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I Smashed My Gtr Real Bad.

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mines, firstly its good ur okay...

Just got a few comments, yes, it takes experienced drivers to drive high powered cars, however, most importantly, you need a smart and sensible head on ur shoulders.

For example, if u have people in ur car telling u to go faster, u need to have enough brains to know whats best and safe for ur passengers and for the general public.

Now, before u tell me i wouldn't know, i was 20years old and i owned a R32 GTR with a T78 , power output over 360rwkw

I drove this car as a daily driver and had no problems, i had previously driven a modified MR2 turbo for 2 years.

I do admit a GTR with the power i was running is dangerous for inexperienced drivers, im not saying im completely experienced, however, i knew how to drive it safely, i respected the cars power and also respected other people on the road, both cars and pedestrians.

Its a shame you've crashed such a nice car, from what ive read, this is your 2nd accident, hopefully you've learnt from this...

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Similiar thing happened to a family friend of ours about 3 years ago. His dad was a lawyer so he stupidly bought his son a new wrx for his 18th birthday. 2 month later the son smashed the car into a lightpole and rolled it, he survived the accident but then the lightpole came crashing down and killed him before he could get out.

Needless to say his dad has still not recovered as everyone told him he was stupid for buying his son such a powerfull car before he had the accident.

Mines Datsun you have had 2 strikes the 3 one u might not live to boast about.

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great post ken......I have a question also....who here is a panel beater????Its kinda like trying to tell the chef how to bake cookies :D.....I have seen porsche's,lambo,s i even saw a testarossa cut and shut in japan.....you would never know whats happened to your car...i bet i can look at 70% of your cars and find previous damage...20% will be unspottable(nice job)and the other 10% possibly factory(untouched)

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The fact that the car is 4wd rears its ugly head once more...why do we see such big offs in WRX's because the cars handling lures the driver into a false sense of security... the 4wd system makes them feels faultless behind the wheel...and when it does finally let go...ITS A BIG ONE... Rear wheel drive cars are much more driver involved... you are always conscience of the back letting go and you just can't carry as much speed into the corner as you can when you have 4wd

Instead of making the car handle better 4WD just make the accidents BIGGER!

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I grew up in the country on a farm, and learned to drive in a '75 Honda Civic in the paddock (was lots of fun in Winter). My dad bought me a $1000 '90 Magna as my first car and I drove that for 3 years, then got a Laser and had that for 4 years. I am now 24 and just bought myself (after working hard while saving) a '92 180sx (pretty much stock). I have learned how to drive and respect powerful cars. I have never had a speeding fine or any traffic offence. Even though this car is pretty stock, it's quite a jump compared to my Laser!

Having said that, I'm amazed at the amount of younger drivers (< 20yrs) who own such high valued and powerful cars. I mean I was always taught to start from the basics and work your way up, so you appreciate what's under you as you climb. It scares me to drive on the road that there are such inexperienced drivers driving cars they cannot handle. I acknowlege that there are some who highly respect their GTR's or GTS-T's or whatever, and that's great. But seriously, I would not (even if I had the money) give my son/daughter a car like this, just for their own, and other's safety (and so they appreciate what they have).

I've read every post in this thread and have found it real eye opening and inspiring to take more care on the road. I certainly will. Sometimes I've got the back end wiggling a little in the wet and I don't even like doing that, as I could so easily end up sideways on the other side of the road. I hope everyone else who has read this thread also takes something from it and will respect their powerful car more.

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Damn that sux man :D sorry to hear...

i learnt the first day i ever drove my car, 100% throttle is useless on public roads, i very rarely go over 4000RPM ever...

where did it happen? your just so lucky there wasn't anyone in the bus stop or u would most probably be sitting in gaol on a manslaughter (spelling) charge...

Hope all is well...

BTW there is a R32 Body complete respray etc... for sale at justjap, i suggest you check it out, it could be a solution to ur problem?

its a sad day when a GTR dies :D

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I don't mean to be rude Mines_Datsun, but how did you talk your parents into buying you a GT-R after you totalled your last car? You went from an ex-police car (i think) to an even higher performance vehicle... how did your parents react when you told them you'd crashed it?

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My 2 cents is this:

My first cent is this - Ive said before that Im glad I didnt get my first powerful car til I was 25. I could have but chose a shitty fwd POS and learnt to have a bit of fun in something that wasnt going to make a huge mess into a bus stop (or worse) if I made a mistake. WHICH WE ALL HAVE DONE when we first are learning to drive.

My second cent is that it costs you $50 or so to join a CAMS affiliated club. $91 to get a L2S licence. Then you can go drive fast on a damn race track. Safely. And learn a hell of a lot about driving fast IN YOUR CAR and probably wont ever try and take a right angle turn redlined in 2nd gear.


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for the guy that drove the car.

STFU and listen.

Who gives a Shit about the GT-R (Can't believe I said that) but think of this.

What if your mum dad sister some pregnant lady anyone was walking past, and this wanker killed them?

What are his parents gonna do? Get him a good barrister, a new car, and let him do it again?

Hope you loose your licence for a long time mate. They'll be looking for you, and I hope they find you.

You crash a car, so you then get a GT-R ? Stupid choice.

I have no sympathy for wreckless drivers.

You should have been on a race track. Not a public road.

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the other thing which really startles me is that he has such an expencive car but no insurance that is the dumbest thing i have ever seen... i can understand having 3rd part on cars up to 15 maybe 20k but more than they jesus taking a big risk and yea this is how it has ended :D

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Wow, this thread's nuts! Gotta agree with "The Mafia" here, it doesn't really mean much to me with what car he totalled, but it matters when other people's lives are involved!

MINES, how many people were in the car? Did they know you can't drive for shit and have already written off a car? Was your gilfriend/boyfriend in the car? If he/she was, I bet their parents are real happy with you...

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since it seems everyone on SAU has to have a post here as a rollcall so i'll have my say.

MINES - i aint gonna hassle you or call you a ****wit but PLEASE do not get another GTR or high perfomance car, take an advanced driving course and chill out you have nothing to prove and everything to lose.

glad you're not crippled.

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