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You Know, That Really Grinds My Gears Thread.


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wgmg is fellow Sauwa'ers'ys thinking they spot you on Reid Hwy doing 130 when you're actually sleeping that afternoon, and then make me paranoid & stop me from drinking my beer.


Must be Reid highway dude!!!!

Dan reckons he spotted me on Reid hwy, but i dont recall being there....then he called me a name. Whore i think it was. That right Dan??

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then knowing i have to pay get my wisdom teeth out in three weeks and not having private health care, or be on the healthcare centerlink thingo =[ lame

Had mine out a couple of weeks ago, so far private health insurance has only covered $200 of the $700 surgeon's fee, haven't had the anethatist's fee yet, and I'm not sure it saved a whole lot in being at the hospital, basically private health insurance is a rip IMO, once I move out I wont have it.

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Had mine out a couple of weeks ago, so far private health insurance has only covered $200 of the $700 surgeon's fee, haven't had the anethatist's fee yet, and I'm not sure it saved a whole lot in being at the hospital, basically private health insurance is a rip IMO, once I move out I wont have it.

yeah i called up ages ago and asked how much it would cover, and for the ammount that i would pay all year, i may aswell just save up for the surgery.

its so stupid that i have to pay so much for it though. did it hurt when you got them out?

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In the chair at the dentist, the needle in the jaw trick and come back a week later to do the next one. I wont say it was fun but it wasn't unbearable and it is much better having them out.

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I run a Computer shop yet I cant for the life of me work out how the hell I'm meant to get my damn MMS messages working on this O2 XDA 2 mini phone with Virgin mobile!!!


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f**king Asian-like posts on sau from non-Asian members!

The ability to string together a coherent sentence with some punctuation manages to elude the white man, WHY?


Me so sorry, england not very good, Singapore me come from. Me only know how to say.... "You're a bloody work of art you know that? You contumelious p.o.s" :P:laugh:

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women driving in 4wds (with kids)

my bf just dropped me home and we were on canning hwy in the left hand lane, woman next to us in a 4wd in the right lane starts moving closer to the left lane, not leaving much room for between her and the curb.

her back end is side to side with our front end. she starts to pull out lefft into our lane - then she starts indicating left and continues to move into the left lane.

its a good job my bf was able to assess her poor driving abilities before she was or she would deffinately have been needing a good insurance policy.

she finally realised that she was about to smash into us when he held the horn down and then she swerved back into the right lane

would have been so bad.

bf just had his new front bar painted and put on at Cowley today

Edited by Lucy in the Sky
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Lucy - I AGREE!!! There is this tool who I always seem to get stuck behind going to work... he drives a hyundai terracan or something shit like that and he never looks when he changes lanes. He has nearly taken me out about 6 times in the last few months. Whats worse is when they drive along like nothing happened.... umm hello you nearly just ran someone off the road you stupid prick!

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What grinds my gears big time..

Sony Playstation 3 Lovers..

I mean come on.. What the heck.. its $1000 for gods sake.. how many kids will be getting one of these for Xmas!! Sure billy we will spend $1000 on your birthday present.. Hell we need an over priced Blue Ray Movie player * Cough Beta cough*

End of the day people it will be WAR.. WAR I TELL YOU.

I refuse to sell PS3 and will only be selling Nintendo Wii and XBOX 360.

No media Center on your $1000 Blueray player....

I just hate PS3. its not out yet and its damn UGLY.

That is all.

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Lucy - I AGREE!!! There is this tool who I always seem to get stuck behind going to work... he drives a hyundai terracan or something shit like that and he never looks when he changes lanes. He has nearly taken me out about 6 times in the last few months. Whats worse is when they drive along like nothing happened.... umm hello you nearly just ran someone off the road you stupid prick!

cant you get them on video now and report them under the 'hoon' legislation or something with a stupid name?

if someone did it to me that much i would just let them hit me and make them pay me out.

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i was at carlisle tafe,because i am a aircon apprentice, left my lights on which was stupid i admit. So i asked the mechanic teacher if i could borrow some jumper leads which he replied we dont have any. then him asking what car it was for which i replied a skyline and they all gave me a commodore is the greatest car in the land smile. Then after pointing out about 10 cars in the workshop that had some jumper leads on he replies nah sorry mate piss off. end rant.

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