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Bought not built?

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Ok, here's the situation. A good friend of mine is buying a new car, that has had nearly every modification on the planet done to it. He has asked me my opinion of whether he should buy it or not, whilst i do appreciate it's a great car, i couldnt say that it's what i'd really recommend for him to do - or something i would do myself, as he's previously had 2 other fully completed cars which have gone bad for him (not that all completed cars go bad) and he's always wanted to start off fresh.

I dunno, i feel that building up a car, doing your own big or small modifications and little touches here and there is what makes it YOUR car? This certain car is soon to be in some magazines as the owner has basically completed the project, so i think allot of people will always look at it as so and so's car.

I myself have always bought stock (or as close as possible to stock) to build up to scratch, and basically never let a workshop touch mine unless it's serious tuning or something i have no idea about so i feel inclined to give my friend the opinion that is he should buy something closer to stock and build to represent himself as the car build up journey is always the most fun (well sometimes not!! haha).

I know that he does want to have a car that represents who he is, i do think he's a little scared of.. how should i put this... "driving a slow car to begin with" if you know what i mean, as he always seems to want to chop everything the easy way. Eg, buying a car with instant huge hp.

I do believe that my opinion will influence his decision to buy or what not, as he keeps asking me if he should do it or not, i don't want to be a prick friend and give my buyist advice.

What do you guys reckon?

p.s yes, i am bored at work haha.

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Its nice to build up your own car with mods, your own touch etc.. but its ALOT cheaper to buy one already done, plus less stress, but also less fun...

depends what he wants, to spend more money to build what he wants and learn along the way, or to just have a nice already built car to drive..

I love my car, but if i had the chance to go back, i'd be tempted to buy one that had been modded already, but with what i want.

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I reckon it saves a lot of headaches, and in the long run, he'd be saving a HUGE amount of money.

If you add up the amount of money that it costs to do all the "fully sik" mods to a car, it comes to a small fortune.

If you buy a car that has already had everything done to it, there's no need to spend any more $$ on it.

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why go through the "oh i wish it was faster" soon as you get it.. when if already modified it will be faster or handle better than other stock cars to begin with.. all it can go from there is even faster. Most of the "basics" are a little boring anyhow if you ask me (bleed valve, exhaust system, etc). You save a heap of money.

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Sorry, I dont respect a guy i know who bought a fully worked tx3.  

The guy couldnt even tell me how his boost controller worked or how to adjust his bov.

:) i think these guys are funny. I've enjoyed modding my own car, wouldn't have it any other way really.


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The only problem I see in buying an already highly modded car is that it would have been driven hard. Why would the seller have done the mods in the firt place? To go faster.

If the seller is a good car respecting person (you would think so driving a modded car) and lets it warm up before caning it, uses good oils etc. Then I don't see a problem, unless possibly the seller knows that there is a major problem with the car that the buyer might not pick up.

I wouldn't really care if it is known as the other person's car, stick some different wheels on it, and hey presto it's now 'yours' :)

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I could never buy somebody elses dream and ideas. It would be like having sex with your mates wife.

:) what kinda comparison is that?? Got nothing to do with it..

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