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Keep it up Hamilton. The only thing sweeter than seeing another Ferrari double this year will be to see you lose it due to your own stupidity!


I wish Hamilton all the sucess of the Cronulla Sharks. Nothing would make me happier than watching him race for another 20 years and never win a tittle!!!!

Watching Massa turn him round, was the highlight of the race for me. not because I love Massa, but because someone finally gave some back to the fu(ker!

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My 2cents.

- Penalising Hamilton for Turn 1 incident at the start, harsh considering crap like that goes down all the time, pretty harsh, but as long as they are consistent from now on when someone else does the right thing.

- Massa's penalty, he cut the corner, had his whole car on the wrong side of the white line, then took Hamilton out. Defiantly a Penalty. Defiantly worse than Hamiltons pass then let kimi by then pass again a few weeks ago, but yet they got the same penalty? Dodgy.

- Bourdais being penalised for Massa hitting him? Don't agree with that one either. Bourdais was on the inside, where else could he go? Is he suppose to just pull over come to a complete stop and let Massa by? I thought this was meant to be racing....

- Hamilton was a bit of a tard for his inpatients at the start, cost him a load of points, i bet no one his kicking him more than himself. Only one person to blame for that one.

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I braked a bit late - but so did everybody. A lot of cars went wide at Turn One - and I just went a bit wider than everyone else.

lol @ everyone else braking late and going wide...you're the only one I saw lock your brakes and push every car on the outside of you completely off the track.

Not sure how anyone can take that as him admitting fault...

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- Massa's penalty, he cut the corner, had his whole car on the wrong side of the white line, then took Hamilton out. Defiantly a Penalty. Defiantly worse than Hamiltons pass then let kimi by then pass again a few weeks ago, but yet they got the same penalty? Dodgy.

Heiki did the same thing to Webber a few races back when he was in a good position and it completely f**ked webbers race. All heiki got was a drive through.

Does hamilton have some super braking powers that let him stop better than the rest of the field? He had no chance of ever pulling that off into turn 1.

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Heiki did the same thing to Webber a few races back when he was in a good position and it completely f**ked webbers race. All heiki got was a drive through.

Does hamilton have some super braking powers that let him stop better than the rest of the field? He had no chance of ever pulling that off into turn 1.

I dont know if you normally watch the F1, but in EVERY SINGLE RACE, craziness like that happens at the first corner... ALWAYS... I'v never seen a penalty for it before, and it will probably be a long time before we ever see another penalty like that one..

Hamilton did make a judgement error, yes, there is no doubting it. He was still attempting to avoid an incident once he realised he coming in to hot.. But Massa's spinning hamilton at turn 11 was utter bullshiz, massa ran wide, hamilton took the line, massa up the inside over the grass and straight into him... That wasnt a judgement error, there was no way he was going to be able to legally take the position back and you can see no brakes or anything he INTENTIONALLY tapped lewis, wrecking any chance for points that lewis had... The fact that they received the same sort of penalty costing them the same time was ridiculous, massa needed to receive a stop and go and it would have been fair i think..

Also, Massa passing webber on the 65th lap down the straight, using the exit of the pit lane, craziness that is not allowed at all... All 4 wheels were over the white line, and I will be interested to see whether massa has any action taken against him for it...

Other than that though, FAR-KING great race by alonso.. Consistency was the key here, he ran 1 19's over and over and over in the middle part of the race, it was fantastic... Also, a good drive for webber, really didnt get the coverage as things were happening everywhere else, and i reckon he got screwed out of points there at the end...

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Who knows, Massa may have tagged Lewis intentionally. Personally i suspect it was a matter of all or nothing on Massa's part. Right there was the his championship shot if Lewis got by and cleared out...so he put him to the test to see if he left him any room or was scared wide when the red car loomed by his sidepod. It was a desperate move but i dont think he intentionally punted him. f he was aiming for him he woudl not have take so much infield with him

But Lewis must know that his honeymoon is over. People are putting him to task. His aggressive moves on people, even people he is not directly racing and easily passing means that from here on in he may not be shown the same courtesy in traffic or when side by side as the likes of Kubica, Alonso, Heidfeld and Kimi etc show other drivers. Ou reap what you sew. He just stuffed up almost as badly as he did in China last year. He simply couldn’t handle going into turn 1 in 4th or 5th (Still ahead of Massa). He needed to try and win the race on turn 1 after having tanked the start :banana:

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Nobody sees to have mentioned the koob and his brilliant defense of kimi

THAT was wonderful to watch. The guy is going to be a champ for sure with determination like that. They were both clean and fair, even when kimi took a bit of an off road excursion, it was great to watch.

Wont see skill and class like that say for maybe two other guys in the whole field.

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that was good hard racing! Did very well to hold him out for a few laps there.

I think Weber crossed the line (so to speak) defending against Massa in a similar fashion though - once they get up beside you on a straight you have no business driving them off the racetrack.

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Nobody sees to have mentioned the koob and his brilliant defense of kimi

THAT was wonderful to watch. The guy is going to be a champ for sure with determination like that. They were both clean and fair, even when kimi took a bit of an off road excursion, it was great to watch.

Wont see skill and class like that say for maybe two other guys in the whole field.

hey I;ve been trying to tell you guys that cube is the man for some time now! he's the real deal. and isn't impeded by a giant novelty sized ego like hamilton is...

