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Project Scrawny


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hahaha NO f**k that shit. What you can see a hint of on my ribs there is the name, date of birth, and date of death (if they've passed) for each of my 5 family dogs I've had through my life. Decorating the 5 lines of text is a bit of a generic/cliche rose bush/vine design that extends from the bottom line of text on my side, over my back, all the way up to my right shoulder. On my right shoulderblade I have another 2 lines of text, which are lines from a song.

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Keep your shirt on for the next 6 months.

problem solved.

General idea lol. I'm gonna reduce calories by a little bit shortly since I really am over eating, but otherwise f**k it lol

Good progress dude.

What mutt have you got at the moment? Got a post up in the wasteland thread?

I've had 2 blue healers and 1 red healer (all passed), and currently we have another 2 blue healers. I haven't posted up any pics in that thread as I don't have any decent ones right now :( will have to harass my mum for some haha

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Pushed out 8 reps of +46.5kg on my 4th set of dips last night...fark yeah!! Minor goal of 50kg for at least 5 reps is VERY close.

awesome :)

p.s looking good

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  • 3 weeks later...

Shameless bump with some updates.

Lift progressions:

Bench press - 100kg 4 sets of 5 reps

Weighted dips - +50kg 4 sets of 8/7/6/5 reps

Incline DB press - 36kg 5 sets of 9/8/7/7/5 reps

Incline leg press - 380kg 1 set of 6 reps

I've started to get over the seefood bulk diet, there's not enough structure in the macros allowing for a little bit more fat gain than I'd really like...that, and I'm actually starting to bore myself of food hahaha. As a result, I've decided to cut back for a few weeks to regain some definition, then get back onto a MEASURED calorie surplus for a more steady gain for a while. Top pic is obviously one from before, second pic is one from this arvo after my first day of a harsh carb cut (compared to recent intake at least) as a reference for a starting point of this cut period. Top pic makes me look much more muscular and vascular thanks to the ludicrous amounts of carbs I was taking in haha...plus it was taken while getting changed in the gym (after back+bicep session).

Progress pic time....hate how taking a photo from waist height makes chest+shoulders look narrower than they really are :( oh well lol



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hahaha cheers :D I can't wait til I can have my very first pic from the first post in this thread alongside my "final result" pic I'll be taking at the beginning of summer. Gonna blow my mind in the best way possible!

Even now I don't recognise myself rofl

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