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Insurance Of The Future


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VEHICLE DIAGNOSTIC TELEMATICS ........ big bother is knocking on your insurance door.

I can tell you as a fact that Insurance companies in Australia are looking right now at bringing in the compulsory fitting of these devices as a requirement for you getting insurance on your exotic/super car/modified high performance cars.

This is an example of the pitch insurance companies are using right now, http://www.insurethebox.com/ offering discounts and help if your car is stolen but shortly it will be a demand, especially for big dollar vehicles and high risk vehicles such as HPI's....

Insurance companies are now offering discounts for people that fit Telematic devices that send details of how you drive back to the insurance company.

These boxes send back your speed, braking, acceleration, distances, time of day.... all your driving habits directly to your insurance company (including track days).

People on the car scene need to get together and black ban any insurance company that offers these devices in Australia otherwise you'll never be able to accelerate hard or brake hard again without losing your insurance cover. If you were driving at 10kmh over the limit at the time of any accident they will have a record of it and you wont have insurance.

Next step will be the police having the power to look at this data as a way to "help lower the road toll" and using that excuse ......... you know it will go thru Parliament like Hugh Hefner through blondes.

Right now they're offering it as an incentive to get discount to suckers that will come on board. Next step will be they wont insure your supercar, modified car or collector car without one.... then it will lead to no one getting insurance without one... the only way to fight this would be a world wide black banning of insurance companies offering their use right now.

Unfortunately I cant see that happening, so welcome to our future, guys.

Spread the word.

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Frigging tops...

Now where's that revolution.

While everyone's official stance is not to speed and drive safely... a golden rule like that never ever works in the real world...there may just be an instance where someone needs to momentarily get out of real danger, or safely minimise overtaking times etc.

I suppose it's a downside of living in a nice developed country like ours albeit a large-ish downside...still better than getting shot and bombed at =/

Big brother really does suck.

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there is a positive side to it though. all these dicks that write off multiple cars doing stupid things will no longer get insurance so they will start to learn their lesson. at the end of the day, if you don't do stupid things it's your own fault. it's like people who whinge about speed cameras or getting pulled over by the police. if you don't break the law you don't have to worry. i'm sure that if they changed the road rules so that if you were speeding 40kmh or more over the limit gave you a 1 month jail sentence everyone would chuck the shits, but at the end of the day, doing 40kmh over the limit isn't a minor slip up, or missing a speed sign, it is a deliberate act of breaking the law and you have to deal with the consequences.

and while i know that the insurance companies would try to do the wrong thing and use the data to either drastically up peoples premiums or refuse to insure people, but at the same time they could use it to show who was to blame for an accident (so if you run up the arse of another car and you were doing 10km/h over the limit and they were doing the speed limit then you are obviously at fault and shouldn't have been speeding and that contributed to the accident). it would also show the insurance companies who the irresponsible drivers are who deserve to have higher premiums. there are plenty of boy racer import owners who floor it wherever they go, always brake at the last minute, corner faster, etc. and these are the ones who will get screwed under this plan. if you drive it as a daily, and drive no differently you would any other car then you won't have an issue.

i'm sorry for the rant but i just get sick and tired of people getting upset that they aren't going to be able to do illegal or unsafe things in their car without some sort of punishment.

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there is a positive side to it though. all these dicks that write off multiple cars doing stupid things will no longer get insurance so they will start to learn their lesson. at the end of the day, if you don't do stupid things it's your own fault. it's like people who whinge about speed cameras or getting pulled over by the police. if you don't break the law you don't have to worry. i'm sure that if they changed the road rules so that if you were speeding 40kmh or more over the limit gave you a 1 month jail sentence everyone would chuck the shits, but at the end of the day, doing 40kmh over the limit isn't a minor slip up, or missing a speed sign, it is a deliberate act of breaking the law and you have to deal with the consequences.

and while i know that the insurance companies would try to do the wrong thing and use the data to either drastically up peoples premiums or refuse to insure people, but at the same time they could use it to show who was to blame for an accident (so if you run up the arse of another car and you were doing 10km/h over the limit and they were doing the speed limit then you are obviously at fault and shouldn't have been speeding and that contributed to the accident). it would also show the insurance companies who the irresponsible drivers are who deserve to have higher premiums. there are plenty of boy racer import owners who floor it wherever they go, always brake at the last minute, corner faster, etc. and these are the ones who will get screwed under this plan. if you drive it as a daily, and drive no differently you would any other car then you won't have an issue.

i'm sorry for the rant but i just get sick and tired of people getting upset that they aren't going to be able to do illegal or unsafe things in their car without some sort of punishment.

They will all still drive, you think its a good idea that thousands of people are driving around with no insurance?

There is another issue pending, unregistered cars are being driven everywhere now as your rego cannot be paid without first clearing all your unpaid outstanding fines, this means no TAC etc.

