guy in F1 or whether equal to the equipment he has been hired to drive.

If Jr keeps his seat then Renault have really mellowed now they arent WDC pace.

And finally Lewis, will be interesting if he mellows as WDC or really lets fly now he has the silverware

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Roy, you forgot a major factor which is sure to shake up the grid next year - any team backed in a major way by a bank will have no budget to develop their new cars. bad times for those guys, they are going to have to cut back majorly on the caviar budget.

and the manufacturer back teams will have major budget issues too - how do you think ferrari's sales have been in the last 3 months compared to the 9 months prior....

In a further development I understand the FIA have been watching this thread all year and have decided to ditch the stewards, and just take decisions from the posters in this thread.

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don't forget that year long ago. I think it was 2007. a certain lewi homoton went into the last race of the season with a 7 point lead over his closest rival and finished that race without a WDC...

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