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that was good hard racing! Did very well to hold him out for a few laps there.

I think Weber crossed the line (so to speak) defending against Massa in a similar fashion though - once they get up beside you on a straight you have no business driving them off the racetrack.

Agree...but i think the thing was Webber was so far over he just assumed Massa was going to go outside, not the inside. Remembering that the mirrors are for no real purpose other then cosmetics. I think once Webber realised he was indeed coming up the inside he stopped moving over. But it was a pretty dangerous situation.

Yeh Kubz...look at the championship points and he is the most deserving. The two in front are makign hard work of the whole situation and not worthy in my eyes, especially in light of Kubz's efforts and consistancy

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yes it's one thing peolpe have failed to mention and that is it wouldn't have mattered too much if masa punted him or not as he had already flat spotted his tyres (and I quote) down to the canvas. imagine driving down a 1.5km straight with square tyres... he would have had to pit anyway which would have put him pretty much where he was. and it was good to see hambone get a taste of what it's like for people to try un-workable moves on you only to wreck your race for you in the process.

and I lol'd when later in the race they said that someone (I forget who, I think maybe massa) needed to pull a hamilton-esque move to pass someone. haha, get your hand off it boys. the best thing hamilton has one so far is the church picnic raffle. I will most likely wet my pants if massa wins this year. kimi snatched it last year. ferrari will be well pleased to have taken the WDC and WCC two years in a row one each for their drivers. with some help from their good mates at the FIA.

HAHAHAH I guess I wasn't the only one pissing my pants laughing at that comment.

Nobody sees to have mentioned the koob and his brilliant defense of kimi

THAT was wonderful to watch. The guy is going to be a champ for sure with determination like that. They were both clean and fair, even when kimi took a bit of an off road excursion, it was great to watch.

Wont see skill and class like that say for maybe two other guys in the whole field.

That was awesome to watch, excellent defence by the koob man, didn't choke

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this makes me like Alonso even more

alonso vows to help Massa win title

Back to back Grand Prix winner Fernando Alonso has admitted he would assist the title challenge of Ferrari's Felipe Massa in the last two races of 2008.

After his disastrous tenure at McLaren last year, the Spaniard makes clear he is not barracking for the British team's Lewis Hamilton, who leads the points standings against Massa by five points.

In the official post-race press conference at Fuji Speedway, Alonso admitted he agreed with the stewards' decision to penalise Hamilton for his first corner incident.

The 27-year-old later told Italy's Sky: "I didn't know why he (Hamilton) had been penalised. After last year, I want Ferrari to win. I will help Massa if I can."

Despite backing Massa over Hamilton, however, Alonso admits he has not been overly impressed with either driver's championship campaign.

"They have thrown away many points," Spain's Diario AS newspaper quotes him as saying.

"After 16 races the leader has 84 points, but I had that many after nine races in 2006," Alonso recalls.

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Fernando Alonso has inadvertently confirmed that he judged Lewis Hamilton's penalty in the Japanese GP fully deserved without even knowing what the Englishman was punished for.

In the post-race press conference conducted immediately after Sunday's event, the three podium finishers were asked if they thought Hamilton's drive-through penalty was fair. While Kimi Raikkonen and Robert Kubica both replied that they "didn't know" because they "didn't see the whole thing", Alonso, without hesitation, declared he "agreed" with the decision.

However, speaking later to a Spanish newspaper, the former McLaren driver, who endured a fractious relationship with Hamilton during his season at Woking, Alonso admitted he didn't know what had happened or even what the stewards had found him guilty of.

"I don't know what he did," said the Spaniard, "but it's good he's punished anyway."

Alonso, the most outspoken critic of Hamilton's driving in the Belgium GP, went on to confirm that, "without a doubt", he would attempt to help Felipe Massa win the title ahead of Hamilton.


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yeh, too many arm-chair racers on here.lol. get on a track, even if its in a kart and you will see how quick your point of view on racing incidents changes. also putting yourself in a position where you can get into trouble. and on the other hand being overzealous and punting someone. shit happens.

its life mate, if you are leading the championship by a handful of points and passing your main rival, squeeze him at your own peril!

who was it that said "no-one will ever pass me on the outside again"??? if I mouthed off like that I'd be very careful about putting my car on the outside of anyone in a corner lol

the Bordais decision was just f**ked up if you ask me. That's for position and he had the inside line. Fair bump, play on. But if you penailse Massa for the same thing with Hamo I guess you have to be consistent eh?

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"After 16 races the leader has 84 points, but I had that many after nine races in 2006," Alonso recalls.

Ahh that was a great year :)

A good point too, the attrition rate this year has been massive.

I think there is another angle on bourdais penalty where he moves across into massa?

Yeah respect to kubica, but we all know he is a good driver and has a decent car. He reminds me of kimi.. doesnt talk shit and just goes racing. Doesnt want to be a celebrity, he wants to race.

Of note - Alonso is only 3 points away from Kovalainen!!! lol

Edited by knore
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ferrari will be well pleased to have taken the WDC and WCC two years in a row one each for their drivers. with some help from their good mates at the FIA.

then it'll count for nought


seems my sooth-saying abilities rank an Epic Fail! lol

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