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Good work birds. Though surely you could go 5kg increments. I did 5x5 with 5 kg increments and It

Worked great for me for quite a while. The thing to keep in mind is that dead lift isn't just brute strength as much as it is technique (im sure you k ow this already) The more you deadlift the more your body recognises the pattern for an efficient deadlift. I dare say you could go 5kg a session.

It's very much mind over matter and if you believe you can go up 5kg a week I reckon you could

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Well last workout I pulled 150, so I have stepped up by 5 in one workout...which is half a week...I'm just concerned about losing form quickly with these kind of increments. Had lower back pain 2 years ago, so half of me says it's a miracle you're even able to do this lift at a decent weight...you should be happy with what youre doing, stahp etc...the other half says keep going and find out what you're capable of. Maybe 2.5 per session, i.e. 5 a week would be a good start...or put it up by 5 and then repeat the lift later in the week.

160 would be double bodyweight, which is a nice benchmark for me. Been deadlifting for nearly a year now - just 3 sets of 10, twice a week.

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I have never done one before in the year that i have been lifting, but today I decided to try out a 5x5 session today and I liked it. I just did the basic sorta lifts:

Bench press 90kg

Incline flyes: 32.5kg dumbells

Dips 42.5kg

Skull crushers 50kg

Squats 105kg

Sldl's 112.5kg

On Monday I'll try out

Shoulder press

Power cleans

Barbell rows


Chin ups

Barbell Curls

I think I might do these types of sessions more regularly to change it up a bit

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curious as to why you do your deads at the end of a session birds. do you do the same with squats/bench?

Simple answer: OCD

Squats and deads are the last exercises I added to my routine, so I tacked them on last to my pull workout. They were "experimental" at the time (I had back problems), so I didn't want them to interfere with the rest of my workout. As I've been gaining progress with both exercises since I've been doing them, I've never bothered to re-order them at the start of the workout.

I do bench first on push day. I was actually chatting to my training partner about doing deads and squats at the start of the next pull session to see how it goes, see if it leaves me screwed for the rest of the exercises.

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I find it very hard to go straight into deadlifts in my back sessions.. So I start with seated rows and that gives me a good warm up ready for dead lifting.. I feel as if the lower back is a lot more loose

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I finally got back to a 180 deadlift last night.

For 3 sets of 3

From a 6cm deficit

New 12 week program starts Monday leading up to states comp in April so weight will drop way down for all lifts for a few weeks.

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I finally got back to a 180 deadlift last night.

For 3 sets of 3

From a 6cm deficit

New 12 week program starts Monday leading up to states comp in April so weight will drop way down for all lifts for a few weeks.

whats a 6cm deficit?

your standing on a platform?

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most would do deads as a primary workout, increasing by 5 a week. the way birds does it, 2.5 prob wont hurt.

I started deadlifting to fix my back and leg injuries, youre a positive fella birds, lift big.

Deadlifts have definitely helped/fixed my back problems. They aren't anywhere close to what they were betore. It's amazing how, all your life you're told not to lift with your back, so not only do you have this learned aversion to it, but with back issues, the last thing you'd think is to start lifting with it.

My mother has back issues and I keep telling her she needs to join a gym and start deadlifting...she keeps laughing it off, there's no convincing her. Even though I swear to her it fixed my problems. When I tell her I just deadlifted 160, hooray for me, the answer inevitably comes back: "You're gonna do yourself an injury, you need one of those weight belts like the guys on TV" hahahahaha. The same mother likes to blame my genetics for my low body fat, saying she used to be thin when she was my age and that's the reason I can eat so much carby stuff and not gain a pound. I've tried to explain calories in and out to her - no avail.

Better finish this before it turns into a rant about parents and how they become more of a hinder after a certain age...

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I do quite a few stretches and warmups before getting into my working sets. Plenty of rest.

Didn't do enough to start with, ever since I added more I feel far better off.

There is no conceivable way you can do an injury if technique is right.

Edited by jangles
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10% is a good BF figure IMO. I'm hovering around what I guess is 9-10% these days. It's not difficult to maintain once you're there. However, I am more susceptible to colds than I used to be and very sensitive to temperature changes. I swear like a bitch (ask Leigh). Lowest I got to was, I could only guess 7-8% and I struggled to get through workouts at this. Bad calorie deficit.

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TTT: knee wraps are sitting on my floor, will have to go down to PTC to learn how to use them... I'm planning on training for states at PTC but haven't been down there yet this year... next week... I'm sore just thinking about it lol

I should actually set out a program and do it, instead of making it up as I go along... I might just run PPP

looks like your back is on the mend? that's some solid lifting

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My mother has back issues and I keep telling her she needs to join a gym and start deadlifting...she keeps laughing it off, there's no convincing her. Even though I swear to her it fixed my problems. When I tell her I just deadlifted 160, hooray for me, the answer inevitably comes back: "You're gonna do yourself an injury, you need one of those weight belts like the guys on TV" hahahahaha.

this is a far too common opinion... people fail to realise if you strengthen the muscles that run either side of your spine (the ones that protect it) your chance of injuring your back are massively reduced... people that hurt their back tying their shoes or getting out of bed did so due to years of sitting and inactivity... it wasn't the act of lifting incorrectly it was due to the fact your back muscles are non-existant and therefore your spine is completely unprotected

people used to lift and carry all the time... we're built for it... cars, chairs etc have ruined us... just look around, we have to be the worst examples of human beings in the history of evolution

the amount of fatties at the beach this summer was a disgrace... dressed head to toe as god forbid some sun touches their flabby pale bodies... then they probably get told by doctors to take vitamin D supps

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Nick. Everyone comments on how well Max wraps them so definitely learn of him.

There are many ways to do it. Some vids online for them too.

I got Scott at PTC Brisbane to show me.

I don't wrap too tight though..... Too much of a pussy. LOL.

I'll start to incorporate them closer to the date and start cranking them a little.

You should see some of the bruises the others get.

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10% is a good BF figure IMO. I'm hovering around what I guess is 9-10% these days. It's not difficult to maintain once you're there. However, I am more susceptible to colds than I used to be and very sensitive to temperature changes. I swear like a bitch (ask Leigh). Lowest I got to was, I could only guess 7-8% and I struggled to get through workouts at this. Bad calorie deficit.

You've increased you intake recently and still maintaining but with more energy?

Do you plan on increasing intake if needed to increase your lifts? If/when that happens?

Low bf's can be maintained but require a closer look into what you're consuming. Just eating 'clean' or 'healthy' wouldn't be my choice. As Birds said, his deficit had its side effects.

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