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Without being naive enough to dismiss it totally, it's a long bow to draw linking a UK company who is not exactly well established in the insurance industry and saying it's happening here.

I can tell you as a fact that Insurance companies in Australia are looking right now at bringing in the compulsory fitting of these devices as a requirement for you getting insurance on your exotic/super car/modified high performance cars.

Some details of your source would be good so that we can make some judgement.

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Without being naive enough to dismiss it totally, it's a long bow to draw linking a UK company who is not exactly well established in the insurance industry and saying it's happening here.

Some details of your source would be good so that we can make some judgement.


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so if you run up the arse of another car and you were doing 10km/h over the limit and they were doing the speed limit then you are obviously at fault and shouldn't have been speeding and that contributed to the accidenti'm sorry for the rant but i just get sick and tired of people getting upset that they aren't going to be able to do illegal or unsafe things in their car without some sort of punishment.

If you run up someone it is the person behind that is ALWAYS at fault no exceptions (if there are do share). Also you jump to the conclusion that it is only people doing Illegal or Unsafe things that will cop it, for sure they will face the brunt of it, but they are not the only ones and that is their own fault. The system will assume that the cars are ALWAYS being driven on the public roads, no matter even if you take it on to tracks (where insurance is void anyway) where it is safe and legal to be a knob. Insurance companies wont let there be a button to simply switch it off whenever you feel like driving spirited on private property as you could just switch it off all the time.

What if you do a lot of city peak hour driving? Quick hard acceleration to merge or get out of the way of emergency vehicles, quick turns, heavy breaking as the lights change and you don't want that safety cam fine, taxi's drtiving like idiots all around you.

Yeah good on you Mr don't break the law :) , you don't have to break the road rules to have a hard day on the roads especially if you live in the Major cities.

Without being naive enough to dismiss it totally, it's a long bow to draw linking a UK company who is not exactly well established in the insurance industry and saying it's happening here.

Some details of your source would be good so that we can make some judgement.

I took it from another car forum, it should be doing the rounds around now. It isn't a major established thing because it is only new technology. There was a time when immobilisers were once new technology and insurance companies were only attatching them to high end cars. Uk insurance companies are already demanding them for certain makes and there is one instance where it has been asked for in Australia.

But seriously you think Insurance agencies won't just use this as another excuse to raise their prices? Ofcorse they will. Everyone will suffer, there won't be any winners unless you stop driving all together. ANything the UK does, we follow suit.... Fixed speed cameras, bus lanes, bike lanes, average speed detectors, gun laws, especially since the basis of ALL INSURANCE AGENCIES IN AUSTRALIA have roots to the UK where they collaborate under LLoyds of London and share info.

But time will tell, the only way to stop the system is to avoid the insurance companies that use them. I do hope the system fails.

Ask the OP for the source http://aussieexotics.com/forum/driving/ver...are-8263.0.html

as I said before I am only the messenger, but i'll look into it in more depth.

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If you run up someone it is the person behind that is ALWAYS at fault no exceptions (if there are do share).

Tell that to my mate who had an F100 ute reverse into him at the traffic lights in a road-rage episode, then claim against his insurance company for the damage caused...no witnesses...

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^^^ I was stopped in traffic outside the bowling club/parramatta park minding my own business.

The milk truck (in front) reversed into me and this liar tried to talk his way out of it, saying he had his offsider to vouch for him.

I ran into the bowlo and couldn't find anyone > walked back out the milkman and said, "do you see those people in there?" (no-one behind the reflective glass) > he paid up.


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^^^ I was stopped in traffic outside the bowling club/parramatta park minding my own business.

The milk truck (in front) reversed into me and this liar tried to talk his way out of it, saying he had his offsider to vouch for him.

I ran into the bowlo and couldn't find anyone > walked back out the milkman and said, "do you see those people in there?" (no-one behind the reflective glass) > he paid up.


LOL Nice one!

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Tell that to my mate who had an F100 ute reverse into him at the traffic lights in a road-rage episode, then claim against his insurance company for the damage caused...no witnesses...

That is what I mean, the law says if it looks like someone has been hit in a rear ender (if it was actual rear ender or someone made it look like one and you can not prove otherwise) then the person behind in the eyes of insurance is in the wrong.

No two ways about it, don't know why you posted that up for, it only confirms what I said????

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Kujotk - I can see your point, but I hardly think if your premiums were calculated on your driving style that 1 or 2 hard brakes would cause an increase... Pretty sure there would be more method to their madness.

Either way - this wont be here for a while - so why not use and enjoy your cars while you have them. Stop worrying about what "might" happen.

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Just a quick correction the car that is behind is always at fault unless the front car was in reverse. If you hit somebody from behind at traffic lights or braking hard then yes your at fault but if that person was in reverse gear (they don't even have to moving just gear engaged and reverse lights on) then they are at fault.

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