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You Know, That Really Grinds My Gears Thread.


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Menace on Perth roads and possible hazard to all persons:

Dumb cow it blue/purple Mazda 6 with blue/purple matching number plates ''SHARLEE'' - this chick can NOT drive. A couple of weeks ago this dumb b#tch nearly ran me off the road. This morning, it happened again.... Note to you - learn to check your blind spot dickhead you're not the only one on the road.

End rant.

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Mazda 6s with personal plates must attract dickheads

there's a black one with MUTANTX plates on it, see it often on the freeway, he's one of those c**ts that changes lane every 5 seconds, and doesn't leave a lot of room either...total knob.

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WGMG - "Spam" from the work social club about this raffle, that raffle cheap tickets wank wank... and obviously someone complained because this morning there was an email titled 'PLEASE READ BEFORE DELETING' This is what the email said with its own little yes/no voting thing attached...

Hi to all

I am one of these people that don’t like junk email and I know there are a lot of people like me.

You may have seen the movie email that I sent on the 10th Jan and I am going to send one this week too.

I don’t want to be that annoying person that sends the junk email, so I am asking everyone to select a voting button at the top of the page.

The question is, “Would you like to receive the movie updates each week or not?”

Can you let me know as soon as possible? If I don’t get a response I will presume that you want the emails.

This is only for the movie info.

Guess what - you ARE that annoying person that sends out junk emails. :P

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hahaha Liz its like our work we get emailed to up date us on raffles every two days haha its like im not bidding so i dont care - just do it thru the intranet that way people that are bidding can see! Oh thats right they do it thru the intranet as well.

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WGMG - "Spam" from the work social club about this raffle, that raffle cheap tickets wank wank... and obviously someone complained because this morning there was an email titled 'PLEASE READ BEFORE DELETING' This is what the email said with its own little yes/no voting thing attached...

Hi to all

I am one of these people that don’t like junk email and I know there are a lot of people like me.

You may have seen the movie email that I sent on the 10th Jan and I am going to send one this week too.

I don’t want to be that annoying person that sends the junk email, so I am asking everyone to select a voting button at the top of the page.

The question is, “Would you like to receive the movie updates each week or not?”

Can you let me know as soon as possible? If I don’t get a response I will presume that you want the emails.

This is only for the movie info.

Guess what - you ARE that annoying person that sends out junk emails. :laugh:

And that my friend...

Wins you the!!


That Really Grinds My Gears Grumbler of the Week Trophy!

Damn Junk email.... Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...

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Good day,

VlA_AGRA $1, 80

ClA_ALIS $3, 00

LEV_VlTRA $3, 35


( Important ! Replace "*" with "." )


Slytherin table now, and Karkaroff had just bustled up to his students.

Back to the ship, then, he was saying. Viktor, how are you feeling?

Did you eat enough? Should I send for some mulled wine from the kitchens

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what grinds my gears,

dirty beach men, lately i go to the beach regularly, either for a swim or a snorkel and no matter what time, day or beach i got to there is always an elderly man in the smallest speedo, this is disgusting, and i notice most of them sit around the girls in bikinis, and when they finally get up from perving they have a wedgie and dont seem to care :( , and you can tell they have been doing it for a very long time because they are very very dark from the sun, so i just wanted to get that off my chest :laugh:

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hahaha there is an old guy who goes to my gym and just works on his chest. he must go to the beach alot cause he is hell dark now.

his chest is huge but the rest looks normal. it looks so dumb

he drives some shitty old girls cabrio convertable. its f**kin gay as

and he has a stupid wig on.

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Mobile phones whilst driving!!! nothing more grinds my gears, get me miffed etc etc.... A close second would be real estate agents claiming that a house that I am looking at is out of my range or deciding that I am a first home owner!!!!

Pulled one guy up and informed him of my Salary, also told him that he cost himself a sale... We were very interested.. but I would rather spend my $$$$ with someone else.

Third, people who lean against other peoples cars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thats is all


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Mobile phones whilst driving!!! nothing more grinds my gears, get me miffed etc etc.... A close second would be real estate agents claiming that a house that I am looking at is out of my range or deciding that I am a first home owner!!!!

Pulled one guy up and informed him of my Salary, also told him that he cost himself a sale... We were very interested.. but I would rather spend my $$$$ with someone else.

Third, people who lean against other peoples cars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thats is all


i agree with the people leaning on your car part, especially at cruises, at the breast cancer cruise i had about 7 people leaning on my car, when i walked up to get in they probably thought i was some little boy looking for his dad, i pushed through and moved my car, :P

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So sammie...if you read this....was it the fuel pump or clutch that put your car off the road?

If it was the fuel pump dying while driving consider yourself lucky that nothing went bang when the motor leaned out :laugh:

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